28 research outputs found

    Advertisement in landscape

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    The author has attempted to present the influence of the advertisement on the cultural landscape and formulate directions of actions which consider its influence on its surroundings. She analysed types of advertisements existing in the landscape starting with free standing boards, through billboards up to murals. She plied examples from the Gostyń area and Wrocław centre. Actions on behalf of minimizing the degradating influence of advertisements on the cultural landscape were proposed in conclusions

    Impact of magnetic particles concentration in ferrooil on its magnetic susceptibility coefficient χ

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    The purpose of this article is to determine the effect of the concentration of magnetic particles in ferro-oil on the value of its magnetic susceptibility coefficient χ. Determination of the flow and operating parameters of slide journal bearings lubricated with ferro-oils requires, inter alia, designation the first magnetization N and the magnetic induction B vector components, dependent on the magnetic propertis of the lubricant. The fundamental problem lies in the inability to make direct accurate measurement of magnetic induction in the lubricating gap of slide bearing and its solution is to determine it on the analytical and numerical way. A key issue for the accuracy of such solutions is to obtain reasonably accurate values of magnetic susceptibility χ. This article attempts to determine these values and estimate their relationship with the concentration of magnetic particles concentration in ferro-oil being potential lubricant above-mentioned bearings. In this paper, the authors present the characteristic of experimental test benches to determine the coefficients of the magnetic susceptibility. They present method of determining this value from obtained measurement data and analyse the impact of the magnetic particles concentration in ferro-oil on its magnetic susceptibility values. Tests were performed for selected concentrations of magnetic particles in ferro-oil ranging: 2%, 4%, 6% and 8% and the tested ferro-oil was product from Unterensingen FerroTec Company (Germany) which is a mixture of colloidal mineral engine oil LongLife Gold Penzzoil class SAE 15W-40 with addition of Fe3O4 magnetic particles and a surfactant

    Experimental method of determining the magnetic susceptibility coefficient χ for ferro-oils with different concentrations of magnetic particles

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    W niniejszym artykule została zaprezentowana budowa stanowiska badawczego do eksperymentalnego wyznaczenia współczynników podatności magnetycznej χ ferroolejów o różnym stężeniu cząstek magnetycznych oraz została przedstawiona analiza wyników pozyskanych tą metodą. Zewnętrzne, jednorodne, stałe pole magnetyczne uzyskano za pomocą dwóch płytek stałych magnesów umieszczonych równolegle, a zmiany wartości pola zadawano poprzez możliwość kontrolowanego przemieszczania tych magnesów względem siebie. Pomiędzy magnesami umieszczona została próbka badanego oleju, a wartości natężenia pola magnetycznego pomierzono z użyciem miernika indukcji pola magnetycznego Smart Magnetic Sensor SMS 102. Badaniom poddano ferrooleje o wybranych stężeniach cząstek magnetycznych, tj.: 8%, 6%, 4% oraz 2% objętościowo.This paper presents the construction of an experimental test bench to determine the magnetic susceptibility coefficients χ of ferro oils with different concentrations of magnetic particles, and also the analysis of the results that were obtained by this method. The outer, homogeneous, constant magnetic field was obtained by means of the two plates of permanent magnets arranged in parallel, and changes the field value were carried out by the possibility of controlled movement of the magnets relative to each other. Samples of lubricants were placed between the magnets, and the magnetic field strength was measured by using the magnetic induction SMS Smart Magnetic Sensor 102. Ferro oils with selected concentrations of magnetic particles of 8%, 6%, 4%, and 2% were studied

    Inventorying the shape of a velodrome track by scanning

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    The study of a structure’s geometry can be done in order to assess the state of a structure both for its design, stability and safety. In the case of sports facilities, their geometrical parameters have a direct influence on the results achieved on the spot, at the same time the shape of a track creates specific conditions for the kinetics of objects moving on the track. The present article shows measurement problems connected with accurate rendering of the shape of a structure by contemporary geodesic techniques of measurement including laser scanning. Experiments like this may be used in precise measurements assessing shape imperfections of spatial structures and deformations of area structures

    Isomers and odor or nose as stereochemist

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    Nasz zmysł powonienia jest w stanie rozpoznać wiele zapachów, które pozornie są bardzo do siebie podobne. Dzięki temu, że receptory węchowe są w pewien sposób selektywne możliwe jest ozróżnienie zapachów zarówno enancjomerycznych par lotnych substancji jak i innych stereoizomerów. W niniejszej pracy przedstawione zostały różnice i podobieństwa właściwości pachowych izomerów przestrzennych. Przedstawione związki charakteryzują się odmiennym zapachem oraz intensywnością ale są również takie, gdzie zmiana dotyczy tylko jednej z tych cech.Our sense of smell is able to recognize a variety of scents, which apparently are very similar. Thus olfactory receptors that are in some way it is possible to distinguish selective enantiomeric pairs fragrances and other volatile substances stereoisomers. This paper presents the differences and similarities odor characteristics of spatial isomers. The compounds are characterized by a different odor and intensity but also those where the change affects only one feature