33 research outputs found

    Development of Near Infrared Spectroscopy Models for Quantitative Prediction of the Content of Bioactive Compounds in Olive Leaves

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the ability of artificial neural networks (ANN) in near infrared (NIR) spectra calibration models to predict the total polyphenolic content, antioxidant activity, and extraction yield of the olive leaves aqueous extracts prepared with three extraction procedures (conventional extraction, microwave-assisted extraction, and microwave-ultrasound-assisted extraction). Partial least squares (PLS) models were developed from principal component analyses (PCA) scores of NIR spectra of olive leaf aqueous extracts in terms of total polyphenols concentration, antioxidant activity, and extraction yield for each extraction procedure. PLS models were used to view which PCA scores are the best suited as input for ANN based on three output variables. ANN showed very good correlation of NIRs and all tested variables, especially in the case of total polyphenolic content (TPC). Therefore, ANN can be used for the prediction of total polyphenol concentrations, antioxidant activity, and extraction yield of plant extracts based on the NIR spectra

    Toksikokinetika prometrina u mozgu miŔeva

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    Prometryne is a methylthio-s-triazine herbicide. Signifi cant trace amounts are found in the environment, mainly in water, soil, and food plants. The aim of this study was to establish brain and blood prometryne levels after single oral dose (1 g kg-1) in adult male and female mice. Prometryne was measured using the GC/MS assay at 1, 2, 4, 8, and 24 h after prometryne administration. Peak brain and blood prometryne values were observed 1 h after administration and they decreased in a time-dependent manner. Male mice had consistently higher brain and blood prometryne levels than female mice. The observed prometryne kinetics was similar to that reported for the structurally related herbicide atrazine.Prometrin je metiltio-s-triazinski herbicid. Značajne količine prometrina zaostaju u tragovima u okoliÅ”u, poglavito u vodi, tlu i biljkama koje rabimo za prehranu. Cilj je rada izmjeriti količinu prometrina koja se apsorbira u mozgu i krvi nakon primijenjene akutne oralne doze (1 g kg-1 tjelesne mase) u odraslih miÅ”eva obaju spolova. Razine prometrina u mozgu i krvi izmjerene su GC/MS-om tijekom 1., 2., 4., 8. i 24. sata nakon izlaganja. Utvrđeno je da je udio prometrina koji se zadržava u živčanom tkivu relativno nizak ali detektabilan u odnosu na koncentraciju u krvi i koncentraciju primijenjene doze. NajviÅ”e koncentracije u krvi i maseni udjeli u mozgu zabilježeni su tijekom 1. sata nakon izlaganja, a s vremenom izmjerene vrijednosti značajno opadaju. Uočena je značajna razlika između mužjaka i ženki pri čemu mužjaci imaju značajno viÅ”e razine prometrina u mozgu i krvi nego ženke. Opisana toksikokinetika prometrina pokazuje sličnosti s otprije opisanom i poznatom toksikokinetikom strukturalno sličnog herbicida atrazina

    Radioprotective Effects of Quercetin and Ethanolic Extract of Propolis in Gamma-Irradiated Mice

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    The aim of this study was to assess radioprotective effects of quercetin and the ethanolic extract of propolis (EEP) in CBA mice exposed to a single radiation dose 4 Gy (60Co). The mice were treated with 100 mg kg-1 quercetin or EEP a day for three consecutive days either before (pre-treatment) or after gamma-irradiation (therapy). Leukocyte count was determined in blood drawn from the tail vein, and DNA damage in leukocytes was assessed using the alkaline comet assay. Genotoxic effects of the test compunds were also evaluated in non-irradiated mice. The levels of radioprotection provided by both test compounds were compared with those established in mice that were given chemical radioprotector S-(2-Aminoethyl)isothiouronium bromide hydrobromide (AET). Mice that received pre-treatment were less sensitive to irradiation. Mice given the post-irradiation therapy showed a slight but not significant increase in total leukocyte count over irradiated negative control. Quercetin showed better protective properties than EEP in both pre-treatment and therapy, and activated a higher number of leukocytes in non-irradiated mice. The alkaline comet assay suggests that both natural compounds, especially when given as pre-treatment, protect against primary leukocyte DNA damage in mice. At tested concentrations, EEP and quercetin were not genotoxic to non-irradiated mice. AET, however, caused a slight but not significant increase in DNA damage. Although the results of this study show the radioprotective potential of the test compounds, further investigation is needed to clarify the underlying protection mechanisms.Na miÅ”evima soja CBA istraženi su radioprotektivni učinci alkoholnog ekstrakta propolisa (AEP) i flavonoida kvercetina primijenjenih u obliku predtretmana i terapije usporedo s izlaganjem gama-zračenju iz izvora 60Co, doze 4 Gy. Testirane tvari injicirane su miÅ”evima intraperitonealno u dozi od 100 mg kg-1 tijekom tri uzastopna dana. Nakon zavrÅ”etka pokusa u uzorcima krvi ozračenih miÅ”eva utvrđen je ukupni broj leukocita, a razina primarnih oÅ”tećenja u DNA izmjerena je primjenom alkalnog kometnog testa. Usporedo su istraženi i mogući genotoksični učinci testiranih tvari na neozračenim miÅ”evima. Razine radioprotekcije koju pružaju propolis i kvercetin uspoređene su sa sintetskim radioprotektorom AET-om (S-(2-aminoetil)izotiouronij bromid hidrobromid). Predtretman miÅ”eva bilo kojim oblikom radioprotektora pridonosi boljem odgovoru na zračenje. U miÅ”eva koji su primili radioprotektore u obliku terapije uočen je mali porast ukupnog broja leukocita u odnosu na ozračenu negativnu kontrolu. Kvercetin je pružio bolju zaÅ”titu od zračenja nego AEP, i u predtretmanu i terapiji, a u neozračenih miÅ”eva potaknuo je oslobađanje većeg broja leukocita u odnosu na negativnu kontrolu. Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na to da propolis i njegove fl avonoidne sastavnice, osobito ako su primijenjene prije ozračivanja, mogu učinkovito zaÅ”tititi miÅ”eve od Å”tetnih učinaka ionizirajućeg zračenja i smanjiti razinu primarnih oÅ”tećenja DNA u leukocitima. AEP i kvercetin u testiranim dozama nisu bili genotoksični, za razliku od AET-a koji je izazvao mali porast razine oÅ”tećenja DNA u leukocitima neozračenih miÅ”eva. Iako rezultati istraživanja upućuju na radioprotektivne učinke testiranih prirodnih spojeva, radi pojaÅ”njenja pretpostavljenih mehanizama radioprotekcije potrebna su daljnja istraživanja