31 research outputs found
Some major problems faced in water treatment for drinking purposes
The main problems of drinking water treatment and selected micropollutants removal are presented. The paper gives an account of tie available methods and new technological trends securing the drinking water standards. It should be noted,however, that the application of efficient and safe water treatment methods, enabling elimination of polluting species which are difficult to remove, are often concomitant with troublesome modifications of the treatment trains, thus raising the overall treatment cost
Lack of Biological Stability and the Implication it has for Tap Water Quality
Om贸wiono parametry sk艂adu wody oraz procesy oczyszczania wsp贸艂decyduj膮ce o jej biologicznej stabilno艣ci. Wykazano, 偶e brak stabilno艣ci biologicznej wody wprowadzanej do sieci wodoci膮gowej jest jedn膮 z g艂贸wnych przyczyn wt贸rnego fizyczno-chemicznego i bakteriologicznego zanieczyszczenia wody wodoci膮gowej podczas jej transportu do odbiorc贸w. Wykazano, 偶e w wodzie niestabilnej biologicznie przebiegaj膮 takie zjawiska, jak wt贸rny rozw贸j mikroorganizm贸w unoszonych z wod膮 lub zasiedlaj膮cych wewn臋trzne powierzchnie przewod贸w wodoci膮gowych (tzw. biofilm), biokorozja intensyfikuj膮ca korozj臋 elektrochemiczn膮 metali, hamowanie powstawania pow艂ok antykorozyjnych, b膮d藕 ich rozpuszczanie, zwi臋kszone zu偶ycie 艣rodk贸w dezynfekcyjnych i uwalnianie produkt贸w korozji metali do wody. Zjawiska te s膮 powodem wt贸rnego zanieczyszczenia wody podczas jej przebywania w systemie wodoci膮gowym.The parameters of the water composition and the treatment processes contributing to its biological stability are specified. It has been shown that the lack of biological stability of the water entering the pipe network is one the major factors responsible for the recontamination (both physicochemical and bacteriological) of the tap water during transport to the users. Biologically unstable water favours the occurrence of the following phenomena: regrowth of microorganisms floating in the water or colonizing the pipe interior (biofilm), biocorrosion enhancing the electrochemical corrosion of metals, inhibition of anticorrosive film formation, solubilization of anticorrosive films, release of metal corrosion products into the water, etc. They all are contributions to the recontamination of water during residence in the water supply system
Factors in the potential of biofilm formation and growth in water distribution systems
Dokonano przegl膮du problematyki powstawania biofilmu na wewn臋trznej powierzchni ruroci膮g贸w i instalacji wodoci膮gowych. Om贸wiono przyczyny i skutki braku stabilno艣ci chemicznej i biologicznej wody w systemie wodoci膮gowym. Podkre艣lono, 偶e biofilm stwarza problemy techniczne i ekonomiczne, a przede wszystkim stanowi powa偶ne zagro偶enie jako艣ci sanitarnej wody dostarczanej odbiorcom. Wykazano, 偶e przyczyn wsp贸艂decyduj膮cych o obecno艣ci i rozwoju biofilmu w systemach dystrybucji wody jest wiele. Zwi膮zane s膮 one nie tylko z jako艣ci膮 wody wprowadzanej do sieci wodoci膮gowej, ale r贸wnie偶 z w艂a艣ciwo艣ciami materia艂贸w instalacyjnych, warunkami hydraulicznymi panuj膮cymi podczas transportu wody do odbiorc贸w, stanem technicznym i sanitarnym wszystkich element贸w systemu dystrybucji oraz zachodz膮cymi w nim zjawiskami. Z uwagi na interakcje tych uwarunkowa艅, a przede wszystkim na najcz臋艣ciej niemo偶liw膮 ca艂kowit膮 ich eliminacj臋, niezb臋dna jest skuteczna kontrola rozwoju biofilmu. Jest ona r贸wnoznaczna z zapewnieniem w ca艂ym systemie dystrybucji obecno艣ci 艣rodka dezynfekcyjnego, kt贸rego rodzaj i wymagana ilo艣膰 mog膮 by膰 r贸偶ne w poszczeg贸lnych systemach dystrybucji wody. Spe艂nienie tego wymogu jest szczeg贸lnie trudne w przypadku rozleg艂ych i wyeksploatowanych systemach wodoci膮gowych oraz tych, w kt贸rych powsta艂y ju偶 obrosty biologiczne.The paper gives an account of the problems associated with the formation and growth of a biofilm on the internal surfaces of water pipes and water supply systems. Consideration is given to the causes and implications of chemical and biological instability of the water in the distribution system. Biofilms not only create technological and economic problems, but also pose a serious risk of deteriorating the quality of the water supplied to the user. The causes underlying the occurrence and growth of the biofilm in the water distribution system are manifold. Apart from those pertaining to the quality of the water entering the distribution system, they include the properties of the materials from which particular installations have been constructed, the hydraulic conditions that occur during water transport to the user, the technical and sanitary condition of all elements being part of the water distribution system, as well as any of the phenomena involved. Considering all the concomitant interactions - as well as the fact that in most instances they are difficult to eliminate to the extent desired (if at all) - a viable control of the biofilm's growth becomes a must. To efficiently control biofilm growth, it is necessary to provide the water distribution systems with continuous supply of disinfectants. (The type and quantity of the disinfectant may vary from one water distribution system to another.) Such requirement is difficult to fulfil specifically in the case of spacious, obsolete water-supply systems
Threats associated with the presence of biofilm in drinking water distribution systems
Przedstawiono g艂贸wne problemy wynikaj膮ce z obecno艣ci biofilmu w elementach systemu dystrybucji wody wodoci膮gowej. Om贸wiono zagadnienie zwi臋kszonego zapotrzebowania wody na 艣rodki dezynfekcyjne, niezb臋dne do kontroli rozwoju obrost贸w biologicznych w sieci wodoci膮gowej. Scharakteryzowano zjawiska intensyfikacji korozyjnego niszczenia materia艂贸w instalacyjnych przez biofilm, wt贸rnego zanieczyszczenia wody wodoci膮gowej oraz problemy eksploatacyjne jej dystrybucji i niszczenia obrost贸w biologicznych. Wykazano, 偶e powstawanie i rozw贸j biofilmu na wewn臋trznych powierzchniach element贸w systemu wodoci膮gowego nie tylko zwi臋ksza koszty dystrybucji wody, ale przede wszystkim stanowi zagro偶enie zdrowia jej konsument贸w na skutek obecno艣ci w wodzie mikroorganizm贸w tworz膮cych biofilm oraz produkt贸w ich aktywno艣ci 偶yciowej.The paper addresses some major issues linked with biofilm development in drinking water distribution systems. Consideration is given to the increased demand of water for disinfectants, as they have become an indispensable part of biofilm growth control in water-pipe networks. Upward trends are observed in biofilm-induced corrosive damage of plumbings and pipes, and also in tap water recontamination. Both the phenomena give rise to serious operating problems concomitant with the degradation of the biofilm formed and, consequently, with safe water supply to the user. Biofilm formation and development on the internal surfaces of the water distribution system is becoming a matter of growing concern not only because of the continuing rise in the cost of tap water distribution. Far more alarming are the threats to public health emerging from the presence of microorganisms colonizing the biofilm and from the products of microbial activity in the water supplied to the users
Efficiency of surface water treatment processes at removing biodegradable organic substances
Przedstawiono zmian臋 zawarto艣ci frakcji substancji organicznych w wodzie w kolejnych procesach jednostkowych oraz ca艂ym uk艂adzie technologicznym. Wykazano, 偶e biodegradowalny rozpuszczony w臋giel organiczny (BRWO) oraz jego przyswajalna frakcja (PWO) by艂y najskuteczniej usuwane podczas koagulacji obj臋to艣ciowej oraz sorpcji na biologicznie aktywnych z艂o偶ach w臋glowych. Nie stwierdzono natomiast wp艂ywu filtracji pospiesznej (przez z艂o偶a piaskowe) oraz dezynfekcji chlorem na zawarto艣膰 substancji organicznych w wodzie. W procesie ozonowania nast膮pi艂 wzrost zawarto艣ci zar贸wno BRWO, jak i PWO, kt贸re skutecznie by艂y usuwane w nast臋puj膮cej po ozonowaniu sorpcji na biologicznie aktywnych z艂o偶ach w臋glowych. Przeprowadzona analiza skuteczno艣ci oczyszczania wody wykaza艂a, 偶e zastosowany uk艂ad oczyszczania nie zapewni艂 jednak wystarczaj膮cego stopnia usuni臋cia substancji organicznych do zapewnienia stabilno艣ci biologicznej wody w sieci wodoci膮gowej.The focus of this work is on changes in the biodegradable organic matter content of surface water during particular unit processes and in the entire treatment train. It has been found that volume coagulation and sorption on biologically active carbon beds provided the highest removal of biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) and its assimilable fraction (AOC). Rapid sand filtration and disinfection with chlorine had no influence on the organic matter content of the water. The ozonation process brought about an increase in the concentrations of both BDOC and AOC, which were efficiently removed by sorption on the biologically active carbon bed following the ozonation process. Analysis of the experimental results shows that the organic matter removal obtained with the treatment train applied is insufficiently high to provide biostable tap water
Changes of organic substances concentration in water during chemical oxidation
Om贸wiono wyniki bada艅 przeprowadzonych w skali technicznej. Celem eksperyment贸w by艂o okre艣lenie wp艂ywu procesu utleniania chlorem wolnym (Cl2w) i dwutlenkiem chloru (zachodz膮cego w dw贸ch fazach) na usuwanie z wody substancji organicznych oraz transformacje frakcji og贸lnego w臋gla organicznego. Analiza wynik贸w bada艅 wykaza艂a istotne r贸偶nice w zmianach zawarto艣ci OWO i jego frakcji oraz w zu偶yciu utleniaczy chemicznych w poszczeg贸lnych fazach procesu. Dla wi臋kszo艣ci pr贸bek wody (15 z 22) zu偶ycie Cl2w by艂o wi臋ksze w I fazie procesu, a odwrotn膮 prawid艂owo艣膰 stwierdzono w przypadku ClO2. Eliminacja OWO, RWO, NWO i NBRWO (gC/m3) generalnie zale偶a艂a od ich st臋偶enia pocz膮tkowego i by艂a r贸wnie偶 wi臋ksza w pierwszej fazie procesu - 艂膮cznie z 22 pr贸bek wody wynosi艂a odpowiednio 12,42; 9,89; 2,53; 13,92 gC/m3. Mimo 偶e we wszystkich pr贸bkach wody st臋偶enie BRWO w II fazie uleg艂o zmniejszeniu, to po omawianym procesie w wi臋kszo艣ci z nich (w 17 z 22) by艂o ono wi臋ksze ni偶 w wodzie przed procesem utleniania, a w 77,3% pr贸bek przekracza艂o 200 mgC/m3, tj. warto艣膰 graniczn膮 dla wody biologicznie stabilnej.The influence of the free chlorine and chlorine dioxide on the removal and transformation of organic substances is presented in this paper. The investigations were carried out in the technical scale. In the exploited water treatment train the chemical oxidation process ran in two phases; the first (I) in pipeline between the contact-settlers and rapid sand filters, the second (II) in filter beds. In consideration of the different chemical oxidants concentrations and their contact times with organic substances the concentration of TOC, DOC, BDOC, undissolved organic carbon (UDOC) and refractory DOC (rDOC) were determined before and after the following phases of the process. The analysis of obtained results showed the substantial differences in changes of TOC and its fractions concentrations as well in the chemical oxidants consumptions during the individual phases of the process. The free chlorine consumption was greater in the first phase and the inverse regularity was ascertained in case of ClO2. Elimination of TOC, DOC, UDOC and rDOC generally was dependent on their initial concentrations. It was greater in the first phase of process and for all samples of water was equal properly 12.42; 9.89; 2.53; 13.92 gC/m3. The higher decreasing of rDOC content than DOC quantity (in all samples of water) was caused by transformation rDOC to the BDOC. The result of the second phase was oxidation about twice smaller quantity of TOC, DOC and UDOC and about 4.5 times lower decreasing of rDOC concentration. In the course of the second phase removal of BDOC was stated but its residual concentrations in 77.3% samples were higher than before the chemical oxidation process. At the same time the content of rDOC increased in 27.3% samples
Minimizing the adverse effects of alum coagulation
The objective of the study was to investigate the potentiality of minimizing the undiserable effects concomitant with the coagulation process, such as residual aluminium and water corrosivity. The experiments involved two types of riverine water samples (from the Odra and from its tributary, the O艂awa) which differed in pollution level. The samples were treated with aluminium-based salts varying in basicity. The experimental results showed that residual aluminium concentration and water corrosivity depended on the kind and dose of the coagulant, as well as on the pH and temperature of the water, but primarily on the basicity of the coagulant used. The substitution of polyaluminium chlorides for alum not only decreased residual aluminium concentration and water corrosivity but also improved the efficiency of water treatment
Removal of nitrates from agueous solutions by ion exchange
The objektiwe of the study was to analyze the of a strongly alkaline anion exchanger (Imac HP-555 ) in removing nitrates from model solutions. The efficiency ( and course) of the deanionization process was related to initial NO3- concentration,hydraulic loading of the bed, and to the presence of sulfates.The presence of sulfates was found to contribute to the course of ion exchange.This contribution depended on the ratio of initial SO4 to initial NO3.The study substantiated the selectivity of the anion exchanger with respect to nitrate ions and showed that deanionization on the Imac HP-555 anion exchanger might be of utility in removing nitrates from sulfate-containing aqueous solutions
Causes underlying the free chlorine in the water distribution system
Om贸wiono czynniki wp艂ywaj膮ce na zu偶ycie chloru wolnego w systemie dystrybucji wody, takie jak dezaktywacja mikroorganizm贸w, utlenianie organicznych i nieorganicznych substancji zredukowanych obecnych w wodzie i osadach (biofilm), jonizacja koroduj膮cych materia艂贸w instalacyjnych i utlenianie produkt贸w korozji, a tak偶e chlorowanie zwi膮zk贸w organicznych. Do opisu zmian zawarto艣ci chloru wolnego w systemie dystrybucji najcz臋艣ciej stosuje si臋 r贸wnanie kinetyczne reakcji pierwszego rz臋du, a sta艂a szybko艣ci ca艂kowitego zu偶ycia chloru wolnego jest sum膮 sta艂ych szybko艣ci zu偶ycia tego utleniacza w strumieniu wody oraz na powierzchni przewod贸w wodoci膮gowych. Om贸wiono wp艂yw jako艣ci wody wprowadzanej do sieci wodoci膮gowej, rodzaju materia艂贸w instalacyjnych i ich stanu technicznego i sanitarnego oraz warunk贸w hydraulicznych panuj膮cych w systemie dystrybucji wody na zmniejszenie zawarto艣ci chloru wolnego w wodzie podczas jej transportu w sieci wodoci膮gowej.The factors that affect the free chlorine decay in the water distribution system are diverse. In this paper consideration is given to the deactivation of microorganisms, oxidation of organic and inorganic reduced substances that are present in the water and biofilm, ionization of corroding structural materials, oxidation of corrosion products, and chlorination of organic compounds. To describe the variations in the content of free chlorine in the water distribution system, use is made predominantly of the kinetic equation for a first-order reaction, and the rate constant of the total consumption of free chlorine is the sum of the rate constants of the consumption of this disinfectant in the water stream and on the pipe walls. The paper also addresses the problem of how the quality of the water entering the pipeline, the type and condition (both technical and sanitary) of the structural materials, and the hydraulic conditions in the water distribution system contribute to the decrease in the content of free chlorine in the water during transport in the pipeline