11 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Sleep Disorders in Students Under the Effect of Computer Games and Video Films

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    Introduction and wide use of information technologies in all spheres of human life including for the purpose of entertainment has led to the emergence and spread of various types of Internet addiction. Numerous studies have established the effect of the nature of activity in the virtual world on the state of the human mental condition. In our research was conducted analysis of the sleep disorders in technical university students, who use computer games and video films for recreation and entertainment. We have researched in the sleep disorder mechanisms in technical university students, who use computer games and video films for recreation and entertainment. The authors of the article K. N. Meziyanaya, K. D. Yashin, K. M. Karaneuski developed the questionnaire "Method of Screening Diagnostics of Computer Addiction and its Influence on Physical and Mental Health" to study of formation of sleep disorders [1]. Interviews with 142 2nd to 5th year students studying in one of the technical universities of Minsk city were conducted in order to study the formation of sleep disorders under the influence of the computer media environment: males – 119 (84.4%), females – 23 (16.2%). The average age of respondents was 19.7 (±1.5) years. The average duration of the virtual world use was 9 (±2) years. It is established that 101 students (71.1% of the number of respondents) are forced to wake up from fear and anxiety. The statistical relationship is shown between the symptom of sleep disturbance: they say in a dream "I just dream it" and the symptom: duration of stay in the virtual world 40 or more hours per week. χ2 criterion = 5.63; p = 0.05. The relationship between combining computer games with watching movies and waking up from fear and anxiety is found, χ2 criterion = 4.38, p = 0.05. The findings suggest that the continued use of computer games in combination with viewing video films contributes to the development of malfunction of the organization and maintenance of sleep. The results testify to the correlation between a sleep disorder and a prolonged stay in the virtual world, which can contribute to predicting the formation of anxiety disorders.

    Ocena wpływu zmian klimatycznych na przepływ transgranicznej rzeki Struma przez terytorium Bułgarii z wykorzystaniem wskaźników zintegrowanych

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    The present work considers the Struma River on the Bulgarian territory using the integral method for evaluation of climatic and anthropogenic impacts on the river flow average annual water volume and maximum and minimum water flow. The level of this impact is determined by the index Ki (flow module), the index Ci for the deviation of the average annual water flow Qi from the flow norm Q0. the index Ki,max for the deviation of the maximum water flow Qmax,i from the flow norm Q0, the index Ki,min for the deviation of the minimum water flow Qmin,i from the flow norm Q0, the index Mi,max for the deviation of the maximum water flow from the maximum flow norm Qmax,0 the index Mi,min for the deviation of the minimum water flow from the minimum flow norm Qmin,0. The new approach offered includes the introduction of more specific indicators for assessment of climatic impacts on the river water flow like indices for flow module (Ki,av), for deviation of average (Ci), The use of the indices suggested makes possible to estimate the role of different climatic changes by Ki,av, Ki, in, Ki,max. Mi,min, Mi,max, Ci, hi and hi,max. This is made for the first time in assessment of climatic impacts and has been checked at Pernik and Krupnik for the period 1948-2006. The indices are integral in their nature because they reflect specific climatic caused events like abundant years, dry years, floods and draughts.Dokonano oceny wpływu zmian klimatycznych i antropogennych na średni roczny przepływ wody oraz wartość maksymalnego i minimalnego przepływu wody w rzece Struma przepływającej przez terytorium Bułgarii. Parametry te są określone przez indeks Ki (wskaźnik przepływu), wskaźnik Ci średniego odchylenia rocznego przepływu wody Qi do normy przepływu Q0, indeks Ki,max maksymalnego odchylenia przepływu wody Qmax,i do normy przepływu Q0, indeks Ki,min minimalnego odchylenia przepływu wody Qmin,i do normy przepływu Q0, wskaźnik Mi,max maksymalnego odchylenia przepływu wody do maksymalnej normy przepływu Qmax,0, indeks Mi,min minimalnego odchylenia przepływu wody do minimalnej normy przepływu Qmin,0. Nowe podejście wprowadza bardziej szczegółowe wskaźniki oceny wpływu klimatu na wody rzeki, jak wskaźniki przepływu modułu (Ki,av), odchylenie średniej (Ci), Zastosowanie sugerowanych wskaźników umożliwia ocenę roli różnych zmian klimatycznych przez Ki,av, Ki,min, Ki,max, Mi,min, Mi,max. Ci, hi i hi,max. Metoda ta została zastosowana i sprawdzona w Perniku i Krupniku dla lat 1948-2006 w celu oceny skutków zmian klimatu. Indeksy te odzwierciedlają wywołane zmianami klimatycznymi szczególne wydarzenia, takie jak: lata suche, powodzie i wiatry

    System analysis of the «driver-car-roadenvironment» reliability based on a sociotechnical approach as a Big Data problem

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    Статья посвящена системному анализу обеспечения надежности системы «водитель-автомобиль-дорога-среда» на основе социотехнического подхода с использованием технологий Big Data. Разработаны восемь базовых социотехнических схем для системного анализа и моделирования структурнофункциональной организации системы «водитель–автомобиль–дорога–среда». С помощью предложенных социотехнических схем разработаны формальные стохастические модели надежности системы «водитель– автомобиль–дорога–среда». Подобные стохастические модели и сценарии функционирования системы «водитель–автомобиль–дорога–среда» могут составить основу для обучения нейросетевых информационноаналитических интеллектуальных технологий в управлении транспортными потоками и интермодальными терминалами и интегрированными транспортными системами. Обоснована целесообразность разработки электронного «индивидуального риск-паспорта водителя» на основе нейросетевых информационно-аналитических интеллектуальных технологий, технологий Big Data и облачных сервисов. The article is devoted to the system analysis of ensuring the reliability of the «driver–car-road–environment» system based on the sociotechnical approach based using Big Data technologies. Based on the sociotechnical approach, eight basic sociotechnical schemes have been developed for system analysis and modeling of the structural and functional organization of the driver-car–road–environment system. Have been developed the formal stochastic models of reliability of the «driver–car–road–environment» system for proposed sociotechnical schemes. Similar stochastic models and scenarios for the operation of the driver-car-road-environment system. they can form the basis for training neural network information and analytical intelligent technologies in the management of transport flows and intermodal terminals and integrated transport systems. The expediency of developing an electronic «individual driver's risk passport» based on neural network information and analytical intelligent technologies, Big Data technologies and cloud services is proved

    Influence of computer games on the sleep quality and the nature of dreams in students

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    This study explored the use of different forms of the virtual world among students and the study of its influence on unconscious processes in students. The test group was comprised of 141 participants who were second to fifth year students at a technical university of Minsk city. We found that 38.3% of the participants spent more than 40 hours per work in the virtual world and 26.2% spent 25–39 hours per week. Moreover, 90.8% of the students engaged in computer games and game plots were present in the dreams of 16.3% of students. Nightmares and incubi were the cause of being awoken in 71.6% of students. Moreover, 14.9% of respondents expressed changes in depth psychology. Computer games are especially popular in the students’ environment, and their substantial impact on the gamers’ sleep quality and the nature of dreams was observed

    Nervous crisis in gamers under the influence of computer media

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    It was established that 36.2% of respondents used to spend 40 or more hours a week in the virtual world. The majority of the respondents, 90.8%, is fond of computer games and devote to it about 55% of the time on average (100% is the total time spent at the computer). 78 students (54.9%) wake up due to fear and anxiety. The analysis showed that the number of people to wake up due to fear and anxiety among the users who combine computer games with watch- ing movies is credibly higher: the criterion χ2 = 5.83. The article presents the dream description of one of the respondents

    The effect of computer games on the development of anxiety disorders in students

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    Introduction of information and computer technologies in the sphere of entertainment has resulted in negative influence on the health of users. The problem of the impact of virtual space on a person is being studied in many countries. This article presents the results of studying the problem of computer addic-tion and its effects on sleep dis-orders and development of anx-iety disorders in the computer media users. The study involved 65 students, among them males 44 (67.7%), studying technical specialties in one of the univer-sities in Minsk city. The analysis of computer addiction was carried out by means of the questionnaire developed by Mezianaya K. N., Karaneuski K. M., and Yashin, K. D., titled "Method of Screening Diagnos-tics of Computer Addiction and Its Health Effects" [The Official Journal of the Republic of Bela-rus, 2015]

    Anxiety Disorders in Students Under the Influence of Computer Media

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    The influence of the virtual world forms on sleep and emotions of users has been studied. The test group was comprised of 142 students studying information technology in one of the technical universities in Minsk. The structure of the virtual world forms used by the students and their combined effect on the sleep disturbances and formation of anxiety disorders has been analyses. It was established that 36,2% of respondents used to spend 40 or more hours a week in the virtual world. The majority of the respondents, 90,8%, is fond of computer games and devote to it about 55% of the time on average (100% is the total time spent at the computer). 78 students (54,9%) wake up due to fear and anxiety. The analysis showed that the number of people to wake up due to fear and anxiety among the users who combine computer games with watching movies is credibly higher: the criterion χ2 = 5,83

    General anaesthesia versus local anaesthesia for carotid surgery (GALA): a multicentre, randomised controlled trial

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    Background: The effect of carotid endarterectomy in lowering the risk of stroke ipsilateral to severe atherosclerotic carotid-artery stenosis is offset by complications during or soon after surgery. We compared surgery under general anaesthesia with that under local anaesthesia because prediction and avoidance of perioperative strokes might be easier under local anaesthesia than under general anaesthesia. Methods: We undertook a parallel group, multicentre, randomised controlled trial of 3526 patients with symptomatic or asymptomatic carotid stenosis from 95 centres in 24 countries. Participants were randomly assigned to surgery under general (n=1753) or local (n=1773) anaesthesia between June, 1999 and October, 2007. The primary outcome was the proportion of patients with stroke (including retinal infarction), myocardial infarction, or death between randomisation and 30 days after surgery. Analysis was by intention to treat. The trial is registered with Current Control Trials number ISRCTN00525237. Findings: A primary outcome occurred in 84 (4·8%) patients assigned to surgery under general anaesthesia and 80 (4·5%) of those assigned to surgery under local anaesthesia; three events per 1000 treated were prevented with local anaesthesia (95% CI -11 to 17; risk ratio [RR] 0·94 [95% CI 0·70 to 1·27]). The two groups did not significantly differ for quality of life, length of hospital stay, or the primary outcome in the prespecified subgroups of age, contralateral carotid occlusion, and baseline surgical risk. Interpretation: We have not shown a definite difference in outcomes between general and local anaesthesia for carotid surgery. The anaesthetist and surgeon, in consultation with the patient, should decide which anaesthetic technique to use on an individual basis. Funding: The Health Foundation (UK) and European Society of Vascular Surgery. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    General anaesthesia versus local anaesthesia for carotid surgery (GALA): a multicentre, randomised controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: The effect of carotid endarterectomy in lowering the risk of stroke ipsilateral to severe atherosclerotic carotid-artery stenosis is offset by complications during or soon after surgery. We compared surgery under general anaesthesia with that under local anaesthesia because prediction and avoidance of perioperative strokes might be easier under local anaesthesia than under general anaesthesia. METHODS: We undertook a parallel group, multicentre, randomised controlled trial of 3526 patients with symptomatic or asymptomatic carotid stenosis from 95 centres in 24 countries. Participants were randomly assigned to surgery under general (n=1753) or local (n=1773) anaesthesia between June, 1999 and October, 2007. The primary outcome was the proportion of patients with stroke (including retinal infarction), myocardial infarction, or death between randomisation and 30 days after surgery. Analysis was by intention to treat. The trial is registered with Current Control Trials number ISRCTN00525237. FINDINGS: A primary outcome occurred in 84 (4.8%) patients assigned to surgery under general anaesthesia and 80 (4.5%) of those assigned to surgery under local anaesthesia; three events per 1000 treated were prevented with local anaesthesia (95% CI -11 to 17; risk ratio [RR] 0.94 [95% CI 0.70 to 1.27]). The two groups did not significantly differ for quality of life, length of hospital stay, or the primary outcome in the prespecified subgroups of age, contralateral carotid occlusion, and baseline surgical risk. INTERPRETATION: We have not shown a definite difference in outcomes between general and local anaesthesia for carotid surgery. The anaesthetist and surgeon, in consultation with the patient, should decide which anaesthetic technique to use on an individual basis. FUNDING: The Health Foundation (UK) and European Society of Vascular Surgery