74 research outputs found
Estudio palinológico de los sedimentos maastrichtienses del Barranco de la Posa (Prepirineo, Lérida, España)
El Maastrichtiense que se extiende entre Tremp y Coll de Nargó está representado por depósitos de carácter lagunar y salobre, con pequeños niveles marinos intercqlados . En la sección estudiada l a intercalación marina corresponde a un banco de Hippurites castroi al que acompañan a l g unos coral es . Los Narmapolles no son muy numerosos ni en especies ni en individuos . Entre los tipos 'que caracterizan la vegetación cabe destacar las formas de Inaperturados, ( Taxodiaceae-Cupressaceae) , Palmae y t ipo Platycarya . Localmente Cycadale~, Cupuliferoipollenites y Subtriporopollenites pueden ser abundantes. La frecuencia de Cycadales + Palmae en el conjunto esporopolínico de La Posa se aproxima al tipo de asociación polínica del Maastrichtiense de Africa pro parte. Sin embargo, Trilobospori tes ( Tuberos isporites) se encuentra en la l ocalidad tipo del Maastrichtiense, en la región boreal. Por el momento , parece que se trata de un conjunto pol ínico del r~aastrichtiense con un carácter parti cular en relación a los i ndicadosLe Maastrichtien affleurant entre Tremp et Coll de Nargó est représenté par dép8ts lagunaires et saum§tres ave e ni veaux marins i ntercalés. A la section étudiée 1 ' intercalation mar ine est determinée par un banc a Hippurites castroi avec quelques coraux . Le nombre des taxa et la quantitée des Normapolles ne sont pas tres élevées . En ce qui concerne les types qui caractérisent la végetation, les polles i na perturés ( TaxodiaceaeCupressaceae) 1 Palmae et l e type de Pl atycarya sont en premier l i eu remarquables. Localement les Cycadales , Cupuliferoipolleni tes et Subtriporopol l enites peuvent se rencontrer en quantitée remarquable . L' a bondance des formes Cycadal es + Palmae se révéle au type d'association pollin i que du ~1aastric h tien en 1' Afrique pro parte . Mai s Trilobospori tes ( Tuberosisporites) se trouve dans la l ocal i tés type de Maastricht 1 dans la région boréale. A notre avis il s'agit d 'un type d'association pollinique du Maastrichtien particulier 1 par rapport aux précédent
Los Rajiformes (Chondrichthyes, Batomorphii) del Plioceno inferior de la Formación Arenas de Huelva, suroeste de España
EL Neógeno marino del suroeste de España ha sido objeto
de numerosos estudios, su contenido fosilífero ha sido objeto
de numerosos trabajos, abordando diferentes grupos como
malacofauna (Andrés, 1982; González-Delgado, 1983), foraminíferos
(Sierro, 1984; González-Regalado, 1986), nanoplancton
calcáreo (Flores, 1985), ostrácodos (González-Regalado
y Ruiz, 1990, 1991; Ruiz y González-Regalado, 1996),
polen (Valle y Peñalba, 1987), así como aspectos generales de
tafonomía y paleoecología (Mayoral, 1986) y vertebrados
(Ruiz et al., 1997). Algunos de estos trabajos indicaban la presencia
de restos ictiológicos, como dientes de seláceos y otolitos.
En este trabajo se presentan los registros inéditos de los
Rajiformes de Formación Arenas de Huelva, Provincia de
Huelva, España (Fig. 1) de la tesis doctoral de García (2008)
Unidades litológicas del Neógeno en el extremo oeste de la Cuenca del Guadalquivir y su correlación con el sondeo Huelva-1 (Huelva - España)
A detailed surveying and a new geological map of the sheet at 1:50.000 number 999/1016 (Huelva - Los Caños), located at the west end of the Guadalquivir Basin, has been carried out. This data allows us to propose a new organization of the lithological units present at the west side of the Odiel River. These units include all the sedimentary record in this sector of the Guadalquivir Basin, ranging from Tortonian to Pliocene, but with shallower and coarser facies that are only present in this part of the basin. This fact is due to the location of the area, probably less subsiding due to a longer distance from Betic-Rif orogen. The lithological units are described concisely and a correlation with the core of the Huelva-1 borehole and with the outcrops of Huelva – Palos de la Frontera area is also proposed. The units are organized in a stack of sequences with a progradational pattern, typical of a basin margin, and highlighting a gradual reduction of the accommodation space in the late Messinian and during the Pliocene.Se ha realizado un reconocimiento detallado y un nuevo mapa geológico de la hoja a 1: 50.000 número
999/1016 (Huelva - Los Caños), situada en el extremo oeste de la Cuenca del Guadalquivir. Estos datos nos han
permitido proponer una nueva organización de las unidades litológicas presentes en el lado oeste del río Odiel. Estas
unidades incluyen el registro sedimentario completo de este sector de la Cuenca del Guadalquivir, que va desde
Tortoniense al Plioceno, pero mostrando unas facies más someras y gruesas que solo están presentes en esta parte de
la cuenca. Este hecho se debe a la ubicación de la zona, probablemente menos subsidente debido a su mayor distancia
con respecto al orógeno Bético-Rifeño. Las unidades litológicas se describen de forma concisa y se propone también su
correlación con el testigo del sondeo Huelva-1 y los afloramientos de la zona de Huelva - Palos de la Frontera. Las
unidades litológicas se organizan formando un apilamiento de secuencias con un patrón progradacional, típico de un
borde de cuenca, y ponen de manifiesto una reducción gradual del espacio de acomodación a finales del Messiniense y
durante el Plioceno.Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO)Plan de Edición de Cartografía Geológica y Geomorfológica del IGME 2013-2016pu
Paleomagnetic and paleoenvironmental implications of magnetofossil occurrences in late Miocene marine sediments from the Guadalquivir Basin, SW Spain.
Although recent studies have revealed more widespread occurrences of magnetofossils in pre-Quaternary sediments than have been previously reported, their significance for paleomagnetic and paleoenvironmental studies is not fully understood. We present a paleo- and rock-magnetic study of late Miocene marine sediments recovered from the Guadalquivir Basin (SW Spain). Well-defined paleomagnetic directions provide a robust magnetostratigraphic chronology for the two studied sediment cores. Rock magnetic results indicate the dominance of intact magnetosome chains throughout the studied sediments. These results provide a link between the highest-quality paleomagnetic directions and higher magnetofossil abundances. We interpret that bacterial magnetite formed in the surface sediment mixed layer and that these magnetic particles gave rise to a paleomagnetic signal in the same way as detrital grains. They, therefore, carry a magnetization that is essentially identical to a post-depositional remanent magnetization, which we term a bio-depositional remanent magnetization. Some studied polarity reversals record paleomagnetic directions with an apparent 60-70 kyr recording delay. Magnetofossils in these cases are interpreted to carry a biogeochemical remanent magnetization that is locked in at greater depth in the sediment column. A sharp decrease in magnetofossil abundance toward the middle of the studied boreholes coincides broadly with a major rise in sediment accumulation rates near the onset of the Messinian salinity crisis (MSC), an event caused by interruption of the connection between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. This correlation appears to have resulted from dilution of magnetofossils by enhanced terrigenous inputs that were driven, in turn, by sedimentary changes triggered in the basin at the onset of the MSC. Our results highlight the importance of magnetofossils as carriers of high-quality paleomagnetic and paleoenvironmental signals even in dominantly terrigenous sediments
Approach to the Spanish continental Neogene synthesis and paleoclimatic interpretation
Integrated studies on Neogene geology have been scarce in Spain, but attemps to stratigraphic and sedimentological analysis of continental Tertiary basins have increased considerably lately. The large extent of Neogene basins in Spain, the good quality of the outcrops and the abundance of fossil provide an excellent basis for this kind of studies
Ипотека морского судна в контексте восстановление отечественного торгового флота в Украине
Торговельне мореплавство – одна з тих галузей світової економіки, яка має найбільш швидкий розвиток у наш час. Перш за все, це пов’язано із прискоренням міжнародного товарообміну. Наростання обсягів міжнародної торгівлі, у якій прагне приймати участь також Україна, обумовлює необхідність адекватно швидкого зростання її транспортної галузі. Попри значний транспортний потенціал, що має Україна, багато в чому завдячуючи її географічному положенню, стан вітчизняного транспортного комплексу й, особливо, його морської ланки, потребує покращення. Це, в свою чергу, безпосередньо залежить від правового регулювання, що впорядковує такі процеси
A spectral line survey of Orion KL in the bands 486-492 and 541-577 GHz with the Odin satellite I. The observational data
Spectral line surveys are useful since they allow identification of new
molecules and new lines in uniformly calibrated data sets. Nonetheless, large
portions of the sub-millimetre spectral regime remain unexplored due to severe
absorptions by H2O and O2 in the terrestrial atmosphere. The purpose of the
measurements presented here is to cover wavelength regions at and around 0.55
mm -- regions largely unobservable from the ground. Using the Odin
astronomy/aeronomy satellite, we performed the first spectral survey of the
Orion KL molecular cloud core in the bands 486--492 and 541--576 GHz with
rather uniform sensitivity (22--25 mK baseline noise). Odin's 1.1 m size
telescope, equipped with four cryo-cooled tuneable mixers connected to broad
band spectrometers, was used in a satellite position-switching mode. Two mixers
simultaneously observed different 1.1 GHz bands using frequency steps of 0.5
GHz (25 hours each). An on-source integration time of 20 hours was achieved for
most bands. The entire campaign consumed ~1100 orbits, each containing one hour
of serviceable astro-observation. We identified 280 spectral lines from 38
known interstellar molecules (including isotopologues) having intensities in
the range 80 to 0.05 K. An additional 64 weak lines remain unidentified. Apart
from the ground state rotational 1(1,0)--1(0,1) transitions of ortho-H2O, H218O
and H217O, the high energy 6(2,4)--7(1,7) line of para-H2O and the
HDO(2,0,2--1,1,1) line have been observed, as well as the 1,0--0,1 lines from
NH3 and its rare isotopologue 15NH3. We suggest assignments for some
unidentified features, notably the new interstellar molecules ND and SH-.
Severe blends have been detected in the line wings of the H218O, H217O and 13CO
lines changing the true linewidths of the outflow emission.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures, 7 tables, accepeted for publication in
Astronomy and Astrophysics 30 August 200
Identifiable Acetylene Features Predicted for Young Earth-like Exoplanets with Reducing Atmospheres Undergoing Heavy Bombardment
The chemical environments of young planets are assumed to be largely influenced by the impacts of bodies lingering on unstable trajectories after the dissolution of the protoplanetary disk. We explore the chemical consequences of impacts within the context of reducing planetary atmospheres dominated by carbon monoxide, methane, and molecular nitrogen. A terawatt high-power laser was selected in order to simulate the airglow plasma and blast wave surrounding the impactor. The chemical results of these experiments are then applied to a theoretical atmospheric model. The impact simulation results in substantial volume mixing ratios within the reactor of 5% hydrogen cyanide (HCN), 8% acetylene (C2H2), 5% cyanoacetylene (HC3N), and 1% ammonia (NH3). These yields are combined with estimated impact rates for the early Earth to predict surface boundary conditions for an atmospheric model. We show that impacts might have served as sources of energy that would have led to steady-state surface quantities of 0.4% C2H2, 400 ppm HCN, and 40 ppm NH3. We provide simulated transit spectra for an Earth-like exoplanet with this reducing atmosphere during and shortly after eras of intense impacts. We predict that acetylene is as observable as other molecular features on exoplanets with reducing atmospheres that have recently gone through their own "heavy bombardments," with prominent features at 3.05 and 10.5 μm
Magnetobiochronology of lower Pliocene marine sediments from the lower Guadalquivir Basin: insights into the tectonic evolution of the Strait of Gibraltar area
The Gibraltar Arc is a complex tectonic region, and several competing models have been proposed to explain its evolution. We studied the sedimentary fill of the Guadalquivir Basin to identify tectonic processes that were occurring when the reopening of the Strait of Gibraltar led to the reestablishment of Mediterranean outflow. We present a chronostratigraphic framework for the Lower Pliocene sediments from the lower Guadalquivir Basin (SW Spain). The updated chronology is based on magnetobiostratigraphic data from several boreholes. Our results show that the studied interval in the La Matilla core is in the early Pliocene section, providing better constraints on the sedimentary evolution of the basin during that period. Migrating depositional facies led to a younger onset of sandy deposition basinward. At the northwestern passive margin, a 0.7 m.y. period of sedimentary bypass related to a sharp decrease in sedimentation rates and lower sea levels resulted from the tectonic uplift of the forebulge. In contrast, high sedimentation rates with continuous deep-marine sedimentation are recorded at the basin center due to continuous tectonic subsidence and west-southwestward progradation of axial depositional systems. The marginal forebulge uplift, continuous tectonic basinal subsidence, and southward progradation of clinoforms in the early Pliocene can be explained by the pull of a lithospheric slab beneath the Gibraltar Arc as the Strait of Gibraltar opened. These findings are, to our knowledge, the first reported sedimentary expression of slab pull beneath the Betics related to the opening of the Strait of Gibraltar after the Messinian salinity crisis
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