23 research outputs found

    Monitoring biological wastewater treatment processes: Recent advances in spectroscopy applications

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    Biological processes based on aerobic and anaerobic technologies have been continuously developed to wastewater treatment and are currently routinely employed to reduce the contaminants discharge levels in the environment. However, most methodologies commonly applied for monitoring key parameters are labor intensive, time-consuming and just provide a snapshot of the process. Thus, spectroscopy applications in biological processes are, nowadays, considered a rapid and effective alternative technology for real-time monitoring though still lacking implementation in full-scale plants. In this review, the application of spectroscopic techniques to aerobic and anaerobic systems is addressed focusing on UV--Vis, infrared, and fluorescence spectroscopy. Furthermore, chemometric techniques, valuable tools to extract the relevant data, are also referred. To that effect, a detailed analysis is performed for aerobic and anaerobic systems to summarize the findings that have been obtained since 2000. Future prospects for the application of spectroscopic techniques in biological wastewater treatment processes are further discussed.The authors thank the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit, COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006684) and the project RECI/BBB-EBI/0179/2012 (FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-027462) and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte. The authors also acknowledge the ïŹnancial support to Daniela P. Mesquita and Cristina Quintelas through the postdoctoral Grants (SFRH/BPD/82558/2011 and SFRH/BPD/101338/2014) provided by FCT - Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    "Osservazioni di oscillazioni locali nel ponte strallato sul fiume Guadiana"

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    Si descrivono diversi fenomeni dinamici osservati durante le ricorrenti oscillazioni di modesta ed elevata ampiezza che interessano alcuni cavi dell\u2019International Guadiana Bridge, un ponte strallato al confine fra Spagna e Portogallo. Una descrizione particolareggiata della dinamica osservata \ue8 accompagnata da congetture preliminari circa le cause che la determinano, suffragate sia da un semplice modello in grado di descrivere sinteticamente l\u2019interazione dinamica fra impalcato e cavi, sia da un pi\uf9 completo modello agli elementi finiti dell\u2019intera struttura. Attraverso detti modelli sono analizzate le possibili conseguenze di condizioni di risonanza interna e l\u2019influenza sulla risposta di diverse forzanti, quali il vento ed il traffic

    Comparison of biomethane production and digestate characterization for selected agricultural substrates in Italy

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    Starting from (but not limited to) their importance in the Italian context, three agricultural substrates, two of fruit origin (grape seeds and plum stones) and one of herbaceous origin (woad), were comparatively tested for both biomethane production and digestate characterization. The anaerobic digestion tests showed that grape seeds had the highest net methane production of 253.0 NmL g volatile solids (VS)−1, followed by plum stones, whose best resulting net methane production was 174.7 NmL gVS−1, and finally by woad with a net methane production of 153.1 NmL gVS−1. Interestingly, the best methane productions of the fruit substrates were obtained with different substrate to inoculum ratios (on a VS basis), 1:1 for grape seeds but 2:1 for plum stones. On the other hand, a three-month ageing of woad caused a limited reduction of methane production. The estimation of obtained degrees of conversion, carried out on a chemical oxygen demand (COD) basis for the specific tests achieving the respective best methane productions, gave values of 48%, 31%, and 33% for grape seeds, plum stones, and woad, respectively. The estimated degrees of conversion were evaluated along with the respective methane productions and substrate COD/VS ratios. The comparison of Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra and differential thermal analysis (DTA) profiles, carried out for selected digestates in pairs, revealed some distinctive differences in the relative intensities or presence and absence of particular peaks in the FT-IR spectra and in the relative intensities of the exothermic peaks or horizontal curve shifting of the DTA profiles