25 research outputs found
Vivienda y condiciones de vida de los inmigrantes en España
Las migraciones han representado un
hecho constante en España, que ha
sido escenario habitual de grandes
desplazamientos de población a lo largo de su
historia. Así, entre 1940 y 1980, miles de
españoles emigraron a otros países motivados,
fundamentalmente, por la represión
política o por las condiciones económicas en
nuestro país. Sin embargo, a partir de esa
fecha, el signo de las migraciones cambia
paulatinamente y España pasa de ser un país
de emigrantes a convertirse en un claro destino
de inmigrantes
Study of the Environmental Implications of Using Metal Powder in Additive Manufacturing and Its Handling
Additive Manufacturing, AM, is considered to be environmentally friendly when compared to conventional manufacturing processes. Most researchers focus on resource consumption when performing the corresponding Life Cycle Analysis, LCA, of AM. To that end, the sustainability of AM is compared to processes like milling. Nevertheless, factors such as resource use, pollution, and the effects of AM on human health and society should be also taken into account before determining its environmental impact. In addition, in powder-based AM, handling the powder becomes an issue to be addressed, considering both the operator´s health and the subsequent management of the powder used. In view of these requirements, the fundamentals of the different powder-based AM processes were studied and special attention paid to the health risks derived from the high concentrations of certain chemical compounds existing in the typically employed materials. A review of previous work related to the environmental impact of AM is presented, highlighting the gaps found and the areas where deeper research is required. Finally, the implications of the reuse of metallic powder and the procedures to be followed for the disposal of waste are studied.This research was funded by the European Union through the H2020-FoF13-2016 PARADDISE project under Grant 723440 and the Basque Government through the ADDISEND project under Grant Elkartek-KK00011
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Challenges beyond reaching a 30% of area protection
The Conference of the Parties of the signatories of the Convention on Biological Diversity agreed in 2022 to protect 30% of terrestrial and marine areas by 2030 (the “30 × 30” target). What challenges emerge or intensify once (if) this 30 × 30 goal is achieved globally? To help practitioners and researchers pre-empt and plan along the path towards 30% protected area (PA) coverage, we draw lessons from a sizable and biodiversity-rich region that has already hit the target on land. Based on experiences and research about PAs in Spain (36% of land and 12% of marine area protected), we identify, illustrate and discuss the socioeconomic and management challenges that emerge with a high proportion of a country’s area protected, as well as possible strategies to address them. We structure these challenges in three levels: PA governance and management, PA integrity, and the landscape matrix outside PA boundaries. Important strategies to address these challenges include enhancing engagement, participation and stewardship; increasing institutional resilience and a cross-sectoral approach for socio-environmental goals. Achieving quantitative targets of protection will not be sufficient to conserve the world’s biodiversity and, in a leap forward, we envision the governance areas that need the most attention as countries reach (or get close to) sizeable proportions of protection
Protected areas as a double edge sword: An analysis of factors driving urbanisation in their surroundings
Protected areas (PAs) are the most effective tools to protect biodiversity and ecosystem services. They have proven to be effective in stopping extensive land use conversion in well-conserved terrestrial ecosystems. However, land cover changes around PAs threaten biodiversity and ecosystem services within their limits and reduce ecological connectivity. In this study, we analysed the urban sprawls on the boundaries of 159 PAs (national, regional, and natural parks) in Spain, using 2.5 and 5 km non-protected buffer zones from 1990 to 2018. We clustered PAs based on biophysical and socio-economic characteristics and modelled urban sprawl in different buffers and periods. Hierarchical clustering revealed three groups of PAs: (a) proximate urban parks, (b) mountainous parks, and (c) parks in the Madrid autonomous region. We found that urbanisation in the surroundings of PAs in Spain has nearly doubled since 1990. General linear models explained a significant proportion of the urbanisation trends observed, with the number of municipalities in the boundary of the PA, the distance to a main road, and the distance to a big city acting as the most important drivers of urban sprawl. Our results also show that some PAs exert significant effects on urbanisation trends in their surroundings through the park-view effect. Finally, we highlight three coexisting phenomena that might explain the observed urban sprawl processes: (a) PAs attracting urbanisation in their surroundings due to the park-view effect, (b) PAs as a deterrent for urban sprawl within their limits, and (c) PAs occupying residual areas among previously urbanised landsThis study was supported by the project ECOGRADIENTES, funded
by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (CGL2014-
Linee guida di buone pratiche per l'identificazione ed il controllo di alcune malattie comuni dei boschi mediterranei
55 páginas, 54 figurasNell’attuale contesto di cambiamento climatico che stiamo vivendo da alcuni anni, le foreste mediterranee sono minacciate da un’ampia varietà di fattori di stress di origine biotica e abiotica. Periodi di siccità prolungata, temperature elevate e incendi boschivi stanno diventando sempre più frequenti nelle nostre foreste. Questi fattori di rischio abiotico sono stati accentuati a causa dell’abbandono rurale, poiché lo spopolamento porta a una diminuzione della pratica della selvicoltura tradizionale che storicamente ha contribuito a mitigare il rischio di incendi e altre minacce per la foresta. Le nostre foreste sono inoltre soggette ad agenti di stress di origine biotica: parassiti e patogeni in grado di indebolire e persino distruggere le masse forestali, che, se colpite dall’azione di insetti e/o microrganismi patogeni, sono più suscettibili a loro volta ad ulteriori elementi di stress. La combinazione di questi elementi nocivi, mette in pericolo la salute e l’esistenza dell’intero ecosistema forestale. Il progetto LIFE MycoRestore nasce con l’obiettivo di implementare diverse strategie per ottenere una gestione sostenibile delle foreste mediterranee e delle loro risorse. A tal fine, vengono utilizzate varie risorse micologiche innovative e pratiche di gestione forestale che consentono un migliore risultato economico, contribuendo nel contempo ad aumentare la resilienza e l’adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici delle foreste mediterranee in Spagna, Italia e Portogallo.LIFE MYCORESTORE. Innovative use of mycological resources for resilient and productive Mediterranean forests threatened by climate change (LIFE18 CCA/ES/1110)Peer reviewe
Validez testamento (Civil). Reclamación responsabilidad patrimonial por reclasificación suelo (contencioso-administrativo)
[abstract not available
El Plan de Acción para los espacios naturales protegidos del Estado español
El Plan de Acción para los espacios naturales protegidos del Estado español es un documento de referencia para todos los
profesionales relacionados con la conservación de la naturaleza. Este Plan aporta un diagnóstico completo de los aspectos
clave para la planificación y gestión de los espacios protegidos. Se recogen recomendaciones y acciones prioritarias que se
pondrán en marcha en los próximos años, así como observatorios vivos a modo de experiencias demostrativas. Ha sido
elaborado por un amplio colectivo de técnicos y profesionales. El amplio proceso de participación técnica ha permitido
profundizar en la pluralidad de situaciones del Estado español, y en el avance hacia propuestas que permitan consolidar los
espacios protegidos como herramientas eficaces para la conservación de la naturaleza y el desarrollo armónico. El Plan
contribuye al cumplimiento de las directrices internacionales emanadas de la UICN y de la Federación EUROPARC
reflejadas en el documento Parques para la Vida (UICN, 1994), y será presentado en el Congreso Mundial de Parques de
2003. Este texto es un resumen del libro "EUROPARC-ESPAÑA. 2002. Plan de Acción para los espacios naturales
protegidos del Estado español. Ed. Fundación Fernando González Bernáldez. Madrid"
Análisis epistemológico en revistas del campo de la Archivística: Archivaria, Archival Science, Tábula, The American Archivist, Archives and Records, y Acervo durante el período 2009-2014
Se presentan las principales intenciones de análisis de la realidadarchivística refl ejada en el escenario de las publicaciones periódicas,debido a la ausencia de estudios que manejen estos temas de formaintegradora. Se selecciona esta unidad de observación, puesto que enellas tienen lugar los debates archivísticos que se pretenden analizar.Sobre la ciencia archivística se abarcan aspectos tales como el desarrollode su teoría, que se encuentra indisolublemente ligada a la práctica. Noobstante, para determinar qué temáticas son tratadas con mayor augesobre la epistemología de esta disciplina, es necesario apreciar el comportamientode la producción científi ca en las principales plataformasde diálogo e intercambio escrito, a través de las técnicas métricas y elrespaldo de indicadores que permitan evaluar con mayor facilidad dichostópicos. Se considera que este trabajo puede resultar una forma de revelaraspectos relativos a la actividad intelectual sobre la epistemologíaarchivística
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Challenges beyond reaching a 30% of area protection
The Conference of the Parties of the signatories of the Convention on Biological Diversity agreed in 2022 to protect 30% of terrestrial and marine areas by 2030 (the “30 × 30” target). What challenges emerge or intensify once (if) this 30 × 30 goal is achieved globally? To help practitioners and researchers pre-empt and plan along the path towards 30% protected area (PA) coverage, we draw lessons from a sizable and biodiversity-rich region that has already hit the target on land. Based on experiences and research about PAs in Spain (36% of land and 12% of marine area protected), we identify, illustrate and discuss the socioeconomic and management challenges that emerge with a high proportion of a country’s area protected, as well as possible strategies to address them. We structure these challenges in three levels: PA governance and management, PA integrity, and the landscape matrix outside PA boundaries. Important strategies to address these challenges include enhancing engagement, participation and stewardship; increasing institutional resilience and a cross-sectoral approach for socio-environmental goals. Achieving quantitative targets of protection will not be sufficient to conserve the world’s biodiversity and, in a leap forward, we envision the governance areas that need the most attention as countries reach (or get close to) sizeable proportions of protection
Exploring Yeast Diversity to Produce Lipid-Based Biofuels from Agro-Forestry and Industrial Organic Residues
Exploration of yeast diversity for the sustainable production of biofuels, in particular biodiesel, is gaining momentum in recent years. However, sustainable, and economically viable bioprocesses require yeast strains exhibiting: (i) high tolerance to multiple bioprocess-related stresses, including the various chemical inhibitors present in hydrolysates from lignocellulosic biomass and residues; (ii) the ability to efficiently consume all the major carbon sources present; (iii) the capacity to produce lipids with adequate composition in high yields. More than 160 non-conventional (non-Saccharomyces) yeast species are described as oleaginous, but only a smaller group are relatively well characterised, including Lipomyces starkeyi, Yarrowia lipolytica, Rhodotorula toruloides, Rhodotorula glutinis, Cutaneotrichosporonoleaginosus and Cutaneotrichosporon cutaneum. This article provides an overview of lipid production by oleaginous yeasts focusing on yeast diversity, metabolism, and other microbiological issues related to the toxicity and tolerance to multiple challenging stresses limiting bioprocess performance. This is essential knowledge to better understand and guide the rational improvement of yeast performance either by genetic manipulation or by exploring yeast physiology and optimal process conditions. Examples gathered from the literature showing the potential of different oleaginous yeasts/process conditions to produce oils for biodiesel from agro-forestry and industrial organic residues are provided