1 research outputs found
Democracy and International Law
- Author
- A Ben
- A Ben
- A Ben
- A Berman
- A DAmato
- A DAmato
- A Hoda
- A Verhoeven
- AN Sack
- Atik
- Atik
- Atik
- B Grofman
- B Hoekman
- BR Roth
- BR Roth
- Byers
- C Gray
- C Thomas
- CA Bradley
- Contra
- D McRae
- D Schindler
- D Wippman
- D Wippman
- D Wippman
- D Wippman
- DAmato
- DC Esty
- DC Esty
- DC Esty
- E Kwakwa
- E Root
- E-U Petersmann
- Esty
- F Fukuyama
- FR Teson
- Franck
- G Fox
- Gerhart
- GH Fox
- GH Fox
- i Franck
- I Kant
- i Marks
- J Atik
- J Crawford
- J Crawford
- J Wouters
- JJ Weiler
- JM Owen IV
- JS Gowa
- M Byers
- M Byers
- M Giennon
- M Halberstam
- MCW Pinto
- Murphy
- Murphy
- O Schachter
- otootrotdoDHCftUM-BI2M1ci Speech
- P Sutherland
- PB Stephan
- Pinto
- Pinto
- Pinto
- PM Gerhart
- pttftB-HwrattcwnfulfilledCN-Kwnrattcwaf Murphy
- R Ben Achour
- R Rich
- RA Miller
- radpoglobalizationAthtiauntmd-mathlevelsIaiwtddtowd-mimfftpiobaddtwoiwftmd-mathlevelsOtfsotpwhtpomdphbrifefWtGtssotdprtwtpmionaapiontaapnthsmwtpispolicy Gerhart
- RE Hudec
- Rich
- Rich
- Roth
- S Ostry
- S Wheatley
- Schindler
- Schindler
- SD Murphy
- SH Barnes
- SR Ratner
- TM Franck
- TM Franck
- UGAhattnpaattdrbdrightsIiatdctriprsatfoeanfcg The
- Verhoeven
- W Bello
- W Goode
- Wippman
- Wippman
- WM Reisrnan
- Y Beigbeder
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2004
- Field of study