1,330 research outputs found

    Economic growth and education: a new international policy.

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    First of all this paper presents a world wide view of economic growth and education in 1994, with data of population, gross domestic product per head, and public expenditure on education per head for 199 countries grouped in 40 geographical areas. In the second place the paper present an international production function that includes both physical capital and human capital, measured by the stock of population with secondary education of second level complete, as factors of production. The model was fitted with data of 37 countries, of different levels of development, and shows a good fit and the significativeness of the coefficient of both variables. Education has a positive influence in economic development As many countries are very far below the world average of production and education expenditure by inhabitant, measured in purchasing power parities around 5620 dollars for production and 257 for education expenditure by inhabitant, the only way to improve their situation is to foster international co-operation, as many of those countries are unable to cope with their challenges because they are so poor. Education has a positive influence on economic growth also reducing excesses in fertility average rates, creating a social environment that improve productive investment, making workers more productive and voters more prepared to choose a good government and promote reasonable socio-economic policies. The international co-operation should improve also, where needed, better quality in education contents of human values, promoting respect to peace, human rights and equality for women, as well as the learning of one or more widely spoken world languages to avoid isolation and promoting the access to a greater wealth of information.

    Employment, Wages and Immigration in the European Union: Econometric Models and Comparison with the USA, 1960-2003

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    Some of the main challenges for European Union at the beginning of the 21st century are to increase the rates of employment and the real wages, particularly in those regions and economic sectors with the lowest levels, as well as to develop realistic policies of net immigration, which should have into account the limitations of EU for employment creation and growth of real Gdp, in order to avoid diminutions of average wages and social services expenditure per inhabitant. We estimate some econometric models which explain the lower rates of employment and wages of Europe in comparison with the USA, analyse those differences during the period 1960-2003 and suggest some changes in EU policies in order to increase both average wages and the rates of employment. EU immigration policies should be realistic and limited to the capacities of jobs creation, and the international cooperation of EU with developing countries should be more focused to foster investments and to increase employment and income per inhabitant in the countries of origin of immigrants.

    Human Capital, Population Growth and Industrial Development in Mexico and Turkey: A Comparative Analysis with Other OECD Countries, 1964-2004

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    Mexico and Turkey have experienced an important growth during the last decades of the 20th century but they have, in spite of that, a low level of real income per inhabitant in comparison with OECD averages. This paper analyses the main economic features of these countries, in comparison with other OECD countries, and suggest some economic policies of interest to foster economic development and employment during the next decades, with special focus on human capital and industrial development.

    Exchange Rates, Foreign Trade Prices and PPs in OECD Countries: An Analysis of the period 1960-2003

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    We analyse the evolution of Exchange Rates of Euro and previous national currencies of Euro Zone, as well as those corresponding to other currencies of OECD countries, with particular emphasis on the reaction of exchange rates to inflation differences, and the consequences of those changes on foreign trade and economic growth. We also compare the evolution of Exchange Rates and Purchasing Power Parities in those countries for the period 1960-2003. We present main comparative data and some econometric models which show the strong inverse relationships between the movements of relative domestic prices and exchange rates of domestic currencies to dollar, and test for homogeneity of this relationship among OECD countries.

    Consumption expenditure on Health and Education: Econometric models and evolution of OECD countries 1970-96

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    We analyse the evolution of Private Consumption on two special groups of expenditure: Health, and Education and Culture, having into account that there are some substitution effects between public and private expenditure on both groups. The comparison is made with data of real private expenditure by inhabitant, at 1990 prices and exchange rates, for 13 OECD countries in the period 1970-94 and with data of real public and private expenditure by inhabitant for 24 countries in the year 1996. We estimate some econometric models for private expenditure and the results confirm the existence of the substitution effect and that this effect seems to be higher in the case of Health. From the analysis of the evolution of these variable our main conclusion is that the to increase the expenditure on both groups, with economic development, is positive for welfare and obeys to a rational behaviour of consumers. So we do not agree with the propositions and attempts to cut public expenditure on these important services, which sometimes are made in the name of a kind economic efficiency that do not have into account, in the desirable degree, the quality of services and social welfare.

    Desarrollo econĂłmico mundial en 1980-2005 y retos de la cooperaciĂłn internacional

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    En este estudio presentamos una síntesis del desarrollo económico mundial en el período 1980-2005, incluyendo un anålisis comparativo de la producción sectorial, el crecimiento demogråfico e indicadores de educación, atención a la salud y calidad de vida, de 21 grandes åreas del mundo. Analizamos los principales factores y políticas que pueden impulsar el desarrollo socio-económico y contribuir a la disminución de la pobreza en los países con niveles mås bajos de renta por habitante, especialmente en los que estån situados por debajo de la media mundial. También se analizan los retos que afrontan los distintos agentes de cooperación internacional al desarrollo y se sugieren nuevas vías de cooperación entre los distintos agentes con objeto de lograr un impulso sustancial al desarrollo. Se present a summary of world development in the period 1980-2003, including a comparative analysis of production by sector, population growth and other selected indicators in 21 major areas of the world. We analyze the main factors and economic policies able to foster educational development, financing of health expenditure, quality of institutions and environment and to diminish poverty in developing countries, particularly in those with income per inhabitant below world average. We analyze the challenges faced up by the different agents of international cooperation to development and suggest new ways of cooperation among different agents with the aim to reach a substantial increase of development.

    Galicia 2006: AnĂĄlisis del empleo sectorial en 1980-2005 y perspectivas del desarrollo econĂłmico regional

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    En este estudio presentamos un anĂĄlisis de la economĂ­a gallega que es continuaciĂłn del estudio Galicia2000: industria y empleo, en el que analizamos la evoluciĂłn de los sectores productivos de Galicia en el perĂ­odo 1980-2005, con especial referencia a su impacto sobre el empleo en el perĂ­odo 2001-2005. Se efectĂșa un anĂĄlisis comparativo con otras regiones españolas y europeas y se analizan los principales retos del desarrollo regional, algunos de los cuales son comunes a los retos de otras regiones perifĂ©ricas de la UniĂłn Europea. This study presents an analysis of regional development in the Spanish region of Galicia, following the lines of the previous study entitles Galicia 2000: Industry and Employment. An analysis of production by sector in the period 1980-2005 is presented, with particular reference to the impact on employment during the period 2001-2005. We present a comparative analysis of this region with another Spanish and EU regions and analyze the main challenges for regional development, of which some are common to other peripheral location regions of the European Union.

    Produccion industrial y creacion de empleo. Comparacion internacional en el periodo 64-94

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    Durante las dos ultimas decadas la economia española no ha desarrollado una politica industrial suficiente para situar al pais en un nivel de convergencia real con los paises mas avanzados de la OCDE y de la Union Europea. A pesar de la insistencia que desde diversas instancias se ha hecho sobre la necesidad de desarrollar una politica distinta no se han adoptado muchas de las medidas que serian imprescindibles para alcanzar los objetivos deseables. El estancamiento industrial de España ha sido mas acusado en el periodo 1975-85, en el que el nivel de produccion manufacturera real por habitante ha permanecido constante.En este trabajo analizaremos la evolucion del empleo de los principales sectores economicos y el impacto que tiene la produccion industrial sobre la creacion de empleo en el sector servicios.
