824 research outputs found

    The Child Care Crisis and Its Impact on Hispanic Families

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    While the child care crisis has touched nearly every corner of America, impacting families of diverse racial, cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds, this report will examine its impact on the Hispanic community. With a population of 59.9 million, Hispanics are the largest minority population in the United States and contribute to the rich and diverse fabric of American life. The U.S. Office of Management and Budget defines Hispanic as “a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race.” Hispanic families in the United States, made up of both immigrants and nativeborn citizens, disproportionally lack access to a varied array of affordable child care providers. Nearly 60 percent of Hispanic families reside in a child care desert

    Arthur Baldwinson: regional modernism in Sydney 1937-1969

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    This thesis examines the career of Arthur Baldwinson (1908-1969), a Sydney-based modernist architect. It argues that Baldwinson was a central figure in the development of a modernist domestic architecture in Australia from the late 1930s until the late 1950s through his practice as well as his activist role in the development of the Australian design reform and arts organisations: the Modern Architecture Research Group (MARS); the Designers for Industry Association of Australia (DIAA); and the Contemporary Art Society (CAS). It is further argued that Baldwinson designed and built two of Sydney's first authentically modernist houses before the 1939-45 War and that his subsequent development and refinement of a regional methodology for modernism in Sydney's domestic architecture is at the centre of the later regionalist styles of the late 1950s and early 1960s currently described as the "Sydney School". The conclusions argue that significant alterations are required in the historical narratives of Sydney modernist architecture to illustrate the presence of an activist modernist community of shared architectural experiences by the late 1930s and Baldwinson's presence at the centre of these developments in domestic architecture. The research draws on a broad range of primary and secondary sources. These include the Baldwinson papers at the State Library of NSW, other papers in private collections, contemporary photographs, popular and professional press reports, interviews with surviving associates and students of Baldwinson, scholarly published literature and unpublished theses relating to modernism in Australia and Europe, as well as the international development of a regionalist methodology for architecture adapted by Baldwinson and other Australian practitioners

    Nineteenth Century River Town A Social-Economic Study of New Albany, Indiana.

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston University 2 disk recordings. In Audio-Visual Library. N.B.: The thesis pages are mis-numbered; page 408 is followed by page 410. We believe this is a numbering error on the author's part, and not missing content.The modern New Albany, Indiana, is one of hundreds of urban centers in the United States that are classified as "small cities." Today, when there are so many cities that measure their population in terms of hundreds of thousands or millions, towns the size of New Albany do not stand out very prominently. Scholars have devoted much attention to the study of the phenomena responsible for the growth of the smaller towns. On the whole little fault can be found with this procedure; but it tends to convey the impression that the large cities were always leaders and that the inconspicuous towns were always inconspicuous towns. It is a little shocking to learn that in 1840 New Albany and Chicago each had a population of 4,000 or that for about three decades (1830-1860) New Albany was the most populous center in the state of Indiana. New Albany was chosen as the subject of this particular study partly because of its past distinction as an important Ohio River town, and partly because it is representative of many nineteenth century American towns that lost out in the race for urbanization. New Albany possessed features which were unique, others which were common to hundreds of communities. This study attempts not only to examine causes of New Albany's successes and failures, but also to show what every day life was like in a "typical" urban community of the past century. About two thirds of this work is concerned with the discussion of topics that are basically economic: the importance of the town's river location; its river and interior trading activities; its steamboat building; its rivalry with Louisville, Kentucky, and competing Indiana towns; the development of its railroad connections; and the evolution of its manufacturing establishments. The remainder is devoted to a discussion of its social and intellectual activities: crime, religion, racial issues, recreation; municipal institutions. streets, public utilities; education, lyceums, and newspapers. This historical account of NEw Albany has been divided into three basic chronological section: 1813 to 1830; 1830 to 1860; and 1860 to the close of the century. During the first period New Albany was predominantly a frontier community, not unlike dozens of other new West settlements. The second period is characterized by the town's close attachment to the river and its steady advance toward urbanization. The third period is marked chiefly by the transition of its economy from one based on the river (commerce and boatbuilding) to one based on manufacturing. During these latter decades there was a diminishing rate of population increase and a gradual abandonment of the earlier ambitions to make New Albany a truly great city. The two features of nineteenth century New Albany which set it apart from other towns were its steamboat building and its glass manufacturing. The earlier enterprise is indicative of the town's river attachment, while the later exemplifies the manner in which the economy of the town passed beyond the river influences. The steamboat building industry began in NEw Albany just a few years after the town was founded. The first boat constructed there was the 364 ton Ohio, built by Henry S. Shreve in 1817. Following initial successes, the industry was expanded until by the 1850's New Albany was one of the major boatbuilding points on the Ohio-Mississippi River system. In the decade from 1850 to 1860 the New Albany builders constructed over fifteen first class river packets annually; the total output of the industry averaged from 500,000to500,000 to 900,000 a year. Many of the most famous Western steamboats were products of the NEw Albany yards: among these were the Eclipse, the largest and one of the fastest of the pre-Civil war boats; the A.L. Shotwell, the holder of the New Orleans to Louisville speed record; and the Robert E. Lee, whose post-Civil War racing career on the Mississippi River has found permanence in song and folklore. Partly because of the economic setback which resulted from the Civil War, and partly because of other factors, the New Albany boatbuilding industry almost completely disappeared in the late 1860's. As a glass making center New Albany is most distinguished for having been the first place in the United States where "commercially successful" plate glass was manufactured. The man credited with achieving this industrial feat was John B. Ford, later one of the founders of the modern Libbey-Owens-Ford Glass Company. A few years after Ford established the glass industry in New Albany, the local enterprise was taken over and expanded by Washington C. Depauw, Indiana's "richest citizen" and New Albany's most successful enterepreur. In the 1870's and 1880's the city was a center for many diversified industries, but glass making was the largest. It represented a capital investment of $2,000,000, and gave employment to 1,500 men. Its plant covered an area of thirty acres along the New Albany river front. The lack of natural gas deposits in the vicinity of NEw Albany made the city less eligible than other points in the northern part of Indiana for large scale industrial pursuits, and in the early 1890's the factory was closed and removed to Alexandria, Indiana. A general demise of the city's industrial establishment followed the removal of the glass works, and the century closed with New Albany striving to retain some semblance of its past glories. Material of secondary nature on New Albany's history is scarce, and even in the standard histories of the state, New Albany's position of distinction among the other nineteenth century towns has been given very little attention. The only work which deals at length with New Albany is the History of the Ohio Falls Cities and Their Counties. Though invaluable as a source of information that is not readily attainable elsewhere, this 1862 publication does not measure up to the modern standards of historical narrative and interpretation. Besides two Master's theses--one devoted to the industrial development of the town, and the other to the history of its system of public education--secondary materials are confined to a few "promotion" pamphlets. These secondary works have been consulted, and some data have been borrowed from them; but this present study is based largely on primary source materials. These include municipal records, private and governmental documents, census reports, contemporary gazetteers and river guides, traveler accounts, and, most important of all, newspapers

    A simulation tool for analysis and design of reverse electrodialysis using concentrated brines

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    Reverse Electrodialysis (SGP-RE or RED) represents a viable technology for the conversion of the Salinity Gradient Power into electric power. A comprehensive model is proposed for the RED process using sea or brackish water and concentrated brine as feed solutions. The goals were (i) reliably describing the physical phenomena involved in the process and (ii) providing information for optimal equipment design. For such purposes, the model has been developed at two different scales of description: a lower scale for the repeating unit of the system (cell pair), and a higher scale for the entire equipment (stack). The model was implemented in a process simulator, validated against original experimental information and then used to investigate the influence of the main operating factors and on power output. Feed solutions of different salinities were also tested. A good matching was found between predictions and experiments for a wide range of inlet concentrations, flow rates and feed temperatures. Optimal feed conditions, for the adopted system geometry and membranes, have been found employing brackish water (0.08-0.1 M NaCl) as dilute and brine (4.5-5 M NaCl) as concentrate to generate the highest power density at 40\ub0C temperature. The model can be used to explore the full potential of the RED technology, especially for any investigation regarding the future scale-up of the process

    Investigating the Trade-Off between Design and Operational Flexibility in Continuous Manufacturing of Pharmaceutical Tablets: A Case Study of the Fluid Bed Dryer

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    Market globalisation, shortened patent lifetimes and the ongoing shift towards personalised medicines exert unprecedented pressure on the pharmaceutical industry. In the push for continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing, processes need to be shown to be agile and robust enough to handle variations with respect to product demands and operating conditions. In this paper we examine the use of operational envelopes to study the trade-off between the design and operational flexibility of the fluid bed dryer at the heart of a tablet manufacturing process. The operating flexibility of this unit is key to the flexibility of the full process and its supply chain. The methodology shows that for the fluid bed dryer case study there is significant effect on flexibility of the process at different drying times with the optimal obtained at 700 s. The flexibility is not affected by the change in volumetric flowrate, but only by the change in temperature. Here the method used a black box model to show how it could be done without access to the full model equation set, as this often needs to be the case in commercial settings

    Analysis and simulation of scale-up potentials in reverse electrodialysis

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    The Reverse Electrodialysis (RED) process has been widely accepted as a viable and promising technology to produce electric energy from salinity difference (salinity gradient power - e.g. using river water/seawater, or seawater and concentrated brines). Recent R&D efforts demonstrated how an appropriate design of the RED unit and a suitable selection of process conditions may crucially enhance the process performance. With this regard, a process simulator was developed and validated with experimental data collected on a lab-scale unit, providing a new modelling tool for process optimisation. In this work, performed within the REAPower project (www.reapower.eu), a process simulator previously proposed by the same authors has been modified in order to predict the behaviour of a cross-flow RED unit. The model was then adopted to investigate the influence of the most important variables (i.e. solution properties and stack geometry) on the overall process performance. In particular, the use of different concentrations and flow rates for the feed streams have been considered, as well as different aspect ratios in asymmetric stacks. Moreover, the influence of the scaling-up a RED unit was investigated, starting from a 22x22 cm2 100 cell pairs lab-stack, and simulating the performance of larger stacks up to a 44x88 cm2 500 cell pairs unit. Finally, different scenarios are proposed for a prototype-scale RED plant, providing useful indications for the technology scale-up towards 1 kW of power production, relevant to the installation of a real prototype plant in Trapani (Italy) being the final objective of the R&D activities of the REAPower project

    Multi-scale modelling of an electrodialysis with bipolar membranes pilot plant and economic evaluation of its potential

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    Sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid are widely used chemicals in different industrial sectors. To minimize costs and risks associated with transportation, handling and storage, these hazardous chemicals can be produced in situ employing electrodialysis with bipolar membranes (EDBM). This work presents a multi-scale model capable of simulating large scale EDBM units with complex stack configuration (i.e., internal staging) that can be used to design and optimize the process. The model was validated in two different process configurations using experimental results obtained from an EDBM pilot plant. Discrepancies between model and experimental results in the range of 2–11 % were obtained. The validated model was used to conduct a techno-economic evaluation adopting the feed and bleed configuration. Results show that current efficiency increases as the current density rises. At 600 A m−2, values of current efficiency between 72 % and 96 % were found for sodium hydroxide concentration in the range of 0.5–1 mol L−1. The levelized cost of sodium hydroxide (LCoNaOH) was evaluated, in the same range of concentrations, demonstrating that values between 280 and 370 € ton−1 can be obtained, fixing the electricity prince (0.1 kWh kg−1) and the triplet specific cost (600 USm−2).Moreover,assumingareducedcostofelectricityandtripletto0.05kWhkg−1and300US m−2). Moreover, assuming a reduced cost of electricity and triplet to 0.05 kWh kg−1 and 300 US m−2, respectively, an absolute minimum of 140 € ton−1 was found for the target 0.5 mol L−1. A double stage EDBM configuration was simulated to show the scale-up potentials of the multi-scale model. A reduction in the LcoNaOH of 10 % was obtained for a target concentration of 1 mol L−1. These results prove the attractiveness of the EDBM technology for producing in situ chemicals
