437 research outputs found

    Sum Rules and Ward Identities in the Kondo Lattice

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    We derive a generalized Luttinger-Ward expression for the Free energy of a many body system involving a constrained Hilbert space. In the large NN limit, we are able to explicity write the entropy as a functional of the Green's functions. Using this method we obtain a Luttinger sum rule for the Kondo lattice. One of the fascinating aspects of the sum rule, is that it contains two components, one describing the heavy electron Fermi surface, the other, a sea of oppositely charged, spinless fermions. In the heavy electron state, this sea of spinless fermions is completely filled and the electron Fermi surface expands by one electron per unit cell to compensate the positively charged background, forming a ``large'' Fermi surface. Arbitrarily weak magnetism causes the spinless Fermi sea to annihilate with part of the Fermi sea of the conduction electrons, leading to a small Fermi surface. Our results thus enable us to show that the Fermi surface volume contracts from a large, to a small volume at a quantum critical point. However, the sum rules also permit the possible formation of a new phase, sandwiched between the antiferromagnet and the heavy electron phase, where the charged spinless fermions develop a true Fermi surface.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures. Version two contains a proof of the "Entropy formula" which connects the entropy directly to the Green's functions. Version three contains corrections to typos and a more extensive discussion of the physics at finite

    Quantum replica approach to the under-screened Kondo model

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    We extend the Schwinger boson large N treatment of the underscreened Kondo model in a way that correctly captures the finite elastic phase shift in the singular Fermi liquid. The new feature of the approach, is the introduction of a flavor quantum number with K possible values, associated with the Schwinger boson representation. The large N limit is taken maintaining the ratio k=K/N fixed. This approach differs from previous approaches, in that we do not explicitly enforce a constraint on the spin representation of the Schwinger bosons. Instead, the energetics of the Kondo model cause the bosonic degrees of freedom to ``self assemble'' into a ground-state in which the spins of K bosons and N-K conduction electrons are antisymmetrically arranged into a Kondo singlet. With this device, the large N limit can be taken, in such a way that a fraction K/N of the Abrikosov Suhl resonance is immersed inside the Fermi sea. We show how this method can be used to model the full energy dependence of the singular Abrikosov Suhl resonance in the underscreened Kondo model and the field-dependent magnetization.Comment: Revised draft, with plots explicitly showing logarithmic scaling of inverse coupling constant. Small corrections prior to submission to journa

    Gapless Color Superconductivity

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    We present the dispersion relations for quasiparticle excitations about the color-flavor locked ground state of QCD at high baryon density. In the presence of condensates which pair light and strange quarks there need not be an energy gap in the quasiparticle spectrum. This raises the possibility of gapless color superconductivity, with a Meissner effect but no minimum excitation energy. Analysis within a toy model suggests that gapless color superconductivity may occur only as a metastable phase.Comment: 4 pages, Revtex, eps figures include

    Fermi liquid identities for the Infinite U Anderson Model

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    We show how the electron gas methods of Luttinger, Ward and Nozi\`eres can be applied to the infinite U Anderson impurity model within a Schwinger boson treatment. Working to all orders in a 1/N expansion, we show how the Friedel Langreth relationship, the Yamada-Yosida-Yoshimori and the Shiba-Korringa relations can be derived, under the assumption that the spinon and holon fields are gapped. One of the remarkable features of this treatment, is that the Landau amplitudes depend on the exchange of low energy virtual spinons and holons. We end the paper with a discussion on the extension of our approach to the lattice, where the spinon-holon is expected to close at a quantum critical point.Comment: 18 pages. Version 2 revised after referees comment

    Nucleation of superconducting pairing states at mesoscopic scales at zero temperature

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    We find the spin polarized disordered Fermi liquids are unstable to the nucleation of superconducting pairing states at mesoscopic scales even when magnetic fields which polarize the spins are substantially higher than the critical one. We study the probability of finding superconducting pairing states at mesoscopic scales in this limit. We find that the distribution function depends only on the film conductance. The typical length scale at which pairing takes place is universal, and decreases when the magnetic field is increased. The number density of these states determines the strength of the random exchange interactions between mesoscopic pairing states.Comment: 11 pages, no figure

    Universal Spin-Flip Transition in Itinerant Antiferromagnets

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    We report a universal spin flip (SF) transition as a function of temperature in spin-density-wave (SDW) systems. At low temperatures the antiferromagnetic (AFM) polarization is parallel to the applied field and above a critical temperature the AFM polarization {\it flips} perpendicular to the field. This transition occurs in {\it any} SDW system and may be considered as a qualitative probe of the itinerant character of AFM in a given material. Our SF transition resolves the longstanding puzzle of the SF transition observed in cromium and may be at the origin of the equally puzzling SDW-I to SDW-II transition in Bechgaard salts for which we make experimental predictions

    Effect of spin orbit scattering on the magnetic and superconducting properties of nearly ferromagnetic metals: application to granular Pt

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    We calculate the effect of scattering on the static, exchange enhanced, spin susceptibility and show that in particular spin orbit scattering leads to a reduction of the giant moments and spin glass freezing temperature due to dilute magnetic impurities. The harmful spin fluctuation contribution to the intra-grain pairing interaction is strongly reduced opening the way for BCS superconductivity. We are thus able to explain the superconducting and magnetic properties recently observed in granular Pt as due to scattering effects in single small grains.Comment: 9 pages 3 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Letter

    Superconducting Properties under Magnetic Field in Na0.35_{0.35}CoO2â‹…1.3_{2}{\cdot}1.3H2_{2}O Single Crystal

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    We report the in-plane resistivity and magnetic susceptibility of the layered cobalt oxide Na0.35_{0.35}CoO2⋅1.3_{2}{\cdot}1.3H2_{2}O single crystal. The temperature dependence of the resistivity shows metallic behavior from room temperature to the superconducting transition temperature TcT_{c} of 4.5 K. Sharp resistive transition, zero resistivity and almost perfect superconducting volume fraction below TcT_{c} indicate the good quality and the bulk superconductivity of the single crystal. The upper critical field Hc2H_{c2} and the coherence length ξ\xi are obtained from the resistive transitions in magnetic field parallel to the c-axis and the abab-plane. The anisotropy of ξ\xi, ξab/ξc=\xi_{ab} / \xi_{c} = 12 nm/1.3 nm ≃\simeq 9.2, suggests that this material is considered to be an anisotropic three dimensional superconductor. In the field parallel to the abab-plane, Hc2H_{c2} seems to be suppressed to the value of Pauli paramagnetic limit. It may indicate the spin singlet superconductivity in the cobalt oxide.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Localized versus itinerant magnetic moments in Na0.72CoO2

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    Based on experimental 59Co-NMR data in the temperature range between 0.1 and 300 K, we address the problem of the character of the Co 3d-electron based magnetism in Na0.7CoO2. Temperature dependent 59Co-NMR spectra reveal different Co environments below 300 K and their differentiation increases with decreasing temperature. We show that the 23Na- and 59Co-NMR data may consistently be interpreted by assuming that below room temperature the Co 3d-electrons are itinerant. Their magnetic interaction appears to favor an antiferromagnetic coupling, and we identify a substantial orbital contribution corb to the d-electron susceptibility. At low temperatures corb seems to acquire some temperature dependence, suggesting an increasing influence of spin-orbit coupling. The temperature dependence of the spin-lattice relaxation rate T1-1(T) confirms significant variations in the dynamics of this electronic subsystem between 200 and 300K, as previously suggested. Below 200 K, Na0.7CoO2 may be viewed as a weak antiferromagnet with TN below 1 K but this scenario still leaves a number of open questions.Comment: 8.7 pages, 6 Figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Andreev magnetotransport in low-dimensional proximity structures: Spin-dependent conductance enhancement

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    We study the excess conductance due to the superconducting proximity effect in a ballistic two-dimensional electron system subject to an in-plane magnetic field. We show that under certain conditions the interplay of the Zeeman spin splitting and the effect of a screening supercurrent gives rise to a spin-selective Andreev enhancement of the conductance and anomalies in its voltage, temperature and magnetic field characteristics. The magnetic-field influence on Andreev reflection is discussed in the context of using superconducting hybrid junctions for spin detection.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
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