6 research outputs found

    Evolution of Human Habitat in the Carpathian-Dniester Area during Upper Paleolithic and Neolithic

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    The paper aims at analyzing the evolution of the human habitat in the Carpathian-Dniester area, the manner adopted by the human communities for occupying the natural space, starting from the data existing in the specialized literature and from the new data regarding the evolutions of the natural environment in the Upper Pleistocene-Early Holocene. The paper raises the problem of the modification of the geographic landscape of the region, and implicitly of the human habitat, under the impact of the level fluctuations of the Black Sea. Certain results of statistic models of analysis of the human habitat in the region especially at the level of the Neolithic are also considered.Văleanu Mădălin-Cornel. Evolution of Human Habitat in the Carpathian-Dniester Area during Upper Paleolithic and Neolithic. In: Annales d'Université "Valahia" Târgovişte. Section d'Archéologie et d'Histoire, Tome 19, 2017. pp. 19-32

    The occurrence of flint in north-eastern Romania in the context of local prehistoric habitations

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    In the north-eastern part of Romania, along the Prut river valley, are known geological deposits which containing flint. Although there are many scientific books and studies about the geology of the region in which are presented aspects relateding to flint and its occurrence in the area, they do not provide the information required for a correct interpretation in relation with the use of these important natural resources by the prehistoric communities. Based on researches, the present study highlights a large morphological variety of flint occuring on the Prut Valley, in terms of its color and physical properties. It is also pointed that flint presence in the area is both in relation with the primary geological deposit, where it was formed from Cretaceous time, and with the layers in which it was later redeposed in respectively Badenian levels, in Quaternary-Pleistocene terraces and recent alluvial deposits.Văleanu Mădălin-Cornel. The occurrence of flint in north-eastern Romania in the context of local prehistoric habitations. In: Annales d'Université "Valahia" Târgovişte. Section d'Archéologie et d'Histoire, Tome 17, Numéro 1, 2015. pp. 7-50

    Boineşti (département de Satu-Mare), Moustérien, Aurignacien et processus taphonomiques

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    During the new excavations at Boineşti (2005– 2006), Middle Palaeolithic and Aurignacian artefacts have been discovered within the loessic deposits. Three archaeological units (D, C1, C) have been identified. The raw material is varied. IRSL dating of these loessic deposits indicates that the Mousterian material (unit D) belongs to MIS 3 and that the Aurignacian material (units C1 and C) has been reworked during the Holocene. During this reworking episode, the Mousterian artefacts from the lower loessic deposit have been incorporated within the Aurignacian units (C and C1). Refittings of the pieces coming from different archaeological units confirm this interpretation.In timpul săpăturilor de la Boineşti (2005– 2006), au fost descoperite în depozitele loessoide, artefacte de tip Paleolitic Mijlociu şi Aurignacian. Au fost identificate trei unităţi arheologice (D, C1, C). Materia primă este variată. Datările prin metoda IRSL a depozitelor loessoide arată că materialul Musterian (unitatea D) aparţine unei faze târzii a MIS 3 şi că materialul Aurignacian (unităţile C1 şi C) a fost remaniat în Holocen. În timpul acestui episod de remaniere, piese musteriene din depozitul inferior au fost încorporate în unităţile aurignaciene (C şi C1). Această interpretare este confirmată de remontajele efectuate cu piese provenind din diferitele unităţi arheologice.Tuffreau Alain, Dobrescu Roxana, Balescu Sanda, Văleanu Mădălin-Cornel. Boineşti (département de Satu-Mare), Moustérien, Aurignacien et processus taphonomiques. In: Materiale şi cercetãri arheologice (Serie nouã), N°9 2013. pp. 7-39

    Preliminary data on a child’s grave discovered in the Paleolithic site of Cosăuţi (Republic of Moldova)

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    This paper presents the preliminary results of a comprehensive study of the burial discovered during the investigations of the Upper Paleolithic site at Cosăuţi by the expedition led by Ilie Borziac. Due to various circumstances, the burial remained virtually unexplored until present. The article presents the main results of a preliminary study of skeletal remains that was carried out by an international, Moldavian-Romanian, group of researchers

    Preliminary data on the child’s tomb discovered in the Paleolithic site of Cosăuţi (Republic of Moldova)

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    The study presents an exceptional anthropological discovery made in 1987 in the upper paleolithic site from Cosăuţi by Ilie Borziac. Due to unfavorable circumstances, the child's tomb remained properly unexploited scientific until present. Are given the preliminary results obtained by interdisciplinary research team formed especially for conservation and investigation the child's tomb from Cosăuţi.Văleanu Mădălin-Cornel, Bejenaru Luminiţa, Covalenco Serghei, Tentiuc Ion, Burlacu Vitalie, Lacătuşu Codrin. Preliminary data on the child’s tomb discovered in the Paleolithic site of Cosăuţi (Republic of Moldova). In: Annales d'Université "Valahia" Târgovişte. Section d'Archéologie et d'Histoire, Tome 16, Numéro 2, 2014. pp. 7-15

    Amber Deposits in Romania, with Particular Emphasis on Those Located on the Eastern Side of the Carpathians (Bibliographical Considerations and a few Field Investigations)

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    During the archaeological excavations of 2002, in the Palaeolithic site of Poiana Cireșului (north-eastern Romania) was discovered a fragment of amber in the first Gravettian layer. Recent investigations in this settlement have revealed four archaeological layers : one Epigravettian layer and three Gravettian ones. The first Gravettian layer, which is contemporary with the Last Glacial Maximum, has provided the richest habitation of the site, being dated around 20,000 B. P. In order to identify the provenance of this raw material, the research included several phases. The first stage of our research involved a re-evaluation of the amber deposits described in Romanian geological literature, beginning with the oldest mentions that had been sometimes overlooked or completely forgotten. The second stage involved carrying out field investigations with a view to verifying the deposits located in the vicinity of the Poiana Cireșului site. The results of these two stages are to be described in this article, while the physico-chemical analyses will be published in a future study.Cârciumaru Marin, Niţu Elena-Cristina, Miclăuș Crina, Ion Rodica-Mariana, Cîrstina Ovidiu, Ionuț Lupu Florin, Leu Marian, Văleanu Mădălin-Cornel, Nicolae Adrian, Grigore Stelian. Amber Deposits in Romania, with Particular Emphasis on Those Located on the Eastern Side of the Carpathians (Bibliographical Considerations and a few Field Investigations). In: Annales d'Université "Valahia" Târgovişte. Section d'Archéologie et d'Histoire, Tome 19, 2017. pp. 33-56