89 research outputs found

    The Mueller-Tang jet impact factor at NLO from the high energy effective action

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    We report on recent progress in the evaluation of next-to-leading order observables using Lipatov's QCD high energy effective action. In this contribution we focus on the determination of the real part of the next-to-leading order corrections to the Mueller-Tang impact factor which is the only missing element for a complete NLO BFKL description of quark induced dijet events with a rapidity gap.Comment: 5 pages, Proceedings of 7th International Workshop on Diffraction in High Energy Physics (Diffraction 2012

    Forward Drell-Yan plus backward jet as a test of BFKL evolution

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    We study Drell-Yan plus jet events where the gauge boson is produced in the forward direction of one of the colliding protons and a jet is produced in the forward direction of the second proton. The resulting large rapidity difference between the final states then opens up the phase space for BFKL evolution. First numerical results on partonic level are provided.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, proceedings of the XX Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects, 26-30 March, University of Bonn (2012

    Transverse momentum dependent splitting functions at work: quark-to-gluon splitting

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    Using the recently obtained Pgq splitting function we extend the low x evolution equation for gluons to account for contributions originating from quark-to-gluon splitting. In order to write down a consistent equation we resum virtual corrections coming from the gluon channel and demonstrate that this implies a suitable regularization of the Pgq singularity, corresponding to a soft emitted quark. We also note that the obtained equation is in a straightforward manner generalized to a nonlinear evolution equation which takes into account effects due to the presence of high gluon densities.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, published versio

    A kT-dependent sea-quark density for the CASCADE Monte Carlo event generator

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    Parton-shower event generators that go beyond the collinear-ordering approximation at small x have so far included only gluon and valence quark channels at transverse momentum dependent level. We describe results of recent work to include effects of the sea-quark distribution with explicit dependence on the transverse quark-momentum.This sea-quark density is then applied to the description of forward Z -production. The qq*->Z matrix element (with one off-shell quark) is calculated in an explicit gauge invariant way, making use of high energy factorization. The kT-factorized result has been implemented into the CCFM Monte-Carlo CASCADE and a numerical comparison with the qg*->Zq matrix element has been carried out.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, based on a talk given at the XXI Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects, 11-15 April, Newport News, Virginia (2011

    TMD splitting functions in kT factorization: the real contribution to the gluon-to-gluon splitting

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    We calculate the transverse momentum dependent gluon-to-gluon splitting function within kTk_T-factorization, generalizing the framework employed in the calculation of the quark splitting functions in [1-3] and demonstrate at the same time the consistency of the extended formalism with previous results. While existing versions of kTk_T factorized evolution equations contain already a gluon-to-gluon splitting function i.e. the leading order Balitsky-Fadin-Kuraev-Lipatov (BFKL) kernel or the Ciafaloni-Catani-Fiore-Marchesini (CCFM) kernel, the obtained splitting function has the important property that it reduces both to the leading order BFKL kernel in the high energy limit, to the Dokshitzer-Gribov-Lipatov-Altarelli-Parisi (DGLAP) gluon-to-gluon splitting function in the collinear limit as well as to the CCFM kernel in the soft limit. At the same time we demonstrate that this splitting kernel can be obtained from a direct calculation of the QCD Feynman diagrams, based on a combined implementation of the Curci-Furmanski-Petronzio formalism for the calculation of the collinear splitting functions and the framework of high energy factorization.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures, published versio

    Applications of Lipatov's high energy effective action to NLO BFKL jet phenomenology

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    We report on recent progress in the evaluation of next-to-leading order (NLO) observables using Lipatov's QCD high energy effective action. We calculate both real and virtual corrections to the quark induced forward jet vertex at NLO, making use of a new regularization method and a subtraction mechanism. As a new result we determine the real part of the NLO Mueller-Tang impact factor which is the only missing element for a complete NLO BFKL description of dijet events with a rapidity gap.Comment: 4 pages, 29 figures, proceedings of the XX Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects, 26-30 March, University of Bonn (2012
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