34,806 research outputs found

    Long tails on thermonuclear X-ray bursts from neutron stars: a signature of inward heating?

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    We report the discovery of one-hour long tails on the few-minutes long X-ray bursts from the `clocked burster' GS 1826-24. We propose that the tails are due to enduring thermal radiation from the neutron star envelope. The enduring emission can be explained by cooling of deeper NS layers which were heated up through inward conduction of heat produced in the thermonuclear shell flash responsible for the burst. Similar, though somewhat shorter, tails are seen in bursts from EXO 0748-676 and 4U 1728-34. Only a small amount of cooling is detected in all these tails. This is either due to compton up scattering of the tail photons or, more likely, to a NS that is already fairly hot due to other, stable, nuclear processes.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 12 pages, 14 figure

    New Gauge Invariant Formulation of the Chern-Simons Gauge Theory: Classical and Quantal Analysis

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    Recently proposed new gauge invariant formulation of the Chern-Simons gauge theory is considered in detail. This formulation is consistent with the gauge fixed formulation. Furthermore it is found that the canonical (Noether) Poincar\'e generators are not gauge invariant even on the constraints surface and do not satisfy the Poincar\'e algebra contrast to usual case. It is the improved generators, constructed from the symmetric energy-momentum tensor, which are (manifestly) gauge invariant and obey the quantum as well as classical Poincar\'e algebra. The physical states are constructed and it is found in the Schr\"odinger picture that unusual gauge invariant longitudinal mode of the gauge field is crucial for constructing the physical wavefunctional which is genuine to (pure) Chern-Simons theory. In matching to the gauge fixed formulation, we consider three typical gauges, Coulomb, axial and Weyl gauges as explicit examples. Furthermore, recent several confusions about the effect of Dirac's dressing function and the gauge fixings are clarified. The analysis according to old gauge independent formulation a' la Dirac is summarized in an appendix.Comment: No figures, 44 page

    Our World as an Expanding Shell

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    In the model where the Universe is considered as a thin shell expanding in 5-dimensional hyper-space there is a possibility to have just one scale for a particle theory corresponding to the Universe thickness. From a realistic model the relation of this parameter to the Universe size was found.Comment: RevTeX, 4 pages, no figure

    A lens-coupled scintillation counter in cryogenic environment

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    In this work we present an elegant solution for a scintillation counter to be integrated into a cryogenic system. Its distinguishing feature is the absence of a continuous light guide coupling the scintillation and the photodetector parts, operating at cryogenic and room temperatures respectively. The prototype detector consists of a plastic scintillator with glued-in wavelength-shifting fiber located inside a cryostat, a Geiger-mode Avalanche Photodiode (G-APD) outside the cryostat, and a lens system guiding the scintillation light re-emitted by the fiber to the G-APD through optical windows in the cryostat shields. With a 0.8mm diameter multiclad fiber and a 1mm active area G-APD the coupling efficiency of the "lens light guide" is about 50%. A reliable performance of the detector down to 3K is demonstrated.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    Indications for a slow rotator in the Rapid Burster from its thermonuclear bursting behaviour

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    We perform time-resolved spectroscopy of all the type I bursts from the Rapid Burster (MXB 1730-335) detected with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer. Type I bursts are detected at high accretion rates, up to \sim 45% of the Eddington luminosity. We find evidence that bursts lacking the canonical cooling in their time-resolved spectra are, none the less, thermonuclear in nature. The type I bursting rate keeps increasing with the persistent luminosity, well above the threshold at which it is known to abruptly drop in other bursting low-mass X-ray binaries. The only other known source in which the bursting rate keeps increasing over such a large range of mass accretion rates is the 11 Hz pulsar IGR J17480-2446. This may indicate a similarly slow spin for the neutron star in the Rapid Burster