12,301 research outputs found

    On the isomorphism between the reduction algebra and the invariant differential operators on Lie groups

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    Using techniques of deformation (bi)quantization we establish a non-canonical algebra isomorphism between the deformed reduction algebra and the invariant differential operators on G/H. Further results concerning other deformations of these two algebras are also proved. Part of the author's PhD thesis at University Paris 7, 2009.Comment: 27 page

    Coisotropic submanifolds in Poisson geometry and branes in the Poisson sigma model

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    General boundary conditions ("branes") for the Poisson sigma model are studied. They turn out to be labeled by coisotropic submanifolds of the given Poisson manifold. The role played by these boundary conditions both at the classical and at the perturbative quantum level is discussed. It turns out to be related at the classical level to the category of Poisson manifolds with dual pairs as morphisms and at the perturbative quantum level to the category of associative algebras (deforming algebras of functions on Poisson manifolds) with bimodules as morphisms. Possibly singular Poisson manifolds arising from reduction enter naturally into the picture and, in particular, the construction yields (under certain assumptions) their deformation quantization.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures; minor corrections, references updated; final versio

    A general resonance theory based on Mourre's inequality

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    We study the perturbation of bound states embedded in the continuous spectrum which are unstable by the Fermi Golden Rule. The approach to resonance theory based on spectral deformation is extended to a more general class of quantum systems characterized by Mourre's inequality and smoothness of the resolvent. Within the framework of perturbation theory it is still possible to give a definite meaning to the notion of complex resonance energies and of corresponding metastable states. The main result is a quasi-exponential decay estimate up to a controlled error of higher order in perturbation theory.Comment: 17 page

    The alpha-effect in rotating convection: a comparison of numerical simulations

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    Numerical simulations are an important tool in furthering our understanding of turbulent dynamo action, a process that occurs in a vast range of astrophysical bodies. It is important in all computational work that comparisons are made between different codes and, if non-trivial differences arise, that these are explained. Kapyla et al (2010: MNRAS 402, 1458) describe an attempt to reproduce the results of Hughes & Proctor (2009: PRL 102, 044501) and, by employing a different methodology, they arrive at very different conclusions concerning the mean electromotive force and the generation of large-scale fields. Here we describe why the simulations of Kapyla et al (2010) are simply not suitable for a meaningful comparison, since they solve different equations, at different parameter values and with different boundary conditions. Furthermore we describe why the interpretation of Kapyla et al (2010) of the calculation of the alpha-effect is inappropriate and argue that the generation of large-scale magnetic fields by turbulent convection remains a problematic issue.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS. 5 pages, 3 figure

    Loop and Path Spaces and Four-Dimensional BF Theories: Connections, Holonomies and Observables

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    We study the differential geometry of principal G-bundles whose base space is the space of free paths (loops) on a manifold M. In particular we consider connections defined in terms of pairs (A,B), where A is a connection for a fixed principal bundle P(M,G) and B is a 2-form on M. The relevant curvatures, parallel transports and holonomies are computed and their expressions in local coordinates are exhibited. When the 2-form B is given by the curvature of A, then the so-called non-abelian Stokes formula follows. For a generic 2-form B, we distinguish the cases when the parallel transport depends on the whole path of paths and when it depends only on the spanned surface. In particular we discuss generalizations of the non-abelian Stokes formula. We study also the invariance properties of the (trace of the) holonomy under suitable transformation groups acting on the pairs (A,B). In this way we are able to define observables for both topological and non-topological quantum field theories of the BF type. In the non topological case, the surface terms may be relevant for the understanding of the quark-confinement problem. In the topological case the (perturbative) four-dimensional quantum BF-theory is expected to yield invariants of imbedded (or immersed) surfaces in a 4-manifold M.Comment: TeX, 39 page

    A Counterexample to the Quantizability of Modules

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    Let a Poisson structure on a manifold M be given. If it vanishes at a point m, the evaluation at m defines a one dimensional representation of the Poisson algebra of functions on M. We show that this representation can, in general, not be quantized. Precisely, we give a counterexample for M=R^n, such that: (i) The evaluation map at 0 can not be quantized to a representation of the algebra of functions with product the Kontsevich product associated to the Poisson structure. (ii) For any formal Poisson structure extending the given one and vanishing at zero up to second order in epsilon, (i) still holds. We do not know whether the second claim remains true if one allows the higher order terms in epsilon to attain nonzero values at zero

    Observables in the equivariant A-model

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    We discuss observables of an equivariant extension of the A-model in the framework of the AKSZ construction. We introduce the A-model observables, a class of observables that are homotopically equivalent to the canonical AKSZ observables but are better behaved in the gauge fixing. We discuss them for two different choices of gauge fixing: the first one is conjectured to compute the correlators of the A-model with target the Marsden-Weinstein reduced space; in the second one we recover the topological Yang-Mills action coupled with A-model so that the A-model observables are closed under supersymmetry.Comment: 16 pages; minor correction

    Quantum Models of Black Hole Evaporation

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    The discovery of black-hole evaporation represented in many respects a revolutionary event in scientific world; as such, in giving answers to open questions, it gave rise to new problems part of which are still not resolved. Here we want to make a brief review of such problems and examine some possible solutions. Invited Talk at the "Workshop on String Theory, Quantum Gravity and the Unification of the Fundamental Interactions" Rome, September 21-26Comment: 9 pages, ROM2F-92/6