10 research outputs found

    CT in the Differentiation of Gliomas from Brain Metastases: The Radiomics Analysis of the Peritumoral Zone

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    Due to their similar imaging features, high-grade gliomas (HGGs) and solitary brain metastases (BMs) can be easily misclassified. The peritumoral zone (PZ) of HGGs develops neoplastic cell infiltration, while in BMs the PZ contains pure vasogenic edema. As the two PZs cannot be differentiated macroscopically, this study investigated whether computed tomography (CT)-based texture analysis (TA) of the PZ can reflect the histological difference between the two entities. Thirty-six patients with solitary brain tumors (HGGs, n = 17; BMs, n = 19) that underwent CT examinations were retrospectively included in this pilot study. TA of the PZ was analyzed using dedicated software (MaZda version 5). Univariate, multivariate, and receiver operating characteristics analyses were used to identify the best-suited parameters for distinguishing between the two groups. Seven texture parameters were able to differentiate between HGGs and BMs with variable sensitivity (56.67–96.67%) and specificity (69.23–100%) rates. Their combined ability successfully identified HGGs with 77.9–99.2% sensitivity and 75.3–100% specificity. In conclusion, the CT-based TA can be a useful tool for differentiating between primary and secondary malignancies. The TA features indicate a more heterogenous content of the HGGs’ PZ, possibly due to the local infiltration of neoplastic cells

    Skeletal Muscle Metastases and Inferior Vena Cava Involvement in a Patient with Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma and Sarcomatoid Differentiation

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    Introduction: Renal cell carcinoma has a propensity to propagate into the renal vein and inferior vena cava. A small percentage has distant metastasis at presentation. Pulmonary, hepatic, cerebral and bone metastases are common, but skeletal muscle involvement is rare

    Transvaginal Ultrasound Combined with Strain-Ratio Elastography for the Concomitant Diagnosis of Uterine Fibroids and Adenomyosis: A Pilot Study

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    Uterine fibroids (UFs) and adenomyosis (AM) represent two benign uterine conditions that can affect fertility and are most frequently commonly responsible for abnormal uterine bleeding and chronic pelvic pain. Their differential diagnosis still represents a challenge, and several authors advise the addition of elastography to transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS) for a more accurate imagistic recognition. Through this study, we aimed to assess the diagnostic accuracy of TVUS combined with strain-ratio elastography (SRE) in concomitant AM and UFs. We conducted a study on 17 patients diagnosed with concomitant UFs and AM undergoing hysterectomy and 46 healthy patients. TVUS combined with SRE was conducted in each patient, focusing on identifying rigidity patterns of the lesions. Significantly higher mean SR and maximum SR values were identified among both AM and UF lesions as opposed to controls (p < 0.01), with the highest tissue stiffness being encountered among AM lesions, which allows for the differentiation of UF (p < 0.01) and concomitant identification of both lesions. These results are reflected by higher cut-off values obtained for AM, both for mean SR (5.42 vs. 2.85) and maximum SR (5.80 vs. 3.30). TVUS combined with SRE showed good diagnostic performance in identifying coexisting UFs and AM within the same uterine specimen. Future studies on wider populations are required to validate our findings


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    Diagnosticul antepartum al hemoragiei cerebrale fetale (HCF) este mai puţin raportat (0,9/1.000 naşteri) comparativ cu cel postpartum. Sunt prezentate două cazuri de hemoragie intraventriculară fetală, diagnosticate ecografic antepartum. Cazul 1: HCF diagnosticată ecografic la vârsta gestaţională de 28 de săptamâni de gestaţie şi confirmată postnatal prin prezenţa în LCR a hematiilor (număr semnificativ, ratatinate) şi a modificărilor semnalate de ecografia transfontanelară (hidrocefalie internă severă, ţesut cerebral minim). Decesul a survenit la 24 de ore postpartum (ex. histopatologic: hemoragie cerebrală intraventriculară). Menţionăm absenţa aparentă a factorilor de risc materni, negativitatea testelor TORCH. Cazul 2: hidrocefalie internă la vârsta de 37 de săptămâni de gestaţie şi confirmată la nou-născut (după cezariană) de modificările clinice caracteristice, suferinţa neurologică severă asociată cu modificări la ecografia transfontanelară şi aspectul hemoragic şi hipertensiv al LCR. Nu au fost depistaţi factori de risc materni. De asemenea, aparent nu au existat riscuri fetale: greutatea 2.820 g la 37 de săptămâni de gestaţie, teste TORCH negative, culturi şi CRP negative. Hidrocefalia a avut o evoluţie progresivă impunând ventriculotomii şi cisternotomii; plasarea unui şunt ventriculo-peritoneal în timpul celei de-a treia intervenţii neurochirurgicale a ameliorat prognosticul vital. Concluzii. Prezenţa hidrocefaliei a fost un semn ecografic fidel pentru diagnosticul HCF. Evoluţia şi prognosticul sunt influenţate de severitatea hemoragiei şi de vârsta gestaţională. Supravieţuitorii beneficiază de tratamentul neurochirurgical. Etiopatogenia plurifactorială, incomplet descifrată a HCF conduce la dificultăţi în stabilirea unui grup ţintă de screening, în scopul identificării acestei leziuni

    An Interesting Image of Transmural Migration of a Levonorgestrel-Releasing Intrauterine Device (LNg-IUD)

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    Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are very common as a method of birth control. By adding progesterone (levonorgestrel), a decrease in the risk of complications has been documented, including the risk of perforation. Even though only a few complications have been described, adjacent organs may be involved in the case of migration—a life-threatening situation. A 45-year-old G4P2 woman was seen in our clinic for LNg-IUD removal, according to the medical instructions. Her main complaints were abdominal discomfort, low back pain, and recurrent menorrhagia. A “lost” IUD was initially suspected; the patient confirmed the detection and removal of the control strings, and a subsequent discussion related to delayed transmural migration of the IUD being followed. The ultrasonography revealed the migration of the IUD to the uterine cervix and size-decreased uterine fibroids, confirming the effectiveness of the LNg-IUD. The MRI and ultrasonography being useless, a subsequent X-ray and CT scan were requested, both confirming a myometrium-positioned IUD, adjacent to the serosa and lumbosacral plexus. Even though the IUD is considered a safe device with reversible effect, it can be associated with severe morbidity, with an ultrasound follow-up being required. For more precise detection of the IUD, we strongly recommend an X-ray or CT scan examination, followed by safe removal

    Textural Analysis of the Hyperdense Artery Sign in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke Predicts the Outcome of Thrombectomy

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    Textural analysis is pivotal in augmenting the diagnosis and outcomes of endovascular procedures for stroke patients. Due to the detection of changes imperceptible to the human eye, this type of analysis can potentially aid in deciding the optimal type of endovascular treatment. We included 40 patients who suffered from acute ischemic stroke caused by large vessel occlusion, and calculated 130 different textural features based on the non-enhanced CT scan using an open-source software (3D Slicer). Using chi-squared and Mann–Whitney tests and receiver operating characteristics analysis, we identified a total of 21 different textural parameters capable of predicting the outcome of thrombectomy (quantified as the mTICI score), with variable sensitivity (50–97.9%) and specificity (64.6–99.4%) rates. In conclusion, CT-based radiomics features are potential factors that can predict the outcome of thrombectomy in patients suffering from acute ischemic stroke, aiding in the decision between aspiration, mechanical, or combined thrombectomy procedure

    The Predictive Role of Systemic Inflammatory Markers in the Development of Acute Kidney Failure and Mortality in Patients with Abdominal Trauma

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    Background: Abdominal trauma is defined as a variety of injuries to the abdominal wall, solid or hollow intra-abdominal organs, and various intra-abdominal vessels. Recently, there has been a significant amount of interest in the establishment of a reliable biomarker that can predict the outcome in patients with an abdominal injury. The purpose of this study is to confirm the predictive role of inflammatory biomarkers and underlying risk factors and the risk of acute kidney insufficiency (AKI) developing and mortality in abdominal trauma patients; Materials and methods: The current study was intended as an observational, analytical, retrospective cohort study and included all patients over 18 years of age with a diagnosis of abdominal trauma confirmed through a CT scan admitted to the County Emergency Clinical Hospital of Targu-Mureș, Romania between January 2017, and December 2021; Results: Non-survivor patients had a greater age (p = 0.02), as well as a higher prevalence of ischemic heart disease (IHD) (p = 0.007), history of myocardial infarction (MI) (p = 0.002), peripheral arterial disease (PAD) (p = 0.01), chronic kidney disease (CKD) (p = 0.01), and all risk factors (p = 0.0004 and p p = 0.003) and hemoperitoneum (p = 0.008). Multivariate analysis showed a high baseline value for all inflammatory biomarkers that are independent predictors of adverse outcomes for all recruited patients. Furthermore, for all hospitalized patients, the history of MI (p = 0.03; p = 0.001; and p = 0.003), PAD (p = 0.01; p = 0.01; and p = 0.002), obesity (for all p p p = 0.01; and p = 0.001), and kidney injury (p = 0.02; p = 0.004; and p = 0.01) were independent predictors of all outcomes. Moreover, IHD (p = 0.008 and p = 0.02), tobacco (p p = 0.02), and hemoperitoneum (p = 0.009 and p = 0.01) were predictors of mortality and composite endpoint, but not for AKI risk, as well as atrial fibrillation [AF] (p = 0.04) as predictors of the composite endpoint Conclusions: Higher monocyte to lymphocyte ratio (MLR), platelets to lymphocyte ratio (PLR), systemic inflammatory index (SII), neutrophil to lymphocyte ratios (NLR), aggregate inflammatory systemic index (AISI), and systemic inflammatory response index (SIRI) levels at admission, according to our data, highly predict AKI risk and death

    Prognostic Nutritional Index, Controlling Nutritional Status (CONUT) Score, and Inflammatory Biomarkers as Predictors of Deep Vein Thrombosis, Acute Pulmonary Embolism, and Mortality in COVID-19 Patients

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    Background: Numerous tools, including nutritional and inflammatory markers, have been evaluated as the predictors of poor outcomes in COVID-19 patients. This study aims to verify the predictive role of the prognostic nutritional index (PNI), CONUT Score, and inflammatory markers (monocyte to lymphocyte ratio (MLR), neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelet to lymphocyte ratio (PLR), systemic inflammatory index (SII), Systemic Inflammation Response Index (SIRI), and Aggregate Index of Systemic Inflammation (AISI)) in cases of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and acute pulmonary embolism (APE) risk, as well as mortality, in COVID-19 patients. Methods: The present study was designed as an observational, analytical, retrospective cohort study, and included 899 patients over the age of 18 who had a COVID-19 infection, confirmed through real time-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), and were admitted to the County Emergency Clinical Hospital and Modular Intensive Care Unit of UMFST “George Emil Palade” of Targu Mures, Romania between January 2020 and March 20212. Results: Non-Surviving patients were associated with a higher incidence of chronic kidney disease (p = 0.01), cardiovascular disease (atrial fibrillation (AF) p = 0.01; myocardial infarction (MI) p = 0.02; peripheral arterial disease (PAD) p = 0.0003), malignancy (p = 0.0001), tobacco (p = 0.0001), obesity (p = 0.01), dyslipidemia (p = 0.004), and malnutrition (p p < 0.0001). The presence of PAD, malignancy, and tobacco, were also independent predictors of all outcomes. Conclusions: According to our findings, higher MLR, NLR, PLR, SII, SIRI, AISI, CONUT Score, and lower PNI values at admission strongly predict DVT risk, APE risk, and mortality in COVID-19 patients. Moreover, PAD, malignancy, and tobacco, all predicted all outcomes, while CKD predicts APE risk and mortality, but not the DVT risk

    Computed Tomography Angiography Markers and Intraluminal Thrombus Morphology as Predictors of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Rupture

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    Background: Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a complex vascular disease characterized by progressive and irreversible local dilatation of the aortic wall. Currently, the indication for repair is linked to the transverse diameter of the abdominal aorta, using computed tomography angiography imagery, which is one of the most used markers for aneurysmal growth. This study aims to verify the predictive role of imaging markers and underlying risk factors in AAA rupture. Methods: The present study was designed as an observational, analytical, retrospective cohort study and included 220 patients over 18 years of age with a diagnosis of AAA, confirmed by computed tomography angiography (CTA), admitted to Vascular Surgery Clinic of Mures County Emergency Hospital in Targu Mures, Romania, between January 2018 and September 2022. Results: Patients with a ruptured AAA had higher incidences of AH (p = 0.006), IHD (p = 0.001), AF (p max (OR:3.91; p = 0.001), SAmax (OR:7.21; p max (OR:34.61; p renal (OR:7.09; p CT (OR:12.71; p femoral (OR:2.56; p = 0.005), SArenal (OR:4.56; p CT (OR:3.81; p max (OR:5.27; p max/Lumenmax (OR:0.13; p < 0.001) and ezetimibe (OR:0.45; p = 0.03) were protective factors against AAA rupture. Conclusions: According to our findings, a higher baseline value of all imaging markers ratios at CTA strongly predicts AAA rupture and AH, MI, and PAD highly predicted the risk of rupture in AAA patients. Furthermore, the diameter of the abdominal aorta at different levels has better accuracy and a higher predictive role of rupture than the maximal diameter of AAA.</p

    Diagnosis and Management of Dysgerminomas with a Brief Summary of Primitive Germ Cell Tumors

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    Dysgerminoma represents a rare malignant tumor composed of germ cells, originally from the embryonic gonads. Regarding its incidence, we do not have precise data due to its rarity. Dysgerminoma occurs at a fertile age. The preferred treatment is the surgical removal of the tumor succeeded by the preservation of fertility. Even if a multidisciplinary team, founded in 2009 by a gynecologist, an oncologist, a pediatric oncologist and a pediatric surgeon, under the guidance of the Malignant Germ Cell International Consortium (MaGIC), studies this type of tumor, issues still remain related to the lack of a randomized study and to both the management and understanding of the concept of OMGCTs (ovarian malignant germ cell tumors). The aim of this review is to present from the literature the various approaches for this type of tumor, and, regarding innovative therapies or possible prevention, which can be applied in clinical practice. Multidisciplinarity and treatment in reference centers have proven their usefulness as well