14 research outputs found

    A pilot, prospective evaluation of a novel alternative for maintenance therapy of breast cancer-associated lymphedema [ISRCTN76522412]

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    BACKGROUND: Prospective investigations of complete decongestive lymphatic physiotherapy (CDPT), including manual lymphatic drainage (MLD), have validated the efficacy of these interventions for the initial reduction of edema and long-term maintenance of limb volume in lymphedema. However, CDPT demands substantial time and effort from patients to maintain these benefits; the treatments are not always well-accepted, and patients may suffer from a deterioration in quality-of-life or a time-dependent loss of initial treatment benefits. A new device designed for home use by the patient, the Flexitouch™, has been developed to mechanically simulate MLD. We have undertaken a prospective, randomized, crossover study of the efficacy of the Flexitouch™, when compared to massage, in the self-administered maintenance therapy of lymphedema. METHODS: A prospective, randomized, crossover study of maintenance therapy was performed in 10 patients with unilateral breast cancer-associated lymphedema of the arm. Each observation phase included self-administered treatment with the Flexitouch™ or massage, 1 hour daily for 14 days, respectively, followed by crossover to the alternate treatment phase. Each treatment phase was preceded by a 1 week treatment washout, with use of garment only. The sequence of treatment was randomly assigned. The potential impact of treatment modality on quality of life was assessed with serial administration of the SF-36. RESULTS: Statistical analysis disclosed that the order of treatment had no outcome influence, permitting 10 comparisons within each treatment group. Post-treatment arm volume reduced significantly after the Flexitouch™, but not after self-administered massage. The patients' mean weight decreased significantly with Flexitouch™ use, but not with massage. The Flexitouch™ device was apparently well-tolerated and accepted by patients. Serial SF-36 administration showed no deterioration in physical or psychosocial scores compared to baseline measurements; there were no statistical differences in scores when the two treatment modalities were compared. CONCLUSION: This short-term prospective evaluation of the Flexitouch™ suggests that the device may provide better maintenance edema control than self-adiminstered massage in breast cancer-associated lymphedema. The apparent ease of use and reliability of response to the device suggest that further broad-scale testing is warranted

    Complex Lymphatic Anomalies: Report on a Patient Registry Using the Latest Diagnostic Guidelines.

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    Objective: Generalized lymphatic anomaly (GLA), Gorham-Stout disease (GSD), kaposiform lymphangiomatosis (KLA), and central conducting lymphatic anomaly (CCLA) are rare, multisystem lymphatic disorders, referred to as complex lymphatic anomalies (CLAs). Their etiology remains poorly understood; however, somatic activating mutations have recently been discovered, and the results of targeted treatments are promising. This study aimed to elaborate on the phenotypic description of CLA. Methods: Thirty-six consecutive patients were recruited for the "GLA/GSD Registry" of the University Hospital of Freiburg, Germany (2015-2021). Clinical data were prospectively collected provided that a signed informed consent form was obtained. The latest proposed diagnostic guidelines were retrospectively applied. Results: Thirty-two patients (38% males) were included in the study; 15 GLA, 10 GSD, 3 KLA, and 4 CCLA patients were identified. Eighty-four percent already had symptoms by the age of 15 years. Osteolysis and periosseous soft-tissue infiltration were associated with GSD (p < 0.001 and p = 0.011, respectively), ascites and protein-losing enteropathy with CCLA (p = 0.007 and p = 0.004, respectively), and consumption coagulopathy with KLA (p = 0.006). No statistically significant differences were found in organ involvement, distribution of osteolytic lesions, number of affected bones and fractures. Twenty-five patients had complications; one patient with GLA died despite multimodal treatment. Spontaneous regression was seen in one patient with untreated KLA. Conclusions: CLA are rare, and their overlapping clinical presentations make differential diagnosis difficult. The characterization of our case series contributes to the phenotypic description and differentiation of these four clinical entities. A further understanding of their pathogenesis is crucial for evaluating targeted therapies and optimizing medical care