146 research outputs found

    A content and comparative analysis of strategic management research in the Baltic area

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide a research agenda for qualitative studies in the field of strategic management (SM) in the Baltic area. Design/methodology/approach – A total of 167 SM-related articles in this area between 2000 and 2013 were found. The content within title, abstract and authors’ keywords was analysed by means of a multiple correspondence analysis based on the HOMALS technique. Findings – The intellectual structure of SM in the Baltic area is to some extent similar to the global structure of the field. Hence research on this topic in the Baltic area is well integrated in the field. Three topics of interest have been identified while the fourth seems to offer more limited opportunities for qualitative studies. These are: entry and competition; strategic behaviour and the micro-foundations of strategy; the growth-performance relationship; and global strategies. Research limitations/implications – Despite the modest number of articles in our sample, the findings are consistent with past research on the structure of the SM field. The classification of articles into qualitative- and quantitative-based methods helped provide a research agenda. Practical implications – SM scholars in the Baltic area may find this paper as an interesting input to their quest for finding and justifying their own research path. Originality/value – This is an original literature review. The use of a quantitative method in the literature review and the suggested matrix is a second original contribution to evolving methodologies for content analysis. The method allows the inclusion of large samples while limiting the use of scholars’ intuition. </jats:sec

    O konceptu poduzetničkoga sveučilišta: ima li alternative?

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    Kriza sveučilišta iz 1970-ih godina, potaknuta smanjenjem proračunskih sredstava, doživljava danas u sklopu globalne financijske krize svoju reprizu. Iako se doprinos sveučilišta gospodarskom razvoju preko standardnih funkcija znanstvenih istraživanja i obrazovanja smatra neupitnim, upitno je jesu li ove funkcije, u uvjetima ekonomija znanja, dostatne sveučilištu kako bi zadržalo do sada vodeći položaj proizvođača znanja i intelektualnoga kapitala. To otvara vrata novim modelima sveučilišta, među kojima dominira poduzetničko sveučilište i njegova recentna inačica – treća generacija sveučilišta. Oba modela naglašavaju važnost doprinosa sveučilišta gospodarskom razvoju i izloženost sveučilišta globalnoj kompeticiji. U tom kontekstu, rad analizira koncept poduzetničkoga sveučilišta, povijesni kontekst nastanka te teorijsko-analitičke okvire koji su doveli do promjene u paradigmi sveučilišnih istraživanja i transformacije iz tradicionalnoga sveučilišta u poduzetničko. Rad također objašnjava djelatnosti poduzetničkoga sveučilišta te daje i osvrt na položaj poduzetničkoga sveučilišta u Hrvatskoj. Zaključuje da su sva sveučilišta, pa i ona u inovacijski manje razvijenim zemljama kao što je Hrvatska, izložena globalizaciji i internacionalizaciji, što ih neminovno sili na promjene. Stoga je malo vjerojatno da će sadašnji način funkcioniranja sveučilišta pod okriljem države, a bez suradnje s gospodarstvom, biti održiv na dulji rok

    Framing research at the tourism and terrorism nexus

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    Given the rising significance of terrorism and its implications on international tourism, future tourism research will certainly intensify its focus on this particular type of crisis. To assist future research in this area, this article analyzes the evolution of research at the tourism and terrorism nexus. On the one hand, a classical bibliometric analysis of journal articles on "tourism" and "terrorism" is conducted, thereby not narrowing the focus exclusively to journals from the fields of travel, tourism and hospitality. On the other hand, qualitative content analysis and quantitative multiple correspondence analysis are paired to map this detailed research area. For this purpose, the HOMALS (analysis by means of altering least square) procedure was used. The results of this analysis create a valuable overview of the current state of research in this, unfortunately, topical area of research. Obzirom na sve veći značaj i utjecaj terorizma na međunarodni turizam, buduća će se istraživanja u turizmu zasigurno pojačano usredotočiti na ovu posebnu vrstu krize. U ovom se članku analizira evolucija istraživanja na poveznici turizma i terorizma kako bi se potakla buduća istraživanja u ovom području. S jedne strane, provedena je klasična bibliometrijska analiza članaka u časopisima na temu „turizam“ i „terorizam“ a da se pri tomu fokus nije sužavao isključivo na časopise iz područja putovanja, turizma i ugostiteljstva. S druge strane, uparene su kvalitativna analiza sadržaja i kvanti-tativna višestruka korespondencijska analiza kako bi se opisalo ovo specifično područje istraživanja. U tu svrhu se rabila procedura HOMALS (analiza homogenosti metodom najmanjeg kvadrata). Ova je analiza rezultirala vrijednim pregledom trenutnog stanja istraživanja u ovom, nažalost, aktualnom istraživačkom području

    A multidimensional approach to the environment for entrepreneurship in selected CE countries

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    Nations around the world are bent on creating an efficient and inclusive socio-economic environment and ethos for enterprises and business. The aim is to create a business setting and system of innovation in which standard macroeconomic policies are more effective and increase private sector development and economic growth. The research and innovation system in Central Europe (CE) has not been studied in sufficient depth, at either the theoretical or empirical level. Apart from their similar pattern of transition from planned to mixed economy, the national research and innovation systems of the selected countries evolved into rather diverse systems in terms of their size, enterprise composition, research intensity and structural configuration. The countries’ economic profiles play a crucial role in their integration with the EU and their global competiveness. The economic structure, level of research, technological development, human resources in science and technology (HRST), innovation, and SME competitiveness clearly testify to the diverse level of the region's economic competitiveness. The aim of this article is to describe the differences among selected Central European countries in order to demonstrate that efforts to build a single European innovation system are still far from complete. Selected composite indices such as the Global Innovation Index (GII), the Networked Readiness Index (NRI), and the Global Enabling Trade Index (ETI) show that countries in Central Europe need improvements in terms of competitiveness, innovation and technology development. Economies’ performance as regards the environment for entrepreneurs was also analysed based on several composite indices with sufficient complexity to capture the multidimensional nature of entrepreneurship. The article concludes that an efficient use of European structural and investment funds (ESIF) and the application of smart specialisation strategies are promising mechanisms for European integration processes