3,088 research outputs found
Analyse der Wohnâ und Arbeitsortverteilung von Hochqualifizierten in der Metropolregion RheinâNeckar
Der Strukturwandel zu wissensbasierten Dienstleistungen und der High Tech Branche bedingt eine steigende Nachfrage nach hochqualifizierten Arbeitnehmern. FĂŒr eine erfolgreiche Regionalentwicklung ist daher ein ausreichender Bestand an Hochqualifizierten unabdingbar. Vor dem Hintergrund des sich abzeichnenden demographischen Wandels droht jedoch ein zukĂŒnftiger Mangel an FachkrĂ€ften auf nationaler Ebene. Diese Entwicklung wird sich regional sehr heterogen vollziehen und fĂŒr
Regionalplaner und Unternehmen wird es in Zukunft zunehmend schwerer werden, die âklugen Köpfeâ anzulocken, beziehungsweise sie nach dem Studium oder der Ausbildung in der Region zu halten.
Dieses Papier untersucht fĂŒr die EuropĂ€ische Metropolregion RheinâNeckar und ihrem Pendlereinzugsgebiet, welche Faktoren den Anteil von Hochqualifizierten an den sozialversicherungspflichtig BeschĂ€ftigten sowohl am Arbeitsâ als auch am Wohnort auf Kreisebene beeinflussen. Die Ergebnisse legen den Schluss nahe, dass neben den BeschĂ€ftigungsbedingungen und Chancen des Wirtschaftsraumes auch die AttraktivitĂ€t der Region als Wohnstandort eine wichtige Rolle spielt und dass Wettbewerbsvorteile zunehmend regional verwirklicht werden
BeschÀftigung und Arbeitslosigkeit Àlterer Arbeitnehmer : Eine mikroökonometrische Evaluation der Arbeitslosengeldreform von 1997
Im Jahr 1997 wurden die maximalen Anspruchsdauern auf Arbeitslosengeld fĂŒr Ă€ltere BeschĂ€ftigte verkĂŒrzt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die Auswirkungen dieser Reform auf ĂbergĂ€nge von BeschĂ€ftigung in Arbeitslosigkeit und Verweildauern in Arbeitslosigkeit dieser Gruppe untersucht. Die Analyse beruht auf der IAB-BeschĂ€ftigtenstichprobe 1975-2001, welche tagesgenaue Informationen von ĂŒber einer Million sozialversicherungspflichtigen BeschĂ€ftigten und LeistungsempfĂ€ngern der Bundesagentur fĂŒr Arbeit umfasst. Es kann festgestellt werden, dass die Wahrscheinlichkeit, arbeitslos zu werden, bei der betrachteten Gruppe der 54-56jĂ€hrigen nach der Reform abnimmt. AuĂerdem ist eine VerkĂŒrzung der Verweildauern in Arbeitslosigkeit nach der Reform zu beobachten. Die 54-56jĂ€hrigen unterscheiden sich nach der Reform nicht mehr von der Gruppe der 52-53jĂ€hrigen. Insbesondere gröĂere Unternehmen und deren BeschĂ€ftigte nutzen die langen Anspruchsdauern auf Arbeitslosengeld zur FrĂŒhverrentung
Impulsive Behaviors in Patients With Pathological Buying
Aim To investigate impulsive behaviors in pathological buying (PB). Methods The study included three groups matched for age and gender: treatment seeking outpatients with PB (PB+), treatment seeking psychiatric inpatients without PB (PBâ), and a healthy control group (HC). PB was assessed by means of the Compulsive Buying Scale and by the impulse control disorder (ICD) module of the research version of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID-ICD). All participants answered questionnaires concerning symptoms of borderline personality disorder, self-harming behaviors, binge eating and symptoms of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In addition, comorbid ICDs were assessed using the SCID-ICD. Results The PB+ and PBâ groups did not differ with regard to borderline personality disorder or ADHD symptoms, but both groups reported significantly more symptoms than the HC group. Frequencies of self-harming behaviors did not differ between the three groups. Patients with PB were more often diagnosed with any current ICD (excluding PB) compared to those without PB and the HC group (38.7% vs. 12.9% vs. 12.9%, respectively, p=.017). Discussion Our findings confirm prior research suggesting more impulsive behaviors in patients with and without PB compared to healthy controls. The results of the questionnaire-based assessment indicate that outpatients with PB perceive themselves equally impulsive and self-harm as frequently as inpatients without PB; but they seem to suffer more often from an ICD as assessed by means of an interview
Adverse perinatal outcomes for obese women are influenced by the presence of comorbid diabetes and hypertensive disorders
Maternal obesity often occurs together with comorbid diabetes and hypertensive disorders. All three conditions are independently associated with negative perinatal outcomes. Our objective was to determine the risk and burden of adverse perinatal outcome that could be attributed to maternal obesity in combination with a comorbid status. We analyzed data from 324'664 singleton deliveries in Switzerland between 2005 and 2016. For the association of maternal obesity in the presence or absence of comorbidities with various perinatal outcomes, we estimated adjusted relative risk (RR) using multivariable regression modeling and determined the multivariable-adjusted attributable fraction of the population (AFp). Obesity was a main predictor for macrosomia, fracture of the clavicle, failure to progress in labor and prolonged labor. By stratifying women based on comorbidities, we identified significantly increased risk for preterm birth and early neonatal death only for women diagnosed with a comorbidity. However, various other outcomes were independently associated with either obesity or comorbidities. The AFp showed greatest reduction in comorbidities (15.4/15.0/13.2%), in macrosomia (6.3%) and in shoulder dystocia (4.8%) if all women were to become non-obese. We suggest that comorbidities such as diabetes and hypertensive disorders should be considered when relating maternal obesity to adverse perinatal outcomes
Modified toggle pin technique combined with prosthetic capsular reconstruction for surgical stabilization of coxofemoral luxation in a Shetland pony
To describe open reduction and surgical stabilization of a coxofemoral luxation in a pony using a modified toggle pin technique and prosthetic joint capsule reconstruction without osteotomy of the greater trochanter.
A 2-year-old Shetland pony with a bodyweight of 167âkg.
Study design
Case report.
Radiographic examination confirmed craniodorsal luxation of the left coxofemoral joint. An open reduction with the aid of a pulley system was performed. A toggle pin was inserted through a bone tunnel extending from the level of the femoral shaft through the femoral head and the center of the acetabulum for the pin to be positioned on the medial wall of the acetabulum. FiberWire was subsequently passed through the cranial and caudal aspects of the acetabulum as well as a transverse tunnel in the femoral neck in a figure of 8 to facilitate capsular reconstruction. The pony was placed in a sling for 8âweeks and gradually returned to normal activity over 2Â months.
Postoperative radiographic examination confirmed the position of the femoral head in the acetabulum with the implants in place. On 2-year follow-up the pony was sound at walk and trot.
A combined intra- and extra-articular stabilization technique for coxofemoral luxation in a pony resulted in successful long-term reduction and excellent outcome
ErwerbsverlĂ€ufe von Migrantinnen im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen: welche Implikationen ergeben sich fĂŒr eine migrationsspezifische Beratung?
"'Potenziale von Zuwanderinnen besser nutzen' - durch die EinfĂŒhrung des Berufsqualifikationsfeststellungsgesetzes (BQFG) und entsprechender Landesregelungen soll dies besser gelingen als bisher. Mit Blick auf die demografische Entwicklung, den sich abzeichnenden FachkrĂ€ftebedarf und die hĂ€ufige Dequalifizierung auslĂ€ndischer Qualifikationen auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt scheint dies dringend erforderlich. Die vorliegende qualitative Studie betrachtet die ErwerbsverlĂ€ufe von 28 meist hochqualifizierten Migrantinnen, die im Ausland einen Berufs- oder Bildungsabschluss im Sozial- oder Gesundheitswesen erworben haben. Hierdurch sollen Chancen und HĂŒrden beim Ăbergang in den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt identifiziert werden. Die Analyse der individuellen Erwerbsbiographien verdeutlicht, dass es selbst fĂŒr hochqualifizierte Migrantinnen nahezu unmöglich erscheint, einen qualifikationsgerechten Beruf in Deutschland auszuĂŒben. Mit Blick auf eine Integration in den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt lassen sich drei Handlungsstrategien beobachten: Die Gruppe der 'pragmatischen Frauen' vollzieht eine Ausbildung oder Umschulung bzw. strebt diese an; die Gruppe der 'resignierten Frauen' ĂŒbt TĂ€tigkeiten weit unterhalb des eigenen Qualifikationsniveaus aus. In beiden FĂ€llen bietet ihnen der jeweilige Ansatz eine greifbare Perspektive fĂŒr den Arbeitsmarktzugang, fĂŒhrt jedoch auch zur Entwertung der mitgebrachten akademischen AbschlĂŒsse. Die kleinste Gruppe stellen 'persistente Migrantinnen' dar, die die Anerkennung ihres Abschlusses erfolgreich verfolgt haben bzw. eine erneute Antragstellung planen. Vor dem Hintergrund der Resilienzforschung werden relevante EinflussgröĂen als Schutz- bzw. Risikofaktoren betrachtet. WĂ€hrend sich ihre intrinsische Arbeits- und Aufstiegsmotivation, die stabilisierende Wirkung der Familie sowie mentorenartige Figuren wie (Sprach-)Lehrer, Berater oder hilfsbereite Bekannte als Schutzfaktoren erweisen, stellen die erlebten Diskriminierungserfahrungen sowie eine mangelnde Willkommenskultur ein Hindernis dar." (Autorenreferat
Findings consistent with equine proximal suspensory desmitis can be reliably detected using computed tomography and differ between affected horses and controls
The objective of this retrospective, observational, controlled study was to evaluate bone and soft tissue window CT images of the proximoplantar metatarsus III region in twenty horses with pain localized to the proximal suspensory ligament (PSL) and 20 horses with findings nonrelated to tarsal pain. All horses underwent CT and radiographic examination. Images were reviewed by three independent observers who graded the severity and localization of findings. Bone-related categories as well as soft tissue-related categories were evaluated. For the comparison of imaging findings in horses with and without proximal suspensory desmitis (PSD), mixed linear regression was performed. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was calculated to assess intraobserver agreement, and kappa statistics were employed to evaluate interobserver agreement. CT examination identified significantly more abnormalities in the diseased group. The scores for osseous exostosis (p = .015) and PSL enlargement (p = .004) were notably higher in PSD horses compared to controls. Intraobserver agreement was overall high (ICC .82â1.0), and interobserver agreement was substantial for the detection of mineralization (kappa = .61) and moderate for sclerosis (kappa = .43), exostosis (kappa = .43), and PSL enlargement (kappa = .48/.51). Measurements in the soft tissue window were significantly smaller than those in the bone window. Findings concurrent with PSD including osseous proliferation and sclerosis as well as soft tissue enlargement, mineralization, and avulsion can be reliably detected using CT. Findings from the current study supported the use of CT for evaluating horses with suspected PSD where high-field MRI is not available
Beliefs about the Minds of Others Influence How We Process Sensory Information
Attending where others gaze is one of the most fundamental mechanisms of social cognition. The present study is the first to examine the impact of the attribution of mind to others on gaze-guided attentional orienting and its ERP correlates. Using a paradigm in which attention was guided to a location by the gaze of a centrally presented face, we manipulated participants' beliefs about the gazer: gaze behavior was believed to result either from operations of a mind or from a machine. In Experiment 1, beliefs were manipulated by cue identity (human or robot), while in Experiment 2, cue identity (robot) remained identical across conditions and beliefs were manipulated solely via instruction, which was irrelevant to the task. ERP results and behavior showed that participants' attention was guided by gaze only when gaze was believed to be controlled by a human. Specifically, the P1 was more enhanced for validly, relative to invalidly, cued targets only when participants believed the gaze behavior was the result of a mind, rather than of a machine. This shows that sensory gain control can be influenced by higher-order (task-irrelevant) beliefs about the observed scene. We propose a new interdisciplinary model of social attention, which integrates ideas from cognitive and social neuroscience, as well as philosophy in order to provide a framework for understanding a crucial aspect of how humans' beliefs about the observed scene influence sensory processing
Modified toggle pin technique combined with prosthetic capsular reconstruction for surgical stabilization of coxofemoral luxation in a Shetland pony
To describe open reduction and surgical stabilization of a coxofemoral luxation in a pony using a modified toggle pin technique and prosthetic joint capsule reconstruction without osteotomy of the greater trochanter.
A 2-year-old Shetland pony with a bodyweight of 167âkg.
Study design
Case report.
Radiographic examination confirmed craniodorsal luxation of the left coxofemoral joint. An open reduction with the aid of a pulley system was performed. A toggle pin was inserted through a bone tunnel extending from the level of the femoral shaft through the femoral head and the center of the acetabulum for the pin to be positioned on the medial wall of the acetabulum. FiberWire was subsequently passed through the cranial and caudal aspects of the acetabulum as well as a transverse tunnel in the femoral neck in a figure of 8 to facilitate capsular reconstruction. The pony was placed in a sling for 8âweeks and gradually returned to normal activity over 2Â months.
Postoperative radiographic examination confirmed the position of the femoral head in the acetabulum with the implants in place. On 2-year follow-up the pony was sound at walk and trot.
A combined intra- and extra-articular stabilization technique for coxofemoral luxation in a pony resulted in successful long-term reduction and excellent outcome
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