7 research outputs found

    Quality of cow milk protein hydrolysates in aspect of production of hypoallergenic formulae

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    Celem badań było obniżenie poziomu immunoreaktywności białek mleka krowiego, obecnych w preparatach WPC-65 (α-laktoalbuminy i β-laktoglobuliny) i kazeinianu sodu (α-, β-, κ-kazeiny) pod wpływem hydrolizy enzymatycznej przeprowadzonej z wykorzystaniem Alkalazy 2.4 L f-my Novo Nordisk (Bacillus licheniformis), pronazy – (proteaza ze Streptomyces griseus), papainy – EC, pepsyny (E.C. (Sigma), a także LactozymuTM3000 L HPG (Novo Nordisk). Analizę uzyskanych produktów przeprowadzono, stosując następujące metody analityczne: ELISA, elektroforeza 2D i immunoblotting, rozdziały chromatograficzne, analiza sensoryczna i spektroskopia masowa. Porównano działanie immunoreaktywne wybranych hydrolizatów i handlowo dostępnych odżywek (Profylac i Nutramigen), wykorzystując surowice chorych na alergią spowodowaną spożywaniem mleka krowiego. Stwierdzono możliwość uzyskania hypoalergennego produktu na bazie niskocząsteczkowej frakcji hydrolizatu Alkalazowo-pronazowego białek serwatkowych WPC-65.The aim of the study was to reduce of the immunoreactivity of cow milk proteins, present in WPC-65 (α-lactalbumin i β-lactoglobulin) and sodium caseinate (α-, β-, κ-casein) as a result of enzymatic hydrolysis prepared with Alcalase 2.4 L, Novo Nordisk (Bacillus licheniformis), pronase – (Streptomyces griseus protease), papain – EC, pepsin (E.C. (Sigma), and LactozymuTM3000 L HPG (Novo Nordisk). The analysis was carried out by ELISA methods, 2D electrophoresis, gel chromatography, sensory analysis and mass spectroscopy. The immunoreactivity of selected hydrolysates and hypoallergenic formulas (Profylac and Nutramigen) was compared using of CMA patients sera. It was concluded that there is possiblity to obtain hypoallergic product based on low molecular fraction of WPC-65 Alcalase-pronase hydrolysate

    Antioxidants of Contracaecum rudolphii [Nematoda]

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    Contracaecum rudolphii is the parasitic nematode of fish−eating birds. In the extracts from female, male and larvae L3 and L4 isolated from the alimentary tracts of black cormorants the activity of five antioxidant enzymes: superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPX), glutathione transferase (GST), glutathione reductase (GR), catalase (CAT) and the content of ascorbate and total antioxidative status (TAS) were determined. They can be put in order according to the activity growth: GPX, SOD, GST, CAT and GR. The activity of GPX were very low in the nematodes' extracts (1.23–7.67 µU/mg). CAT had higher activity (0.47–0.72 U/mg). The activity of GR was the highest (50.51–69.88 U/mg). SOD activity in the female was higher by ca. 50% than in the male while GST activity was at similar levels. GR and CAT activities were higher by ca. 30% in the male than in the female nematodes. GST and GPX activity and TAS in larvae L3 were significantly lower than in the adult nematodes or in L4 larvae. The activity of GPX, GR and CAT was lower in L4 larvae than in the adult male (p<0.05). The content of ascorbate was almost the same in all stages of parasite development (0.21–0.38 mg/g). The above results indicate differences in antioxidant systems related to both the sex and the developmental stage of C. rudolphii