3,181 research outputs found

    Pair extended coupled cluster doubles

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    The accurate and efficient description of strongly correlated systems remains an important challenge for computational methods. Doubly occupied configuration interaction (DOCI), in which all electrons are paired and no correlations which break these pairs are permitted, can in many cases provide an accurate account of strong correlations, albeit at combinatorial computational cost. Recently, there has been significant interest in a method we refer to as pair coupled cluster doubles (pCCD), a variant of coupled cluster doubles in which the electrons are paired. This is simply because pCCD provides energies nearly identical to those of DOCI, but at mean-field computational cost (disregarding the cost of the two-electron integral transformation). Here, we introduce the more complete pair extended coupled cluster doubles (pECCD) approach which, like pCCD, has mean-field cost and reproduces DOCI energetically. We show that unlike pCCD, pECCD also reproduces the DOCI wave function with high accuracy. Moreoever, pECCD yields sensible albeit inexact results even for attractive interactions where pCCD breaks down.Comment: submitted manuscrip

    Spectral Effects of the Vacuum Resonance in Soft Gamma-Ray Repeaters

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    The association of all three soft gamma-ray repeaters (SGRs) with supernova remnants has established that SGRs are young neutron stars, and has given us a starting point for detailed modeling. One of the most popular classes of models involves strongly magnetised neutron stars, with surface dipole fields B~ 10^{14}-10^{15} Gauss. In such strong magnetic fields, many otherwise negligible processes can play an important role. Here we consider the effects of vacuum polarisation on Compton scattering. Vacuum polarisation introduces a characteristic density-dependent photon frequency at which the normal modes of polarisation become nonorthogonal and the mean free path of photons decreases sharply. Our analytic results and Monte Carlo simulations of photon propagation through a magnetised plasma show that this effect leads, under a wide range of physical conditions, to a broad absorption-like feature in the energy range ~5 keV---40 keV. We discuss this effect in light of the spectra from SGR 1806-20.Comment: 13 pages Latex , uses mn.sty. Submitted to MNRA

    Particle-particle and quasiparticle random phase approximations: Connections to coupled cluster theory

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    We establish a formal connection between the particle-particle (pp) random phase approximation (RPA) and the ladder channel of the coupled cluster doubles (CCD) equations. The relationship between RPA and CCD is best understood within a Bogoliubov quasiparticle (qp) RPA formalism. This work is a follow-up to our previous formal proof on the connection between particle-hole (ph) RPA and ring-CCD. Whereas RPA is a quasibosonic approximation, CC theory is a correct bosonization in the sense that the wavefunction and Hilbert space are exactly fermionic. Coupled cluster theory achieves this goal by interacting the ph (ring) and pp (ladder) diagrams via a third channel that we here call "crossed-ring" whose presence allows for full fermionic antisymmetry. Additionally, coupled cluster incorporates what we call "mosaic" terms which can be absorbed into defining a new effective one-body Hamiltonian. The inclusion of these mosaic terms seems to be quite important. The pp-RPA an d qp-RPA equations are textbook material in nuclear structure physics but are largely unknown in quantum chemistry, where particle number fluctuations and Bogoliubov determinants are rarely used. We believe that the ideas and connections discussed in this paper may help design improved ways of incorporating RPA correlation into density functionals based on a CC perspective

    Can attention to the intestinal microbiota improve understanding and treatment of anorexia nervosa?

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    Anorexia nervosa (AN) is characterized by severe dietary restriction or other weight loss behaviors and exhibits the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric disorder. Therapeutic renourishment in AN is founded primarily on clinical opinion and guidelines, with a weak evidence base. Genetic factors do not fully account for the etiology of AN, and non-genetic factors that contribute to the onset and persistence of this disease warrant investigation. Compelling evidence that the intestinal microbiota regulates adiposity and metabolism, and more recently, anxiety behavior, provides a strong rationale for exploring the role of this complex microbial community in the onset, maintenance of, and recovery from AN. This review explores the relationship between the intestinal microbiota and AN and a potential role for this enteric microbial community as a therapy for this severe illness
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