451 research outputs found

    Characterization of two-qubit perfect entanglers

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    Here we consider perfect entanglers from another perspective. It is shown that there are some {\em special} perfect entanglers which can maximally entangle a {\em full} product basis. We have explicitly constructed a one-parameter family of such entanglers together with the proper product basis that they maximally entangle. This special family of perfect entanglers contains some well-known operators such as {\textsc{cnot}} and {\textsc{dcnot}}, but {\em not} {\small{\sqrt{\rm{\textsc{swap}}}}}. In addition, it is shown that all perfect entanglers with entangling power equal to the maximal value, 2/9, are also special perfect entanglers. It is proved that the one-parameter family is the only possible set of special perfect entanglers. Also we provide an analytic way to implement any arbitrary two-qubit gate, given a proper special perfect entangler supplemented with single-qubit gates. Such these gates are shown to provide a minimum universal gate construction in that just two of them are necessary and sufficient in implementation of a generic two-qubit gate.Comment: 6 pages, 1 eps figur

    A Note on Linear Optics Gates by Post-Selection

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    Recently it was realized that linear optics and photo-detectors with feedback can be used for theoretically efficient quantum information processing. The first of three steps toward efficient linear optics quantum computation (eLOQC) was to design a simple non-deterministic gate, which upon post-selection based on a measurement result implements a non-linear phase shift on one mode. Here a computational strategy is given for finding non-deterministic gates for bosonic qubits with helper photons. A more efficient conditional sign flip gate is obtained.Comment: 14 pages. Minor changes for clarit

    Programmable quantum gate arrays

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    We show how to construct quantum gate arrays that can be programmed to perform different unitary operations on a data register, depending on the input to some program register. It is shown that a universal quantum gate array - a gate array which can be programmed to perform any unitary operation - exists only if one allows the gate array to operate in a probabilistic fashion. The universal quantum gate array we construct requires an exponentially smaller number of gates than a classical universal gate array.Comment: 3 pages, REVTEX. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Optimal dense coding with mixed state entanglement

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    I investigate dense coding with a general mixed state on the Hilbert space CdCdC^{d}\otimes C^{d} shared between a sender and receiver. The following result is proved. When the sender prepares the signal states by mutually orthogonal unitary transformations with equal {\it a priori} probabilities, the capacity of dense coding is maximized. It is also proved that the optimal capacity of dense coding χ\chi ^{*} satisfies ER(ρ)χER(ρ)+log2dE_{R}(\rho)\leq \chi ^{*}\leq E_{R}(\rho )+\log_{2}d, where ER(ρ)E_{R}(\rho) is the relative entropy of entanglement of the shared entangled state.Comment: Revised. To appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. (Special Issue: Quantum Information and Computation). LaTeX2e (iopart.cls), 8 pages, no figure

    Distribution of interference in random quantum algorithms

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    We study the amount of interference in random quantum algorithms using a recently derived quantitative measure of interference. To this end we introduce two random circuit ensembles composed of random sequences of quantum gates from a universal set, mimicking quantum algorithms in the quantum circuit representation. We show numerically that these ensembles converge to the well--known circular unitary ensemble (CUE) for general complex quantum algorithms, and to the Haar orthogonal ensemble (HOE) for real quantum algorithms. We provide exact analytical formulas for the average and typical interference in the circular ensembles, and show that for sufficiently large numbers of qubits a random quantum algorithm uses with probability close to one an amount of interference approximately equal to the dimension of the Hilbert space. As a by-product, we offer a new way of efficiently constructing random operators from the Haar measures of CUE or HOE in a high dimensional Hilbert space using universal sets of quantum gates.Comment: 14 pages revtex, 11 eps figure

    Approximate Quantum Fourier Transform and Decoherence

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    We discuss the advantages of using the approximate quantum Fourier transform (AQFT) in algorithms which involve periodicity estimations. We analyse quantum networks performing AQFT in the presence of decoherence and show that extensive approximations can be made before the accuracy of AQFT (as compared with regular quantum Fourier transform) is compromised. We show that for some computations an approximation may imply a better performance.Comment: 14 pages, 10 fig. (8 *.eps files). More information on http://eve.physics.ox.ac.uk/QChome.html http://www.physics.helsinki.fi/~kasuomin http://www.physics.helsinki.fi/~kira/group.htm

    Explicit Form of the Evolution Operator of Tavis-Cummings Model : Three and Four Atoms Cases

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    In this letter the explicit form of evolution operator of the Tavis-Cummings model with three and four atoms is given. This is an important progress in quantum optics or mathematical physics.Comment: Latex file, 10 pages. We combined quant-ph/0404034(the three atoms case) and quant-ph/0406184(the four atoms case) into an article. to appear in International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physic

    Analytical technique for simplification of the encoder-decoder circuit for a perfect five-qubit error correction

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    Simpler encoding and decoding networks are necessary for more reliable quantum error correcting codes (QECCs). The simplification of the encoder-decoder circuit for a perfect five-qubit QECC can be derived analytically if the QECC is converted from its equivalent one-way entanglement purification protocol (1-EPP). In this work, the analytical method to simplify the encoder-decoder circuit is introduced and a circuit that is as simple as the existent simplest circuits is presented as an example. The encoder-decoder circuit presented here involves nine single- and two-qubit unitary operations, only six of which are controlled-NOT (CNOT) gates

    Quantum Physics and Computers

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    Recent theoretical results confirm that quantum theory provides the possibility of new ways of performing efficient calculations. The most striking example is the factoring problem. It has recently been shown that computers that exploit quantum features could factor large composite integers. This task is believed to be out of reach of classical computers as soon as the number of digits in the number to factor exceeds a certain limit. The additional power of quantum computers comes from the possibility of employing a superposition of states, of following many distinct computation paths and of producing a final output that depends on the interference of all of them. This ``quantum parallelism'' outstrips by far any parallelism that can be thought of in classical computation and is responsible for the ``exponential'' speed-up of computation. This is a non-technical (or at least not too technical) introduction to the field of quantum computation. It does not cover very recent topics, such as error-correction.Comment: 27 pages, LaTeX, 8 PostScript figures embedded. A bug in one of the postscript files has been fixed. Reprints available from the author. The files are also available from http://eve.physics.ox.ac.uk/Articles/QC.Articles.htm

    Efficient Scheme for Initializing a Quantum Register with an Arbitrary Superposed State

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    Preparation of a quantum register is an important step in quantum computation and quantum information processing. It is straightforward to build a simple quantum state such as |i_1 i_2 ... i_n\ket with iji_j being either 0 or 1, but is a non-trivial task to construct an {\it arbitrary} superposed quantum state. In this Paper, we present a scheme that can most generally initialize a quantum register with an arbitrary superposition of basis states. Implementation of this scheme requires O(Nn2)O(Nn^2) standard 1- and 2-bit gate operations, {\it without introducing additional quantum bits}. Application of the scheme in some special cases is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted by Phys. Rev.