4 research outputs found

    The Palaeolithic site from Cremenea – Poieniţă, Covasna Department. An attempt towards a techno-typological and cultural reassessment

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    The researches previously carried out in the Paleolithic site from Cremenea – Poieni " # offered a large lithic assemblage qualified as Aurignacian and a much smaller one, thought as belonging to the Gravettian. The paper here presents a techno-typological analysis performed on the lithic collection found in the History Museum from Bra ov. Unfortunately, the collection lacks an important part of the initial Aurignacian inventory. Consequently, the outcome of the techno-typological analysis neither confirms nor rejects the cultural framing already proposed ; it only succeeds in raising some doubts regarding the Aurignacian designation.Mărgărit Dan, Niţă Loredana. The Palaeolithic site from Cremenea – Poieniţă, Covasna Department. An attempt towards a techno-typological and cultural reassessment. In: Annales d'Université "Valahia" Târgovişte. Section d'Archéologie et d'Histoire, Tome 8-9, 2006. pp. 207-218

    Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Residents’ Perception of Simulation Training in Four Romanian Centres

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    Introduction: Simulation training offers an opportunity to educate anaesthesia and intensive care (AIC) residents safely. At present, it is not yet a mandatory part of residency curriculum

    Recent archaeological researches in the Vârghiș Gorges karst area (Eastern Carpathians, Romania). A synthesis of the 2014–2020 campaigns

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    The Vârghiș Gorges karst system (Perșani Mountains, Eastern Carpathians) constituted a point of interest for speleologists, paleontologists and archaeologists since the second half of the 19th century. Their efforts succeeded in highlighting the notable archaeological potential of the area, although the actual research results were not always thoroughly reported. Since 2014, our team reunited specialists from 10 different institutions and various fields of research and initiated archaeological excavations, coupled with achaeozoological, sedimentological and chronometric investigations, in several caves within the Vârghiș Gorges. As the paper below will show, although the results obtained so far are definitively informative, further investigation are clearly needed, in order to accurately clarify aspects pertaining to the intricate cultural and chronological framework.Sistemul carstic din Cheile Vârghișului (Munții Perșani, Carpații Orientali) a reprezentat un punct de interes pentru speologi, paleontologi și arheologi încă din a doua jumătate a secolului XIX. Demersurile acestora au evidențiat remarcabilul potențial arheologic al zonei, chiar dacă rezultatele investigațiilor propriu-zise nu au fost întotdeauna prezentate exhaustiv. Începând cu anul 2014, am alcătuit o echipă de specialiști din zece instituții de cercetare și variate domenii de specialitate și am inițiat săpături arheologice, însoțite de cercetări arheozoologice, sedimentologice și cronometrice, în câteva peșteri din Cheile Vârghișului. Așa cum reiese din observațiile prezentate, deși rezultatele obținute până în prezent oferă informații noi, cercetări viitoare sunt necesare pentru o mai bună înțelegere a complexității cadrului cronologic și cultural.Cosac Marian, Murătoreanu George, Veres Daniel, Niţă Loredana, Schmidt Cristoph, Hambach Ulrich, Radu Alexandru, Cuculici Roxana, Buzea Dan Lucian, Ștefan Dan, Mărgărit Monica, Vasile Ştefan, Dumitraşcu Valentin, Roşu Mariana, Petculescu Alexandru, Sava Tiberiu, Georgescu Valentin, Șerbănescu Gabriel, Geambașu Ionel. Recent archaeological researches in the Vârghiș Gorges karst area (Eastern Carpathians, Romania). A synthesis of the 2014–2020 campaigns. In: Materiale şi cercetãri arheologice (Serie nouã), H-S 2021. pp. 325-350