5 research outputs found

    Verification of a many-ion simulator of the Dicke model through slow quenches across a phase transition

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    We use a self-assembled two-dimensional Coulomb crystal of ∼70\sim 70 ions in the presence of an external transverse field to engineer a simulator of the Dicke Hamiltonian, an iconic model in quantum optics which features a quantum phase transition between a superradiant/ferromagnetic and a normal/paramagnetic phase. We experimentally implement slow quenches across the quantum critical point and benchmark the dynamics and the performance of the simulator through extensive theory-experiment comparisons which show excellent agreement. The implementation of the Dicke model in fully controllable trapped ion arrays can open a path for the generation of highly entangled states useful for enhanced metrology and the observation of scrambling and quantum chaos in a many-body system.Comment: 6 + 5 pages, 2 + 5 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1711.0739

    Bang-bang shortcut to adiabaticity in the Dicke model as realized in a Penning trap experiment

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    We introduce a bang-bang shortcut to adiabaticity for the Dicke model, which we implement via a 2-D array of trapped ions in a Penning trap with a spin-dependent force detuned close to the center-of-mass drumhead mode. Our focus is on employing this shortcut to create highly entangled states that can be used in high-precision metrology. We highlight that the performance of the bang-bang approach is comparable to standard preparation methods, but can be applied over a much shorter time frame. We compare these theoretical ideas with experimental data which serve as a first step towards realizing this theoretical procedure for generating multi-partite entanglement.Comment: (16 pages, 7 figures, published in New J. Physics