19 research outputs found

    Prevalencija gastrointestinalnih helminata kod teladi u zapadnoj Srbiji

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    This study was undertaken to estimate the prevalence of gastrointestinal helminths in calves in western Serbia. Throughout 2011 faecal samples were collected from 600 calves aged up to 180 days, samples were examined with the flotation method and a modified McMaster technique. The parasitizing helminth species were identified and the level of infection compared between different age groups. As many as 64.17% animals were found to be infected. The following parasite species were diagnosed: Moniezia spp. (3.17%), Toxocara vitulorum (35.00%), Strongyloides papillosus (34.50%), gastrointestinal strongyles (4.50%) and Trichuris discolor (2.17%). The majority of calves were infected with two, fewer with three or one helminth species, and the smollest number of calves harboured four parasite species. The prevalence of established helminth infections varied depending on the calves' age.Studija je sprovedena sa ciljem da se utvrdi prevalencija gastrointestinalnih helminata kod teladi u zapadnom delu Srbije. Tokom 2011. godine prikupljeni su uzorci fecesa ukupno 600 teladi starosti do 180 dana. Uzorci su pregledani metodom flotacije i modifikovanom metodom po McMasteru. Determinisane su vrste helminata i određena je prevalencija infekcije kod teladi različite starosti. Rezultati ispitivanja pokazali su da je infekcija helmintima bila prisutna kod 64,17% pregledanih životinja. Ustanovljene su sledeće vrste helminata: Moniezia spp. (3,17%), Toxocara vitulorum (35,00%), Strongyloides papillosus (34,50%), želudačnocrevne strongilide (4,50%) i Trichuris discolor (2,17%). Većina teladi istovremeno je bila inficirana dvema vrstama, zatim sa tri i jednom vrstom helminta, dok je kod samo nekoliko životinja bilo ustanovljeno prisustvo četiri vrste ili grupe helminata. Prevalencija infekcija helmintima razlikovala se kod teladi različite starosti


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    Abstractā€”Taxes have no voluntary, but mandatory character. Taxation is as old as government. The fact is that most taxpayers, if not all, prefer to reduce their taxes. In the United States, when making decisions about the best methods that would be used in the collection of public revenue, the majority of Member States considered that the characteristics of good tax system, respectively principles of taxation are: efficiency, simplicity of administration, flexibility, political responsibility, fairness. In Serbian tax system, we distinguish the following tax principles: richnesst, elasticity, efficiency, moderate tax burden, choice of tax sources, stability of the tax system, tax legality, flexibility. The main objectives of the tax reform system in our country after 2000 year were: efficient economy; economy above politics; reduction of public expenditures; adaptation to European legislation; increased tax collection. But these have not been realized in practice. T Keywords


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    Abstractā€”In the last two decades Serbia had two reforms of tax system. The first reform was carried out nineties of the last century and provided a good basis for the Serbian tax system, while reform made after 2000 year, related to tax rates, tax exemptions, deductions, elimination of the sales tax and introduction of value added tax... The reform of the tax system also related to income tax. The tax rate has been changed three times and introduced various tax exemptions... However, revenues from the income tax were insignificant. So that the revenue in the budget of the Republic of Serbia according to this form of tax accounted by 2 % in 2003 year and 4 % in 2009 year. Macroeconomic policy objectives depend on the income tax. For this reason, in many countries, special intention is paid to tax incentives: incentives that reduce taxes (tax credits, based on old investment and new employment) and incentives that affect the tax base (incentives delaying tax liability and those that reduce tax liability). I Keywords

    Analysis of efficiency and power upgrades at the lignite-fired 2x620 MWe power plant by steam boiler waste heat utilization and different balance of plant modifications

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    A substantial potential exists for the thermal power plants efficiency and power upgrades by the utilization of flue gas waste heat at the steam boiler. The paper presents solutions for the waste heat utilization and different balance of plant modifications for the regeneration of waste heat into the plant thermodynamic cycle. A comparative analysis of different solution modes is performed for the more than 30 years aged lignite-fired 2x620 MWe power plant ā€œNikola Tesla Bā€. Different modes of waste heat regeneration into the plant cycle are flue gas cooling by the ā€œcoldā€ feedwater taken from the main feedwater pump discharge line before high pressure heaters, by the ā€œhotā€ feedwater after the high pressure heaters and by the condensate taken from the low pressure condensate line. The energy efficiency and power upgrades of proposed methods is evaluated and compared. The highest increase of power plant efficiency is achieved by the flue gas cooling by the feedwater taken from the feedwater pump discharge line. This solution was implemented within the first phase of power plant overhaul, with a reduction of the flue gas temperature for more than 20 oC and the boiler and power plant efficiency increases of approximately 2 and 0.53 percentage points respectively

    Prevalence of gastrointestinal helminths in calves in Western Serbia

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    This study was undertaken to estimate the prevalence of gastrointestinal helminths in calves in western Serbia. Throughout 2011 faecal samples were collected from 600 calves aged up to 180 days, samples were examined with the flotation method and a modified McMaster technique. The parasitizing helminth species were identified and the level of infection compared between different age groups. As many as 64.17% animals were found to be infected. The following parasite species were diagnosed: Moniezia spp. (3.17%), Toxocara vitulorum (35.00%), Strongyloides papillosus (34.50%), gastrointestinal strongyles (4.50%) and Trichuris discolor (2.17%). The majority of calves were infected with two, fewer with three or one helminth species, and the smollest number of calves harboured four parasite species. The prevalence of established helminth infections varied depending on the calves' age

    Prevalencija i intenzitet infekcije gastrointestinalnim nematodama kod ovaca u istočnoj Srbiji

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    A coprological examination of 680 grazing sheep was performed in Eastern Serbia from March 2011 to November 2012 in order to determine the presence of gastrointestinal (GI) nematode parasites. Fecal samples were randomly collected and examined by using qualitative and quantitative coprological techniques. It was found that 74.56% sheep were infected. Samples that contained nematode eggs were processed for larval development and eleven nematode genera were identified: Haemonchus (46.91%), Ostertagia (25.88%), Marshallagia (21.91%), Cooperia (14.12%), Trichostrongylus (39.85%), Nematodirus (35.88%), Bunostomum (23.97%), Strongyloides (17.06%) Oesophagostomum (40.73%), Chabertia (32.79%) and Trichuris (10.88%). Higher prevalence of infection was observed in females (p lt 0.01), as well as in adults (p lt 0.001). Regarding the intensity of infection, in 40.63% sheep it was low, in 51.87% moderate and in 7.50% high. There was no difference in intensity of infection considering sex and age of animals. Moreover, simultaneous infection with different number of nematode genera was dependent on sheep's age (p lt 0.001). These results suggest that GI nematodes are a conspicuous problem of grazing sheep in the study area.U periodu od marta 2011. do novembra 2012. godine, na teritoriji Istočne Srbije sprovedeno je koproloÅ”ko ispitivanje 680 ovaca držanih u paÅ”nom načinu gajenja na prisustvo gastrointestinalnih (GI) nematoda. Uzorci fecesa uzimani su metodom slučajnog uzorka i ispitivani koriŔćenjem kvalitativnih i kvantitativnih koproloÅ”kih tehnika. Ispitivanjem je utvrđeno 74,56% inficiranih ovaca. Uzorci u kojima su pronađena jaja nematoda podvrgnuti su determinaciji larvi, pri čemu je identifikovano jedanaest rodova nematoda: Haemonchus (46,91%), Ostertagia (25,88%), Marshallagia (21,91%), Cooperia (14,12%), Trichostrongylus (39,85%), Nematodirus (35,88%), Bunostomum (23,97%), Strongyloides (17,06%) Oesophagostomum (40,73%), Chabertia (32,79%) i Trichuris (10,88%). Veća prevalencija infekcije uočena je kod ženki (p lt 0,01), kao i kod adultnih životinja (p lt 0,001). Kod 40,63% ovaca, infekcija je bila niskog, kod 51,87% umerenog, a kod 7,50% visokog intenziteta. Nisu dokazane razlike u intenzitetu infekcije u zavisnosti od pola i starosti životinja. Istovremena infekcija sa viÅ”e rodova nematoda zavisila je od starosti ovaca (p lt 0,001). Dobijeni rezultati upućuju na zaključak da su GI nematode značajan problem ovaca držanih na paÅ”njaku u ispitivanom području

    An assessment of the tolerance of Ligustrum ovalifolium Hassk. to traffic-generated Pb using physiological and biochemical markers

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    This study examined the leaf Pb content, chlorophyll fluorescence parameters (Fo, Fm, Fv, Fv/Fm, Fm/Fo and t(1/2)), photopigments (Chl a, Chl b, Chl a+b, the Chl a/b ratio, and total carotenoids), as well as total phenolics (free and bound) in privet (Ligustrum ovalifolium Hassk.) in 'Stara Zvezdara' Park, located along the avenue with heavy traffic flow (polluted site), and the Arboretum of Belgrade's Faculty of Forestry (control site). Site-dependent variations were observed for all the parameters examined. It was found that Pb accumulated in leaf tissues (3.5-4.2 mu g/g) originates from traffic. Results obtained showed that privet is tolerant to the accumulation of Pb generated by traffic, because it maintains optimal photosynthesis and is characterized by active protection mechanisms due to increase in leaf phenolics, which enable it to survive in habitats exposed to chronic Pb pollution stress. Therefore, L. ovalifolium has great potential for urban landscaping. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Ministry for Science and Technological Development of Serbia [143025B