11 research outputs found

    Омела окрашенная (Viscum coloratum (Kom.) Nakai) в Восточной Азии (таксономия, ареал, возможности использования)

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    В работе представлены результаты исследования морфологических признаков и распространения в Восточной Азии Viscum coloratum (Kom.) Nakai с целью выявить специфические признаки этого вида и установить северную и северо-западную границы его ареала. Омела окрашенная на Дальнем Востоке представлена двумя формами: forma lutescens Kitag. и forma rubroaurantiacum (Makino) Kitag. В результате нашего исследования установлено, что северо-западная граница распространения омелы окрашенной достигает в Амурской области долины среднего течения реки Зеи. Впервые отмечается, что на Дальнем Востоке Viscum coloratum произрастает на Quercus mongolica (дуб монгольский). Омела окрашенная обильно поражает деревья липы около лесных пасек и в течение 20 лет заселяет почти все деревья, что вынуждает пчеловодов переносить пасеки в другие места. Среди  распространителей плодов Viscum coloratum преобладают обыкновенные и японские свиристели. В народной медицине стран Восточной Азии омела окрашенная используется при лечении гипертонии и онкологических заболеваний. Основными противоопухолевыми веществами в водном экстракте омелы являются лектины

    The possible existence of Hs in nature from a geochemical point of view

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    A hypothesis of the existence of a long-lived isotope 271Hs in natural molybdenites and osmirides is considered from a geochemical point of view. It is shown that the presence of Hs in these minerals can be explained only by making an additional ad hoc assumption on the existence of an isobaric pair of 271Bh-271Hs. This assumption could be tested by mass-spectrometric measurements of U, Pb, Kr, Xe, and Zr isotopic shifts.Comment: 5 pages, no figures. Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters, 2006, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 165-168 in pres

    Фармакокинетика ивермектина в организме лошадей после применения противопаразитарной пасты эквиверм

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    The purpose of the research: study of Ivermectin pharmacokinetics in horses organism after the application of Equiverm antiparasitic paste. Materials and methods. For studying of pharmacokinetics of Equiverm in blood plasma of five manorial breed horses at the age of 6-7 years, with the weight about 400-450 kg antiparasitic paste was injected orally by syringe dispenser in an amount of 0.2 mg/kg body weight, and then blood sampling from jugular vein was performed in 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 ,9, 24, 48, 96, 144, 288, 456, 624, 720 hours for the following determination of the concentration of Ivermectin in blood plasma of horses by high pressure liquid chromatography with ultra-violet detection using P.K. Sanyal method (1994). Validated method of determination Ivermectin in blood serum of was developed. It allows determining this analyte in extremely low concentrations (LOD value is 0.03 ng/mL, LOQ value is 0.09 ng/mL). Results and discussion. Ivermectin is absorbed in horses digestive tract after oral administration and it reaches defined blood serum concentrations in 1-2 hours after oral administration of antiparasitic paste - 0.2 ng/mL. Maximum concentration of 0.84 ng/mL was registered in 7 hours, and Ivermectin level decreased gradually to 0.2 ng/mL by the fourth day. Therefore, upon oral administration of Equiverm antiparasitic paste ivermectin was absorbed well enough and it enters the systemic circulation where it circulates during 4 days. Only trace amounts of Ivermectin are determined two weeks after drug administration.Цель исследований: изучение фармакокинетики ивермектина в организме лошадей после применения противопаразитарной пасты Эквиверм. Материалы и методы. Для изучения фармакокинетики Эквиверма в плазме крови пяти лошадям помесной породы в возрасте 6-7 лет, массой 400-450 кг перорально из шприца-дозатора вводили противопаразитарной пасту из расчёта 0,2 мг/кг массы животного и далее проводили отбор крови из ярёмной вены через 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 24, 48, 96, 144, 288, 456, 624, 720 ч для последующего определения концентрации ивермектина в плазме крови лошадей методом жидкостной хроматографии высокого давления с ультрафиолетовым детектированием, используя методику P. K. Sanyal (1994). Разработан валидированный метод определения ивермектина в сыворотке крови лошадей, позволяющий выявить данный аналит в очень низких концентрациях (значение LOD - 0,03 нг/мл, LOQ - 0,09 нг/мл). Результаты и обсуждение. Ивермектин всасывается в пищеварительном тракте лошадей после перорального введения и достигает определяемых концентраций в сыворотке крови уже через 1-2 ч после перорального введения противопаразитарной пасты - 0,2 нг/мл. Максимальную концентрацию - 0,84 нг/мл регистрировали через 7 ч, а к четвертым суткам уровень ивермектина постепенно снижался до 0,2 нг/мл. Таким образом, после перорального введения противопаразитарной пасты эквиверм ивермектин достаточно хорошо всасывается и поступает в системный кровоток, где циркулирует на протяжении 4 сут. Спустя две недели после применения препарата определяются лишь следовые количества ивермектина

    Ivermectin pharmacokinetics in horses organism after the application of Equiverm antiparasitic paste

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    The purpose of the research: study of Ivermectin pharmacokinetics in horses organism after the application of Equiverm antiparasitic paste. Materials and methods. For studying of pharmacokinetics of Equiverm in blood plasma of five manorial breed horses at the age of 6-7 years, with the weight about 400-450 kg antiparasitic paste was injected orally by syringe dispenser in an amount of 0.2 mg/kg body weight, and then blood sampling from jugular vein was performed in 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 ,9, 24, 48, 96, 144, 288, 456, 624, 720 hours for the following determination of the concentration of Ivermectin in blood plasma of horses by high pressure liquid chromatography with ultra-violet detection using P.K. Sanyal method (1994). Validated method of determination Ivermectin in blood serum of was developed. It allows determining this analyte in extremely low concentrations (LOD value is 0.03 ng/mL, LOQ value is 0.09 ng/mL). Results and discussion. Ivermectin is absorbed in horses digestive tract after oral administration and it reaches defined blood serum concentrations in 1-2 hours after oral administration of antiparasitic paste - 0.2 ng/mL. Maximum concentration of 0.84 ng/mL was registered in 7 hours, and Ivermectin level decreased gradually to 0.2 ng/mL by the fourth day. Therefore, upon oral administration of Equiverm antiparasitic paste ivermectin was absorbed well enough and it enters the systemic circulation where it circulates during 4 days. Only trace amounts of Ivermectin are determined two weeks after drug administration

    Inoculation with ASFV-Katanga-350 Partially Protects Pigs from Death during Subsequent Infection with Heterologous Type ASFV-Stavropol 01/08

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    African swine fever virus (ASFV) is an extremely genetically and phenotypically heterogeneous pathogen. Previously, we have demonstrated that experimental inoculation of pigs with an attenuated strain, Katanga-350 (genotype I, seroimmunotype I) (ASFV-Katanga-350), can induce protective immunity in 80% of European domestic pigs against the homologous virulent European strain Lisbon-57. At least 50% of the surviving pigs received protection from subsequent intramuscular infection with a heterologous virulent strain, Stavropol 01/08 (genotype II, seroimmunotype VIII) (ASFV-Stavropol 01/08). In this study, we assessed clinical signs, the levels of viremia, viral DNA, anti-ASFV antibodies and post-mortem changes caused by subsequent intramuscular injection with ASFV-Katanga-350 and heterologous ASFV-Stavropol 01/08. Inoculation of pigs with the ASFV-Katanga-350 did not protect animals from the disease in the case of the subsequent challenged ASFV-Stavropol 01/08. However, 40% of pigs were protected from death. Moreover, the surviving animals showed no pathomorphological changes or the presence of an infectious virus in the organs after euthanasia at 35 days post challenging. The ability/inability of attenuated strains to form a certain level of protection against heterologous isolates needs a theoretical background and experimental confirmation

    Inoculation with ASFV-Katanga-350 Partially Protects Pigs from Death during Subsequent Infection with Heterologous Type ASFV-Stavropol 01/08

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    African swine fever virus (ASFV) is an extremely genetically and phenotypically heterogeneous pathogen. Previously, we have demonstrated that experimental inoculation of pigs with an attenuated strain, Katanga-350 (genotype I, seroimmunotype I) (ASFV-Katanga-350), can induce protective immunity in 80% of European domestic pigs against the homologous virulent European strain Lisbon-57. At least 50% of the surviving pigs received protection from subsequent intramuscular infection with a heterologous virulent strain, Stavropol 01/08 (genotype II, seroimmunotype VIII) (ASFV-Stavropol 01/08). In this study, we assessed clinical signs, the levels of viremia, viral DNA, anti-ASFV antibodies and post-mortem changes caused by subsequent intramuscular injection with ASFV-Katanga-350 and heterologous ASFV-Stavropol 01/08. Inoculation of pigs with the ASFV-Katanga-350 did not protect animals from the disease in the case of the subsequent challenged ASFV-Stavropol 01/08. However, 40% of pigs were protected from death. Moreover, the surviving animals showed no pathomorphological changes or the presence of an infectious virus in the organs after euthanasia at 35 days post challenging. The ability/inability of attenuated strains to form a certain level of protection against heterologous isolates needs a theoretical background and experimental confirmation