543 research outputs found

    Asymptotic behaviour of multiple scattering on infinite number of parallel demi-planes

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    The exact solution for the scattering of electromagnetic waves on an infinite number of parallel demi-planes has been obtained by J.F. Carlson and A.E. Heins in 1947 using the Wiener-Hopf method. We analyze their solution in the semiclassical limit of small wavelength and find the asymptotic behaviour of the reflection and transmission coefficients. The results are compared with the ones obtained within the Kirchhoff approximation

    Power-law random banded matrices and ultrametric matrices: eigenvector distribution in the intermediate regime

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    The power-law random banded matrices and the ultrametric random matrices are investigated numerically in the regime where eigenstates are extended but all integer matrix moments remain finite in the limit of large matrix dimensions. Though in this case standard analytical tools are inapplicable, we found that in all considered cases eigenvector distributions are extremely well described by the generalised hyperbolic distribution which differs considerably from the usual Porter-Thomas distribution but shares with it certain universal properties.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figure

    Semi-classical calculations of the two-point correlation form factor for diffractive systems

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    The computation of the two-point correlation form factor K(t) is performed for a rectangular billiard with a small size impurity inside for both periodic or Dirichlet boundary conditions. It is demonstrated that all terms of perturbation expansion of this form factor in powers of t can be computed directly by semiclassical trace formula. The main part of the calculation is the summation of non-diagonal terms in the cross product of classical orbits. When the diffraction coefficient is a constant our results coincide with expansion of exact expressions ontained by a different method.Comment: 42 pages, 10 figures, Late

    Composite non-Abelian Flux Tubes in N=2 SQCD

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    Composite non-Abelian vortices in N=2 supersymmetric U(2) SQCD are investigated. The internal moduli space of an elementary non-Abelian vortex is CP^1. In this paper we find a composite state of two coincident non-Abelian vortices explicitly solving the first order BPS equations. Topology of the internal moduli space T is determined in terms of a discrete quotient CP^2/Z_2. The spectrum of physical strings and confined monopoles is discussed. This gives indirect information about the sigma model with target space T.Comment: 37 pages, 7 figures, v3 details added, v4 erratum adde

    Non-Abelian Semilocal Strings in N=2 Supersymmetric QCD

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    We consider a benchmark bulk theory in four-dimensions: N=2 supersymmetric QCD with the gauge group U(N) and N_f flavors of fundamental matter hypermultiplets (quarks). The nature of the BPS strings in this benchmark theory crucially depends on N_f. If N_f\geq N and all quark masses are equal, it supports non-Abelian BPS strings which have internal (orientational) moduli. If N_f>N these strings become semilocal, developing additional moduli \rho related to (unlimited) variations of their transverse size. Using the U(2) gauge group with N_f=3,4 as an example, we derive an effective low-energy theory on the (two-dimensional) string world sheet. Our derivation is field-theoretic, direct and explicit: we first analyze the Bogomol'nyi equations for string-geometry solitons, suggest an ansatz and solve it at large \rho. Then we use this solution to obtain the world-sheet theory. In the semiclassical limit our result confirms the Hanany-Tong conjecture, which rests on brane-based arguments, that the world-sheet theory is N=2 supersymmetric U(1) gauge theory with N positively and N_e=N_f-N negatively charged matter multiplets and the Fayet-Iliopoulos term determined by the four-dimensional coupling constant. We conclude that the Higgs branch of this model is not lifted by quantum effects. As a result, such strings cannot confine. Our analysis of infrared effects, not seen in the Hanany-Tong consideration, shows that, in fact, the derivative expansion can make sense only provided the theory under consideration is regularized in the infrared, e.g. by the quark mass differences. The world-sheet action discussed in this paper becomes a bona fide low-energy effective action only if \Delta m_{AB}\neq 0.Comment: 36 pages, no figure

    Nearest-neighbor distribution for singular billiards

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    The exact computation of the nearest-neighbor spacing distribution P(s) is performed for a rectangular billiard with point-like scatterer inside for periodic and Dirichlet boundary conditions and it is demonstrated that for large s this function decreases exponentially. Together with the results of [Bogomolny et al., Phys. Rev. E 63, 036206 (2001)] it proves that spectral statistics of such systems is of intermediate type characterized by level repulsion at small distances and exponential fall-off of the nearest-neighbor distribution at large distances. The calculation of the n-th nearest-neighbor spacing distribution and its asymptotics is performed as well for any boundary conditions.Comment: 38 pages, 10 figure

    Multifractal dimensions for all moments for certain critical random matrix ensembles in the strong multifractality regime

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    We construct perturbation series for the q-th moment of eigenfunctions of various critical random matrix ensembles in the strong multifractality regime close to localization. Contrary to previous investigations, our results are valid in the region q<1/2. Our findings allow to verify, at first leading orders in the strong multifractality limit, the symmetry relation for anomalous fractal dimensions Delta(q)=Delta(1-q), recently conjectured for critical models where an analogue of the metal-insulator transition takes place. It is known that this relation is verified at leading order in the weak multifractality regime. Our results thus indicate that this symmetry holds in both limits of small and large coupling constant. For general values of the coupling constant we present careful numerical verifications of this symmetry relation for different critical random matrix ensembles. We also present an example of a system closely related to one of these critical ensembles, but where the symmetry relation, at least numerically, is not fulfilled.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Electromagnetic Interaction in the System of Multimonopoles and Vortex Rings

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    Behavior of static axially symmetric monopole-antimonopole and vortex ring solutions of the SU(2) Yang-Mills-Higgs theory in an external uniform magnetic field is considered. It is argued that the axially symmetric monopole-antimonopole chains and vortex rings can be treated as a bounded electromagnetic system of the magnetic charges and the electric current rings. The magnitude of the external field is a parameter which may be used to test the structure of the static potential of the effective electromagnetic interaction between the monopoles with opposite orientation in the group space. It is shown that for a non-BPS solutions there is a local minimum of this potential.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, some minor corrections, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Semi-classical analysis of real atomic spectra beyond Gutzwiller's approximation

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    Real atomic systems, like the hydrogen atom in a magnetic field or the helium atom, whose classical dynamics are chaotic, generally present both discrete and continuous symmetries. In this letter, we explain how these properties must be taken into account in order to obtain the proper (i.e. symmetry projected) \hbar expansion of semiclassical expressions like the Gutzwiller trace formula. In the case of the hydrogen atom in a magnetic field, we shed light on the excellent agreement between present theory and exact quantum results.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, final versio

    Det-Det Correlations for Quantum Maps: Dual Pair and Saddle-Point Analyses

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    An attempt is made to clarify the ballistic non-linear sigma model formalism recently proposed for quantum chaotic systems, by the spectral determinant Z(s)=Det(1-sU) of a quantized map U element of U(N). More precisely, we study the correlator omega_U(s)= (averaging t over the unit circle). Identifying the group U(N) as one member of a dual pair acting in the spinor representation of Spin(4N), omega_U(s) is expanded in terms of irreducible characters of U(N). In close analogy with the ballistic non-linear sigma model, a coherent-state integral representation of omega_U(s) is developed. We show that the leading-order saddle-point approximation reproduces omega_U(s) exactly, up to a constant factor; this miracle can be explained by interpreting omega_U(s) as a character of U(2N), for which the saddle-point expansion yields the Weyl character formula. Unfortunately, this decomposition behaves non-smoothly in the semiclassical limit, and to make further progress some averaging over U needs to be introduced. Several averaging schemes are investigated. In general, a direct application of the saddle-point approximation to these schemes is demonstrated to give incorrect results; this is not the case for a `semiclassical averaging scheme', for which all loop corrections vanish identically. As a side product of the dual pair decomposition, we compute a crossover between the Poisson and CUE ensembles for omega_U(s)