287 research outputs found

    Isolation, Identification and Distribution of the Gram-Positive Bacterial Isolates Contaminating the Drinking Water of Al Gedarif City, Sudan

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    In this study, the possible aerobic Gram-positive bacteria were isolated from the main sources of the drinking water in Al Gedarif city (raw and treated waters of Atbara River, main reservoirs and zeer waters of all sources). The isolates were identified using the manual identification tests (primary and biochemical). The primary tests identified the isolates up to the genera level. The results indicated that the isolates belonged to four genera (Staphylococcus, Micrococcus, Bacillus and Corynebacterium). However, the biochemical tests identified the isolates up to the species level. The species identified included three of the genus Staphylococcus, four of the genus Micrococcus and eight of the genus Bacillus, as well as the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae. The study also included the distribution of the identified species in the different sources. It was found that Staphylococcus aureus and S. epidermidis were found in almost all sources. However, the other bacterial species were detected in some of the sources and absent in the others. On the other hand, S. saprophyticus, M. varians, M. kristinae, B. thuringiensis, B. pantothenticus and B. firmus were not detected in any of the underground sources

    Physicochemical Analysis of the Drinking Water of Al Gedarif City, Sudan

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    In the present study the highest residual chlorine level (0.2) was detected in the city inlet and the circular line of the Atbara River sources. The taste, color and odor were found acceptable, although, the ground water is a bit salty and the raw water of the main stream of Atbara River, is always brown in color, specially in the autumn season. The highest turbidity value was recorded for the main stream of Atbara River, while, the maximum electric conductivity was found in Al Azasza boreholes. The total dissolved solids were greater in the ground water sources compared to that of the surface water sources. However, the total alkalinity  and  hardness  values  were  higher  in  the  ground  water  of  Al Azaza boreholes than that of all the other sources. On the other hand, the mineral contents (calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium) were higher in the ground water. Fluorides, chlorides and bicarbonates were also higher in ground water. Similarly, were the contents of nitrates, nitrites and ammonia. However no carbonates were detected in Al Azaza and Abu Naja nor in Al Saraf dam raw water

    Enumeration of Coliform Bacteria and E. coli Contaminating the Drinking Water of Al Gedarif City

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    ABSTRACT The present study enumerated the bacteriological contamination of   the main sources of drinking water in Al Gedarif city. A total of 134 water samples (raw waters, treated waters, main reservoirs, main pipelines, and sabeel zeer waters) were tested for their total coliforms and E. coli counts, using the most probable number technique (MPN). The results indicated that the total coliform and E. coli counts were lower in the ground water sources (Al Azaza and Abu Al Naja boreholes) than that in the surface sources (Atbara River, Al Saraf and Dalassa dams). Moreover, both counts in most of the zeer water samples were higher than those of the other sources. It was also noticed that the zeers located in public areas (market) were more contaminated than the other sabeel zeers. The seasonal variations study was performed for the surface sources, where it was found that the maximum densities of coliform bacteria and   E. coli were occurred during the autumn season and the summer, while the periodical variations study was made for the ground sources, where the coliforms and E. coli densities were found almost higher during the second period of each year

    Role of Natural Products in Ameliorating Drugs and Chemicals Toxicity

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    Herbal medicines have a long history over than 7000 years in traditional treatment, therapeutic experiences, and clinical trials including Egypt, China, and Korea. This practice is still the mainstay of about 75–80% of the world population, mainly in the developing countries, for primary health care and promotion because of better cultural acceptability, better compatibility with the human body, and lesser side effects. However, the last few years have seen a major increase in their use in the developed world. Nowadays, we can find a bipolarised market for the active ingredients: those chemically produced and mainly supported by the pharmaceutical companies and those natural constituents that are demanded by an increased number of patients. Although natural products have not been always active as supposed, some of them are scientifically recognised as therapeutically active. Indeed, it has to be noted that some drugs, still used in the current therapies, are extracted from plants. Some of these can have additive action if coadministered with synthesized drugs or ameliorate the drug toxicity

    Dystonia: A Leading Neurological Movement Disorder

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    Dystonia is the third leading movement disorder arising mainly from the damage of basal ganglia or other parts of the brain that control movements. The objective of this review is to represent the detailed profile of dystonia. A computerized literature review was conducted in authentic scientific databases including PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus, Science Direct and National Institutes of Health (NIH) etc. Terms searched included dystonia, risk factors, etiologies, clinical features, classification, pathology, guidelines, treatment strategies, primary and secondary dystonia. Initially, 97 articles and 9 books were extracted but finally, 64 articles and 7 books were used. After analysis, we found that causes of dystonia could be acquired or inherited and dystonia can be classified based on age at onset, etiology, and distribution of the affected body parts. The risk factors of this heterogeneous disorder could be trauma, thyroid disorder, hypertension, life habits, occupation, use of drugs and genetics. A significant number of articles were found which signify the ability of brainstem and cerebellar pathology to trigger the symptoms of dystonia. Since antipsychotic drugs are the most commonly prescribed among the people with intellectual disability (ID), therefore they possess a greater risk to experience antipsychotic drugs-induced movement side effects including acute dystonia, parkinsonism, tardive dyskinesia, and akathisia. Depending on various manifestations and causes, there are several treatment options including oral medications, intramuscular injection of botulinum toxin, neurosurgical procedures and occupational therapy

    Future regenerative medicine developments and their therapeutic applications

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    : Although the currently available pharmacological assays can cure most pathological disorders, they have limited therapeutic value in relieving certain disorders like myocardial infarct, peripheral vascular disease, amputated limbs, or organ failure (e.g. renal failure). Pilot studies to overcome such problems using regenerative medicine (RM) delivered promising data. Comprehensive investigations of RM in zebrafish or reptilians are necessary for better understanding. However, the precise mechanisms remain poorly understood despite the tremendous amount of data obtained using the zebrafish model investigating the exact mechanisms behind their regenerative capability. Indeed, understanding such mechanisms and their application to humans can save millions of lives from dying due to potentially life-threatening events. Recent studies have launched a revolution in replacing damaged human organs via different approaches in the last few decades. The newly established branch of medicine (known as Regenerative Medicine aims to enhance natural repair mechanisms. This can be done through the application of several advanced broad-spectrum technologies such as organ transplantation, tissue engineering, and application of Scaffolds technology (support vascularization using an extracellular matrix), stem cell therapy, miRNA treatment, development of 3D mini-organs (organoids), and the construction of artificial tissues using nanomedicine and 3D bio-printers. Moreover, in the next few decades, revolutionary approaches in regenerative medicine will be applied based on artificial intelligence and wireless data exchange, soft intelligence biomaterials, nanorobotics, and even living robotics capable of self-repair. The present work presents a comprehensive overview that summarizes the new and future advances in the field of RM

    Long-Term Resveratrol Supplementation as a Secondary Prophylaxis for Stroke

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    Stroke is a leading cause of mortality worldwide, as well as a source of long-term disabilities and huge socioeconomic costs. This study investigates the effects of resveratrol, an antioxidant supplement, on blood pressure, weight status, glucose, and lipid profile in patients who had a stroke in the last 12 months. Two hundred and twenty-eight patients were divided into three groups: group I received only allopathic treatment (control group), while groups II and III received allopathic treatment with a daily supplementation of oral resveratrol (100 and 200 mg, resp.) for 12 months. In all groups, the changes of the studied parameters were monitored at 6 and 12 months from the initial evaluation. In groups II and III, resveratrol induced significant changes (p<0.05) in the blood pressure, body mass index, as well as all parameters of the lipid profile, and glucose (in nondiabetic patients), compared to the control group. The supplementation of the allopathic treatment with resveratrol had a beneficial effect on all monitored parameters, which serve as major risk factors for stroke
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