7,010 research outputs found

    An audio-based sports video segmentation and event detection algorithm

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    In this paper, we present an audio-based event detection algorithm shown to be effective when applied to Soccer video. The main benefit of this approach is the ability to recognise patterns that display high levels of crowd response correlated to key events. The soundtrack from a Soccer sequence is first parameterised using Mel-frequency Cepstral coefficients. It is then segmented into homogenous components using a windowing algorithm with a decision process based on Bayesian model selection. This decision process eliminated the need for defining a heuristic set of rules for segmentation. Each audio segment is then labelled using a series of Hidden Markov model (HMM) classifiers, each a representation of one of 6 predefined semantic content classes found in Soccer video. Exciting events are identified as those segments belonging to a crowd cheering class. Experimentation indicated that the algorithm was more effective for classifying crowd response when compared to traditional model-based segmentation and classification techniques

    Updating collection representations for federated search

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    To facilitate the search for relevant information across a set of online distributed collections, a federated information retrieval system typically represents each collection, centrally, by a set of vocabularies or sampled documents. Accurate retrieval is therefore related to how precise each representation reflects the underlying content stored in that collection. As collections evolve over time, collection representations should also be updated to reflect any change, however, a current solution has not yet been proposed. In this study we examine both the implications of out-of-date representation sets on retrieval accuracy, as well as proposing three different policies for managing necessary updates. Each policy is evaluated on a testbed of forty-four dynamic collections over an eight-week period. Our findings show that out-of-date representations significantly degrade performance overtime, however, adopting a suitable update policy can minimise this problem

    PENG: integrated search of distributed news archives

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    The PENG system is intended to provide an integrated and personalized environment for news professionals, providing functionalities for filtering, distributed retrieval, and a flexible interface environment for the display and manipulation of news materials. In this paper we review the progress and results of the PENG system to date, and describe in detail the document filtering part of the system, which is designed to gather and filter documents to user profiles. The current architecture will be described, along with some of the main issues which have so far been found in it's development

    Towards better measures: evaluation of estimated resource description quality for distributed IR

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    An open problem for Distributed Information Retrieval systems (DIR) is how to represent large document repositories, also known as resources, both accurately and efficiently. Obtaining resource description estimates is an important phase in DIR, especially in non-cooperative environments. Measuring the quality of an estimated resource description is a contentious issue as current measures do not provide an adequate indication of quality. In this paper, we provide an overview of these currently applied measures of resource description quality, before proposing the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence as an alternative. Through experimentation we illustrate the shortcomings of these past measures, whilst providing evidence that KL is a more appropriate measure of quality. When applying KL to compare different QBS algorithms, our experiments provide strong evidence in favour of a previously unsupported hypothesis originally posited in the initial Query-Based Sampling work

    A retrieval evaluation methodology for incomplete relevance assessments

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    In this paper we a propose an extended methodology for laboratory based Information Retrieval evaluation under in complete relevance assessments. This new protocol aims to identify potential uncertainty during system comparison that may result from incompleteness. We demonstrate how this methodology can lead towards a finer grained analysis of systems. This is advantageous, because the detection of uncertainty during the evaluation process can guide and direct researchers when evaluating new systems over existing and future test collections

    Augmenting entry: the possibilities for utilizing geo-referenced information to improve mobile calendar applications

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    Today's mobile communication devices often offer extensive calendar facilities. However the use of these is often very limited through cumbersome interfaces and inappropriate designs for small devices. Prompted by previous work in mobile calendar usability, this paper discusses how augmentation of calendar entries with mobile spatial information could provide potential advantages and improve the usability of an electronic calendar

    Adaptive query-based sampling for distributed IR

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    Smooth Random Surfaces from Tight Immersions?

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    We investigate actions for dynamically triangulated random surfaces that consist of a gaussian or area term plus the {\it modulus} of the gaussian curvature and compare their behavior with both gaussian plus extrinsic curvature and ``Steiner'' actions.Comment: 7 page

    An evaluation of resource description quality measures

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    An open problem for Distributed Information Retrieval is how to represent large document repositories (known as resources) efficiently. To facilitate resource selection, estimated descriptions of each resource are required, especially when faced with non-cooperative distributed environments. Accurate and efficient Resource description estimation is required as this can have an affect on resource selection, and as a consequence retrieval quality. Query-Based Sampling (QBS) has been proposed as a novel solution for resource estimation, with proceeding techniques developed therafter. However, the challenge to determine if one QBS technique is better at generating resource description than another is still an unresolved issue. The initial metrics tested and deployed for measuring resource description quality were the Collection Term Frequency ratio (CTF) and Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient (SRCC). The former provides an indication of the percentage of terms seen, whilst the later measures the term ranking order, although neither consider the term frequency, which is important for resource selection. We re-examine this problem and consider measuring the quality of a resource description in context to resource selection, where an estimate of the probability of a term given the resource is typically required. We believe a natural measure for comparing the estimated resource against the actual resource is the Kullback-Leibler Divergence (KL) measure. KL addresses the concerns put forward previously, by not over-representing low frequency terms, and also considering term order. In this paper, we re-assess the two previous measures alongside KL. Our preliminary investigation revealed that the former metrics display contradictory results. Whilst, KL suggested a different QBS technique than that prescribed in, would provide better estimates. This is a significant result, because it now remains unclear as to which technique will consistently provide better resource descriptions. The remainder of this paper details the three measures, the experimental analysis of our preliminary study and outlines our points of concern along with further research directions

    The use of prevalence as a measure of lice burden: a case study of Lepeophtheirus salmonis on Scottish Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., farms

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    This study investigates the benefits of using prevalence as a summary measure of sea lice infestation on farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. Aspects such as sampling effort, the relationship between abundance and prevalence arising from the negative binomial distribution, and how this relationship can be used to indicate the degree of aggregation of lice on a site at a given time point are discussed. As a case study, data were drawn from over 50 commercial Atlantic salmon farms on the west coast of Scotland between 2002 and 2006. Descriptive statistics and formal analysis using a linear modelling technique identified significant variations in sea lice prevalence across year class, region and season. Supporting evidence of a functional relationship between prevalence and abundance of sea lice is provided, which is explained through the negative binomial distribution