344 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT This paper presents a hybrid algorithm that combines features form bot

    Genotype diet interaction in Fayoumi and Rhode Island Red layers and their crosses

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    Fayoumi and Rhode Island Red (R.I.R.) layers and their two reciprocal crosses were distributed into 2 groups which received different diets in the laying period. The diets had the same calculated energy level and their total protein content differed by less than 1 p. 100, but one of them contained 40 p. 100 barley and the other contained none. With the barley-containing diet, feed consumption, egg mass, egg number and mean egg weight per hen were reduced, but the effects were more marked in the R.LR. line and one of the reciprocal crosses, with a significant genotype x diet interaction for egg mass, average clutch length, total feed intake and its residual component.Des poules Fayoumi et Rhode Island (R.LR.) et leurs 2 croisements réciproques ont été répartis en 2 groupes recevant un régime alimentaire différent en période de ponte. Les 2 régimes avaient la même teneur énergétique et un taux protéique différant de moins de 1 p. 100 mais l’un contenait 40 p. 100 d’orge, l’autre n’en contenait pas. En présence de la ration à base d’orge, la consommation alimentaire et la masse d’oeufs produite par poule, ainsi que le nombre et le poids moyen des oeufs, étaient abaissés, mais les effets étaient plus marqués dans la lignée R.LR. et dans l’un des croisements réciproques, avec une interaction régime x type génétique significative pour la masse d’oeufs, la longueur moyenne des séries de ponte, la consommation alimentaire totale et sa composante « résiduelle »

    Genetic evaluation of some sesame genotypes for seed yield and its components

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    To study genetic variation, genetic parameters and selection criteria of seventeen sesame genotypes, a field experiment was conducted across different environments represented by two summer seasons of 2018 (E1) and 2019 (E2) at Etay-El-Baroud/Behaira Agricultural Research Station and one summer season of 2019 (E3) at Kafr-El-Hamam/Sharkia Agricultural Research Station, Agricultural Research Center, Egypt using a randomized complete block design with three replications for each environment. The promising sesame genotypes were  L25 for earliness in flowering at E1 and across environments, L101 for plant height and fruiting zone length when grown at E2 and L110 across environments, L35 for number of branches plant and seed yield per feddan when grown at E2 and across environments, L48 for capsules length when grown at E2  and L2 across environments, L82 for 1000-seed weight when grown at E3 and L35 across environments, L2 for seed weight per plant when grown at E1 and across environments and  L101 for seed oil content when grown at E1 and across environments. Among the most effective traits in improving seed weight per plant were fruiting zone length and number of branches per plant, as verified through correlation and path analyses at phenotypic and genotypic levels.These traits had the highest broad-sense heritability and genetic advance as percent of mean. Keywords: Correlation, Genetic variability, Heritability, Path analysi

    Modulatory role of chelating agents in diet-induced hypercholesterolemia in rats

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    AbstractIntroductionHypercholesterolemia is a major risk factor for the development of atherosclerosis and endothelial dysfunction. Chelating agents may play a modulatory role in atherosclerosis by removal of calcium from atherosclerotic plaques.AimThe present study aimed to explore the effects of calcium disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (CaNa2EDTA) and meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) on diet-induced hypercholesterolemia in rats using simvastatin as a reference standard.MethodsHypercholesterolemia was induced by feeding rats with cholesterol-rich diet for six weeks. Rats were divided into five groups (n=8): normal control, hypercholesterolemic control, simvastatin (20mg/kg; p.o.), CaNa2EDTA (100mg/kg; i.p.) and DMSA (100mg/kg; i.p.). Treatments continued daily for the six weeks of diet feeding.ResultsDiet-induced hypercholesterolemia resulted in alterations in the lipid profile markers and a state of oxidative stress coupled by compensatory increase in serum nitric oxide (NO) level and decreased aortic endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) activity parallel to increased inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) activity, aortic calcium content and aortic wall thickness. Treatment with simvastatin, CaNa2EDTA and DMSA improved lipid profile and oxidative stress markers. In addition, they attenuated hypercholesterolemia-induced changes in serum NO level, aortic eNOS and iNOS activities, calcium content and aortic wall thickness.ConclusionPretreatment of hypercholesterolemic rats with simvastatin, CaNa2EDTA or DMSA attenuated most of the changes induced by feeding rats with cholesterol-rich diet owing to their observed anti-hyperlipidemic and antioxidant properties

    Consommation alimentaire chez des poules Fayoumi et Fayoumi × Leghorn en fonction de la formation de l'œuf et de l'oviposition, avec ou sans source calcique séparée

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    Des poules Fayoumi et FI (Fayoumi x Leghorn) ont été comparées pour leurs performances de ponte, les caractéristiques de leurs œufs et pour leur consommation alimentaire en fonction de la formation d’un œuf et de l’oviposition, par des mesures journalières pendant 3 semaines, d’abord en présence d’un aliment complet, puis avec distribution séparée d’un aliment de base non enrichi en calcium et de coquilles d’huîtres. L’excès de consommation d’aliment unique (période 1) associé à la formation d’un œuf ou à l’oviposition, n’est pas différent pour les 2 types génétiques lorsqu’il est exprimé en p. 100 de la consommation journalière moyenne de la période. Dans la seconde période, la consommation de l’aliment de base n’est pas affectée par le type de jour pour l’un ou l’autre des types génétiques. Par contre, lors de la formation d’un œuf, les poules Fayoumi augmentent proportionnellement plus leur ingestion de coquilles d’huîtres que les poules de croisement. La Fayoumi semble répondre davantage, d’autre part, à l’alimentation calcique séparée quant à l’ingestion d’aliment de base, au poids moyen des œufs et au poids des coquilles par unité de surface. Indépendamment du groupe génétique, on retrouve les effets connus de la formation d’un œuf et de l’oviposition sur l’ingéré alimentaire, ainsi que ceux d’une alimentation calcique séparée sur la même variable, le poids de l’oeuf et celui des coquilles.The laying performance, egg traits and feed intake of Fayoumi and Fl (Fayoumi x Leghorn) hens were compared in relation to egg formation and oviposition. Daily measurements were taken over 3 weeks, first giving a complete feed and then distributing separately a basal diet containing no additional calcium and oyster shells. The excess consumption of the complete feed (period 1) associated with egg formation or oviposition was not different for the 2 genetic types when expressed as a percentage of average daily intake for that period. In period 2, consumption of the basal diet was not affected by the type of day in either genetic group. Conversely, when an egg was formed, the intake of oyster shells increased proportionally more in Fayoumi hens than in Fl birds. On the other hand, the Fayoumi seemed to respond more to separate calcium feeding as concerned the consumption of the basal diet, the mean egg weight and the weight of eggshells per surface unit. Independently of the genotypes, the known effects of egg formation and oviposition on feed intake were observed as well as the effects of separate calcium feeding on feed intake, egg weight and eggshell weight

    Separation axioms via novel operators in the frame of topological spaces and applications

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    In this work, we introduce a very wide category of open sets in topological spaces, called \aleph -open sets. We study the category of \aleph -open sets that contains β \beta -open sets in addition to β \beta^{\ast} -open and e e^{\ast} -open sets. We present the essential properties of this class and disclose its relationships with many different classes of open sets with the help of concrete counterexamples. In addition, we introduce the \aleph -interior and \aleph -closure operators. Moreover, we study the concept of \aleph -continuity of functions inspired by the classes of \aleph -open and \aleph -closed sets. Also, we discuss some kinds of separation axioms and some theorems related to the graph of functions

    A Multitier Deep Learning Model for Arrhythmia Detection

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    Electrocardiograph (ECG) is employed as a primary tool for diagnosing cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in the hospital, which often helps in the early detection of such ailments. ECG signals provide a framework to probe the underlying properties and enhance the initial diagnosis obtained via traditional tools and patient-doctor dialogues. It provides cardiologists with inferences regarding more serious cases. Notwithstanding its proven utility, deciphering large datasets to determine appropriate information remains a challenge in ECG-based CVD diagnosis and treatment. Our study presents a deep neural network (DNN) strategy to ameliorate the aforementioned difficulties. Our strategy consists of a learning stage where classification accuracy is improved via a robust feature extraction. This is followed using a genetic algorithm (GA) process to aggregate the best combination of feature extraction and classification. The MIT-BIH Arrhythmia was employed in the validation to identify five arrhythmia categories based on the association for the advancement of medical instrumentation (AAMI) standard. The performance of the proposed technique alongside state-of-the-art in the area shows an increase of 0.94 and 0.953 in terms of average accuracy and F1 score, respectively. The proposed model could serve as an analytic module to alert users and/or medical experts when anomalies are detected in the acquired ECG data in a smart healthcare framework