308 research outputs found

    A novel method for the injection and manipulation of magnetic charge states in nanostructures

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    Realising the promise of next-generation magnetic nanotechnologies is contingent on the development of novel methods for controlling magnetic states at the nanoscale. There is currently demand for simple and flexible techniques to access exotic magnetisation states without convoluted fabrication and application processes. 360 degree domain walls (metastable twists in magnetisation separating two domains with parallel magnetisation) are one such state, which is currently of great interest in data storage and magnonics. Here, we demonstrate a straightforward and powerful process whereby a moving magnetic charge, provided experimentally by a magnetic force microscope tip, can write and manipulate magnetic charge states in ferromagnetic nanowires. The method is applicable to a wide range of nanowire architectures with considerable benefits over existing techniques. We confirm the method's efficacy via the injection and spatial manipulation of 360 degree domain walls in Py and Co nanowires. Experimental results are supported by micromagnetic simulations of the tip-nanowire interaction.Comment: in Scientific Reports (2016

    The Collins-Roscoe mechanism and D-spaces

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    We prove that if a space X is well ordered (αA)(\alpha A), or linearly semi-stratifiable, or elastic then X is a D-space

    Peripheral blood lymphocyte proliferative responses in cattle infected with or vaccinated against Anaplasma marginale

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    An assay was developed for measurement of the peripheral blood lymphocyte proliferative response (PBLPR) in cattle infected with or immunised against Anaplasma marginale. PBLPR was not evident in all cattle that had recovered from A. marginale infection. However, A. marginale-sensitised lymphocytes were detected in the spleens of all immune cattle tested in the absence of detectable PBLPR. During the course of initial infection, cattle exhibited detectable PBLPR for a period corresponding with and up to 2 weeks after patent parasitaemia, followed by a second, usually larger peak in PBLPR corresponding to the time of sub-clinical relapse of cattle. Analysis of the PBLPR of A. marginale chronically infected cattle demonstrated highly variable PBLPR between individuals and over time. A positive PBLPR was induced in cattle by vaccination using a crude A. marginale antigen preparation. The PBLPR of vaccinated cattle subsequently infected with A. marginale was markedly different from that of naive cattle, with reduced PBLPR being associated with the onset of parasitaemia. The antigen used in the PBLPR assay was inactivated by proteolysis. Proteolysis also abolished immunity that had been induced in cattle vaccinated using the antigen preparation. A. marginale-sensitised PBL did not proliferate in response to antigen from the heterologous species A. centrale. A. centrale-sensitised PBL, however, responded to A. marginale antigen. Interferon-γ (IFN-γ) was detected in PBLPR-assay supernatants and was associated with a strong PBLPR

    Spectral fingerprinting: microstate readout via remanence ferromagnetic resonance in artificial spin ice

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    Artificial spin ices (ASIs) are magnetic metamaterials comprising geometrically tiled strongly-interacting nanomagnets. There is significant interest in these systems spanning the fundamental physics of many-body systems to potential applications in neuromorphic computation, logic, and recently reconfigurable magnonics. Magnonics focused studies on ASI have to date have focused on the in-field GHz spin-wave response, convoluting effects from applied field, nanofabrication imperfections (‘quenched disorder’) and microstate-dependent dipolar field landscapes. Here, we investigate zero-field measurements of the spin-wave response and demonstrate its ability to provide a ‘spectral fingerprint’ of the system microstate. Removing applied field allows deconvolution of distinct contributions to reversal dynamics from the spin-wave spectra, directly measuring dipolar field strength and quenched disorder as well as net magnetisation. We demonstrate the efficacy and sensitivity of this approach by measuring ASI in three microstates with identical (zero) magnetisation, indistinguishable via magnetometry. The zero-field spin-wave response provides distinct spectral fingerprints of each state, allowing rapid, scaleable microstate readout. As artificial spin systems progress toward device implementation, zero-field functionality is crucial to minimize the power consumption associated with electromagnets. Several proposed hardware neuromorphic computation schemes hinge on leveraging dynamic measurement of ASI microstates to perform computation for which spectral fingerprinting provides a potential solution
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