7 research outputs found

    An Enhancement Approach for Reducing the Energy Consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) consist of low power devices that are distributed in geographically isolated areas. Sensors are arranged in clusters. Each cluster defines a vital node which is known as a cluster head (CH). Each CH collects the sensed data from its sensor nodes to be transmitted to a base station (BS). Sensors have deployed with batteries that cannot be replaced. The energy consumption is an important concern for WSN. We propose an enhancement approach to reduce the energy consumption and extend the network lifetime. It has been accomplished by augmenting the energy balancing in clusters among all sensor nodes to minimize the energy dissipation during network communications. The improved method is based on a cluster head selection method. In addition, an enhanced schedule of the TDMA has been implemented. Finally, the development approach indicates the progress in terms of network lifetime, Number of cluster head, energy consumption and number of packets transferred to BS compared to LEACH and other related protocols. Mathematical analysis and MATLAB 2015a simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The energy consumption of WSN has been reduced up to about 60% and prolong the network life cycle by 73% than LEACH. Keywords: Cluster, Wireless, Sensor, Network, LEACH, Threshol

    A Novel Distributed Approach for Frequent Subgraphs Mining Across Cloud Computing System (DistFsm)

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    In this paper, a novel approach known as DistFSM is presented for the FSM on a single graph. The DistFSM operation performed on a cloud computing system is framed on a set of heterogeneous clusters. Each cluster is a set of homogenous nodes. The input graph is converted into a sparse matrix. This matrix is partitioned horizontally into a sequence of non-equivalent chunks. Each chunk size is computed to be appropriate to the available worker resources in one of the clusters. In each cluster, the chunk is partitioned vertically into equivalent tasks. Each task is assigned to one of the worker nodes. The proposed partitioning method defined as the Hori-Vertical partition and aims to accomplish the load balancing among the different nodes in the different clusters. Each node performs its operation individually without any communication with other nodes. The non-equivalent chunks assigned to the different clusters allow them to finish their operation simultaneously. This strategy increases the resource usage by prohibiting or reducing the waiting time of the high-performance clusters. Finally, the results of all clusters are summarized and submitted to a distributed shared memory of the orchestration node to perform the required aggregation operations