868 research outputs found

    Using Reactors to Measure θ13\theta_{13}

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    A next-generation neutrino oscillation experiment using reactor neutrinos could give important information on the size of mixing angle θ13\theta_{13}. The motivation and goals for a new reactor measurement are discussed in the context of other measurements using off-axis accelerator neutrino beams. The reactor measurements give a clean measure of the mixing angle without ambiguities associated with the size of the other mixing angles, matter effects, and effects due to CP violation. The key question is whether a next-generation experiment can reach the needed sensitivity goals to make a measurement for sin22θ13\sin^{2}2\theta_{13} at the 0.01 level. The limiting factors associated with a reactor disappearance measurement are described with some ideas of how sensitivities can be improved. Examples of possible experimental setups are presented and compared with respect to cost and sensitivity

    Limits on Electron Neutrino Disappearance from the KARMEN and LSND electron neutrino - Carbon Cross Section Data

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    This paper presents a combined analysis of the KARMEN and LSND nu_e-carbon cross section measurements within the context of a search for nu_e disappearance at high Delta m^2. KARMEN and LSND were located at 17.7 m and 29.8 m respectively from the neutrino source, so the consistency of the two measurements, as a function of antineutrino energy, sets strong limits on neutrino oscillations. Most of the allowed region from the nu_e disappearance analysis of the Gallium calibration data is excluded at >95% CL and the best fit point is excluded at 3.6σ\sigma. Assuming CPT conservation, comparisons are also made to the oscillation analyses of reactor antineutrino data.Comment: Published versio

    Confronting the short-baseline oscillation anomalies with a single sterile neutrino and non-standard matter effects

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    We examine the MiniBooNE neutrino, MiniBooNE antineutrino and LSND antineutrino data sets in a two-neutrino ν()μν()e\stackrel{\tiny{(-)}}{\nu}_{\mu}\rightarrow\stackrel{\tiny{(-)}}{\nu}_e oscillation approximation subject to non-standard matter effects. We assume those effects can be parametrized by an LL-independent effective potential, Vs=±AsV_s=\pm A_s, experienced only by an intermediate, non-weakly-interacting (sterile) neutrino state which we assume participates in the oscillation, where +/+/- corresponds to neutrino/antineutrino propagation. We discuss the mathematical framework in which such oscillations arise in detail, and derive the relevant oscillation probability as a function of the vacuum oscillation parameters Δm2\Delta m^2 and sin22θμe\sin^22\theta_{\mu e}, and the matter effect parameter AsA_s. We are able to successfully fit all three data sets, including the MiniBooNE low energy excess, with the following best-fit model parameters: Δm2=0.47\Delta m^2=0.47 eV2^2, sin22θμe=0.010\sin^22\theta_{\mu e}=0.010, and As=2.0×1010A_s=2.0\times10^{-10} eV. The χ2\chi^2-probability for the best fit corresponds to 21.6%, to be compared to 6.8% for a fit where AsA_s has been set to zero, corresponding to a (3+1) sterile neutrino oscillation model. We find that the compatibility between the three data sets corresponds to 17.4%, to be compared to 2.3% for As=0A_s=0. Finally, given the fit results, we examine consequences for reactor, solar, and atmospheric oscillations. For this paper, the presented model is empirically driven, but the results obtained can be directly used to investigate various phenomenological interpretations such as non-standard matter effects.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, 1 tabl

    Comparisons and Combinations of Reactor and Long-Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Measurements

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    We investigate how the data from various future neutrino oscillation experiments will constrain the physics parameters for a three active neutrino mixing model. The investigations properly account for the degeneracies and ambiguities associated with the phenomenology as well as estimates of experimental measurement errors. Combinations of various reactor measurements with the expected J-PARC (T2K) and NuMI offaxis (Nova) data, both with and without the increased flux associated with proton driver upgrades, are considered. The studies show how combinations of reactor and offaxis data can resolve degeneracies (e.g. the theta23 degeneracy) and give more precise information on the oscillation parameters. A primary purpose of this investigation is to establish the parameter space regions where CP violation can be discovered and where the mass hierarchy can be determined. It is found that such measurements, even with the augmented flux from proton driver upgrades, demand sin^2 (2 theta13) be fairly large and in the range where it is measurable by reactor experiments.Comment: 25 pages, 13 figures, fixed typos; 25 pages, 13 figures, updated content, references; previous 22 pages, 12 figures, added references and fixed reference display proble

    Precision Measurement of sin^2 theta_W at a Reactor

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    This paper presents a strategy for measuring sin^2 theta_W to ~1% at a reactor-based experiment, using antineutrinos electron elastic scattering. This error is comparable to the NuTeV, SLAC E158, and APV results on sin^2 theta_W, but with substantially different contributions to the systematics. An improved method for identifying antineutrino proton events, which serve both as a background and as a normalization sample, is described. The measurement can be performed using the near detector of the presently proposed reactor-based oscillation experiments. We conclude that an absolute error of delta(sin^2 theta_W)=0.0019 may be achieved.Comment: To be Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    The LSND and MiniBooNE Oscillation Searches at High Δm2\Delta m^2

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    This paper reviews the results of the LSND and MiniBooNE experiments. The primary goal of each experiment was to effect sensitive searches for neutrino oscillations in the mass region with Δm21\Delta m^2 \sim 1 eV2^2. The two experiments are complementary, and so the comparison of results can bring additional information with respect to models with sterile neutrinos. Both experiments obtained evidence for νˉμνˉe\bar \nu_\mu \rightarrow \bar \nu_e oscillations, and MiniBooNE also observed a νμνe\nu_\mu \rightarrow \nu_e excess. In this paper, we review the design, analysis, and results from these experiments. We then consider the results within the global context of sterile neutrino oscillation models. The final data sets require a more extended model than the simple single sterile neutrino model imagined at the time that LSND drew to a close and MiniBooNE began. We show that there are apparent incompatibilities between data sets in models with two sterile neutrinos. However, these incompatibilities may be explained with variations within the systematic error. Overall, models with two (or three) sterile neutrinos seem to succeed in fitting the global data, and they make interesting predictions for future experiments.Comment: Posted with permission from the Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science, Volume 63. \c{opyright} 2013 by Annual Reviews, http://www.annualreviews.or

    Sterile Neutrino Fits to Short Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Measurements

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    This paper reviews short baseline oscillation experiments as interpreted within the context of one, two, and three sterile neutrino models associated with additional neutrino mass states in the ~1 eV range. Appearance and disappearance signals and limits are considered. We show that fitting short baseline data sets to a (3+3) model, defined by three active and three sterile neutrinos, results in an overall goodness of fit of 67%, and a compatibility of 90% among all data sets -- to be compared to the compatibility of 0.043% and 13% for a (3+1) and a (3+2) model, respectively. While the (3+3) fit yields the highest quality overall, it still finds inconsistencies with the MiniBooNE appearance data sets; in particular, the global fit fails to account for the observed MiniBooNE low-energy excess. Given the overall improvement, we recommend using the results of (3+2) and (3+3) fits, rather than (3+1) fits, for future neutrino oscillation phenomenology. These results motivate the pursuit of further short baseline experiments, such as those reviewed in this paper.Comment: Submitted to Advances in High Energy Physics Special Issue on Neutrino Physic

    Short-baseline Neutrino Oscillation Waves in Ultra-large Liquid Scintillator Detectors

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    Powerful new multi-kiloton liquid scintillator neutrino detectors, including NOvA and LENA, will come on-line within the next decade. When these are coupled with a modest-power decay-at-rest (DAR) neutrino source at short-baseline, these detectors can decisively address the recent ambiguous signals for neutrino oscillations at high Delta m^2. These detectors are > 50 m long, and so with a DAR beam, the characteristic oscillation wave will be apparent over the length of the detector, providing a powerful verification of the oscillation phenomena. LENA can simultaneously perform numubar to nuebar appearance and nue to nue disappearance searches with unprecedented sensitivity. NOvA is likely limited to nue disappearance given its present design, but also has excellent sensitivity in the high Delta m^2 region. For the appearance channel, LENA could provide a stringent test of the LSND and MiniBooNE signal regions at > 5 sigma with a reduced fiducial volume of 5 kt and a 10 kW neutrino source. In addition, the LENA and NOvA disappearance sensitivities in nue mode are complementary to the recent reactor anomaly indicating possible nuebar disappearance and would cover this possible oscillation signal at the 3 sigma level.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, 9 table