35 research outputs found

    Pregovori s Europskom unijom, tijek dubinske analize za poglavlje 28. - Zaštita zdravlja i potrošača, dio o zaštiti zdravlja (Negotiations with EU and Progress of In depth Analysis for Chapter 28: Consumer Protection and Health–The Health Care Part)

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    Područje zaštite zdravlja tradicionalno nije pokriveno aquis communitaire-om, nego je uređenje toga područja prepušteno zemljama članicama. članak 152 Amsterdanskog ugovora poziva zemlje članice na koordinaciju i konsolidirane akcije donošenja nacionalnih politika javnog zdravstva za borbu protiv prioritetnih bolesti i preventivne aktivnosti sprječavanja bolesti, očuvanja zdravlja i poboljšanja kvalitete života. Podrška koordiniranim aktivnostima osigurana je kroz Public Health Programme u kojem se godišnje osigurava preko 30 milijuna Eura za projekte u skladu s prioritetnim ciljevima na nivou Europe, a za koje se zemlje članice, samostalno ili udruženo natječu putem prijave projekata. Harmonizacija ovoga područja nije predviđena osim za specifične slučajeve kao što su krv i krvni derivati, tkiva i stanice, zarazne bolesti i duhan, pri kojima se standardi sigurnosti i kvalitete moraju uskladiti radi osiguravanja istovjetnog stupnja zaštite zdravlja stanovništva čitave ujedinjene Europe. Kao instrument koordinirane borbe protiv određenih masovnih ili važnih bolesti donose se rezolucije, preporuke, konvencije, i programi, koje zemlje članice nastoje slijediti sukladno vlastitom izboru prioriteta i mogućnostima djelovanja.S Hrvatske strane na pregovorima su sudjelovali stručnjaci Ministarstva zdravstva i socijalne skrbi, Hrvatskog zavoda za javno zdravstvo i Hrvatskog zavoda za transfuzijsku medicinu. Kroz prezentacije hrvatskih stručnjaka predstavnicima EK prikazana je duga i bogata tradicija preventivne medicine, još od statuta Dalmatinskih gradova srednjega vijeka i dubrovačke karantene do današnjih dana kada je   razvijen vlastiti organizacijski model strukture i funkcionalnosti javnoga zdravstva. Uz legislativno uređenje ovoga područja i usporedbu s europskim propisima prikazani su im i najnoviji statistički podaci i pokazatelji stanja na čemu su nam izrazili zahvalnost

    Patterns and correlates of physical activity among middle-aged employees: A population-based, cross-sectional study

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    Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the level, pattern and correlates (socio-demographic, lifestyle and work-related) of physical activity among middle-aged employees in Croatia. Material and Methods: In this cross-sectional study the data were collected using a household interview on a random sample of 766 middle-aged employees (52% female) living in Croatia. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ-long) was used to assess physical activity. An additional questionnaire was used to collect data on socio-demographic, lifestyle and work-related correlates. Results: The median (95% CI) total physical activity for the whole sample was 78.7 (69.1-88.3) MET-hours/week. Most physical activity was accumulated in the domain of work (26.4 (20.3-32.5) MET-hours/week) or in domestic activities (19.2(17.8-20.7) MET-hours/week), whilst a significantly lower physical activity was found in the transport (3.3 (2.9-3.7) MET-hours/week) and leisure-time domains (6.5 (5.7-7.3) MET-hours/week). The multiple regression analysis showed an inverse relationship between educational level and the size of settlements with the domestic-related and total physical activity (β range: -0.11 to -0.22; p < 0.01). Among lifestyle correlates, only alcohol consumption was positively related to the total physical activity (β = 0.12; p < 0.01), while the perceived level of stress outside work was the only one, which was inversely associated with the work-related (β = -0.09; p < 0.01) and leisure-time physical activity (β = -0.10; p < 0.01). Conclusions: Middle-aged employees in Croatia accumulate most of their daily physical activity in the work and domestic domains. Analysis of the relationship between physical activity and potential socio-demographic, lifestyle, and work-related correlates indicated that physical activity promotional activities should be primarily focused on males, employees living in smaller settlements and those with higher educational levels. The correlates of physical activity among middle-aged employees seem to be domain-specific. Therefore, future studies in this area should consider assessing physical activity in each domain separately

    Carbon Uptake in Aquatic Plants Deduced from Their Natural 13C and 14C Content

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    From the 13th International Radiocarbon Conference held in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, June 20-25, 1988.delta-13C and 14C activity measurements were made on terrestrial, marsh and aquatic plants growing in their natural habitat of the Plitvice Lakes in northwest Yugoslavia. delta-13C values were ca -47 per mil for aquatic mosses, which indicate that the carbon source was dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from alkaline karst waters, following a C3 pathway, and ca -25 per mil for marsh plants, indicating the carbon source was atmospheric CO2. 14C activity of true aquatic plants and submerged parts of helophytes was close to 14C activity of DIC, whereas that of emergent parts of helophytes and terrestrial plants was similar to atmospheric CO2 activity. Aquatic plants which use DIC in freshwater for their photosynthesis are not suitable for 14C dating, unless the initial activity of incorporated carbon is known. delta-13C values of plant material also depend on the carbon source and cannot be used for 14C age correction.This material was digitized as part of a cooperative project between Radiocarbon and the University of Arizona Libraries.The Radiocarbon archives are made available by Radiocarbon and the University of Arizona Libraries. Contact [email protected] for further information.Migrated from OJS platform February 202