9,143 research outputs found


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    Biological treatment of organic waste by aerobic composting and anaerobic digestion (biogas production) was compared with respect to a number of environmental effects and sustainability criterias including energy balance, nutrient recycling, global warming mitigation potential, emission of xenobiotic compounds and economy. The parameters were assessed based on case studies in the literature as well as our own research. Assessment of energy balance, nutrient recycling and global warming came out in favour of biogas production, but especially the results regarding estimation of global warming mitigation differ according to the assumptions made. Our calculations showed that a fugitive loss of approx. 14% of the biogas produced by anaerobic digestion will turn the scale in favour of composting regarding global warming mitigation. In Europe actual biogas losses from 3.5 to 8.4% are reported but this may be exceeded in developing countries. Regarding emission of xenobiotic compounds composting is much in favour, as recent experiments show that a number of organic micro-pollutants are rapidly degraded during composting as opposed to anaerobic treatment. In most cases, composting is more cost-effective compared to biogas production but estimations of actual costs differ considerably. Published results of Life Cycle Assessment of organic waste management using the ORWARE model generally showed biogas production to have less environmental impact than composting, but it was demonstrated that changes in, e.g. system boundaries or functional units can result in substantial differences on the conclusions as well. In conclusion, the optimum waste planning strategy may be the implementation of an integrated waste treatment system operating with different scales of composting and anaerobic treatment, depending on local conditions

    Composting rapidly degrades DNA from genetically modified plants

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    Organic farmers are concerned about the use of genetically modified plants (GM plants) in conventional agriculture. The concern is mainly focused on the risk of spreading of pollen or seeds from GM plans to adjacent fields. There has been less focus on the environmental impact of exposing the soil to genetically modified DNA (i.e. transgenic DNA) from GM plants residues left in the field. Yet, the new EU directive on the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms (EU, 2001) requires a "description of post-release treatment methods for the genetically modified plant material including wastes"


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    Large variations in numbers of faecal indicator bacteria were found irrespective of the storage time of collected human faeces. Little heat seemed generated from composting processes when bin units were stored locally in households. The low reduction in microbiological parameters and very limited temperature increase were generally corroborated by the results obtained in experiment 2 when pathogen indicators were added to thoroughly mixed faecal matter. Even though Salmonella died of rapidly the other faecal bacterial indicators survived in large numbers. We conclude, that the collection and storage of human faeces in the closed plastic bins studied here is associated with only little temperature increase and subsequent reduction in faecal bacterial indicators and pathogens. Thus, the bin units do not seem especially suitable for composting and hygienisation of human faece


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    Thermophilic composting of faecal matter from urine diverting toilets can effectively reduce the numbers of faecal bacterial indicators and pathogen. Already at 50C, the numbers of pathogens, including the Salmonella phage, and indicator organisms analysed were effectively reduced within a few days of exposure. Although the numbers of enterococci were reduced, they were continuous isolated as purple colonies on Slanetz and Bartleys agar after prolonged exposure at all temperature levels studied. This indicates that certain micro-organisms present in the composted faecal material, Enterococcus spp. or micro-organisms resembling enterococci on the agar medium, can survive and multiply even at 60C. These findings question the use of enterococci as faecal indicators and test organisms to control the efficiency of composting of human faeces. Further work is in progress to identify the taxonomy of these organisms

    A person-time analysis of hospital activity among cancer survivors in England.

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    BACKGROUND: There are around 2 million cancer survivors in the UK. This study describes the inpatient and day case hospital activity among the population of cancer survivors in England. This is one measure of the burden of cancer on the individual and the health service. METHODS: The national cancer registry data set for England (1990-2006) is linked to the NHS Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) database. Cohorts of survivors were defined as those people recorded in the cancer registry data with a diagnosis of breast, colorectal, lung or prostate cancer before 2007. The person-time of prevalence in 2006 for each cohort of survivors was calculated according to the cancer type, sex, age and time since diagnosis. The corresponding HES episodes of care in 2006 were used to calculate the person-time of admitted hospital care for each cohort of survivors. The average proportion of time spent in hospital by survivors in each cohort was calculated as the summed person-time of hospital activity divided by the summed person-time of prevalence. The analysis was conducted separately for cancer-related episodes and non-cancer-related episodes. RESULTS: Lung cancer survivors had the highest intensity of cancer-related hospital activity. For all cancers, cancer-related hospital activity was highest in the first year following diagnosis. Breast and prostate cancer survivors had peaks of cancer-related hospital activity in the relatively young and relatively old age groups. The proportion of time spent in hospital for non-cancer-related care was much lower than that for cancer-related care and increased gradually with age but was generally constant regardless of time since diagnosis. CONCLUSION: The person-time approach used in this study is more revealing than a simple enumeration of cancer survivors and hospital admissions. Hospital activity among cancer survivors is highest soon after diagnosis. The effect of age on the amount of hospital activity is different for each type of cancer

    Skatole pattern during the growth period 50 to 100 kg liveweight in entire male pigs of the crossbreed combinations YDxLYD and HxLYD kept in groups of entire male pigs or in groups with dominant female pigs

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    1. Dominant females do not decrease the skatole and androstenone concentration in entire male pigs being dominated during the growth period from 50-100 kg liveweight (see fig. 1 and 3). 2. The amount of entire male pigs having higher skatole concentrations in blood – corresponding to skatole in backfat > 0.15 µg/g – are surprisingly high at 50 kg and 75 kg liveweight compared to 100 kg (10, 9 and 13 entire male pigs). 3. Furthermore it is not the same pigs having high skatole concentrations during the period from 50 over 75 to 100 kg liveweight. 4. The crossbreed HxLYD had significant higher skatole concentration in backfat at slaughter (100 kg liveweight) compared to the crossbreed YDxLYD (P<0.05)(see fig. 2). However, there was no significant difference in androstenone concentration in backfat at 100 kg liveweight between the 2 crossbreeds (see fig. 3)

    Mean curvature self-shrinkers of high genus: Non-compact examples

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    We give the first rigorous construction of complete, embedded self-shrinking hypersurfaces under mean curvature flow, since Angenent's torus in 1989. The surfaces exist for any sufficiently large prescribed genus gg, and are non-compact with one end. Each has 4g+44g+4 symmetries and comes from desingularizing the intersection of the plane and sphere through a great circle, a configuration with very high symmetry. Each is at infinity asymptotic to the cone in R3\mathbb{R}^3 over a 2π/(g+1)2\pi/(g+1)-periodic graph on an equator of the unit sphere S2⊆R3\mathbb{S}^2\subseteq\mathbb{R}^3, with the shape of a periodically "wobbling sheet". This is a dramatic instability phenomenon, with changes of asymptotics that break much more symmetry than seen in minimal surface constructions. The core of the proof is a detailed understanding of the linearized problem in a setting with severely unbounded geometry, leading to special PDEs of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type with fast growth on coefficients of the gradient terms. This involves identifying new, adequate weighted H\"older spaces of asymptotically conical functions in which the operators invert, via a Liouville-type result with precise asymptotics.Comment: 41 pages, 1 figure; minor typos fixed; to appear in J. Reine Angew. Mat

    Asymptotic statistics of the n-sided planar Voronoi cell: II. Heuristics

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    We develop a set of heuristic arguments to explain several results on planar Poisson-Voronoi tessellations that were derived earlier at the cost of considerable mathematical effort. The results concern Voronoi cells having a large number n of sides. The arguments start from an entropy balance applied to the arrangement of n neighbors around a central cell. It is followed by a simplified evaluation of the phase space integral for the probability p_n that an arbitrary cell be n-sided. The limitations of the arguments are indicated. As a new application we calculate the expected number of Gabriel (or full) neighbors of an n-sided cell in the large-n limit.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure


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    Som resultat af projekterne kan drages følgende hovedkonklusioner om kompostering af fæces fra mennesker: Fæces fra de undersøgte typer af kompostbeholdere bør ikke anvendes til jordbrugsformål uden viderebehandling, da dette skønnes at være behæftet med hygiejne- og sundhedsrisici. Det skyldes, at der ikke blev dokumenteret egentlige termofile temperaturstigninger i fæcesmaterialet i komposttoiletenhederne i Hjortshøj, Dyssekilde og Sverige, og at fækale indikatorbakteriers antal varierede voldsomt, og der ingen entydig tendens var til forekomst af lavere kimtal ved lange opbevaringstider af de opsamlede fækalier

    Verifying the mass-metallicity relation in damped Lyman-alpha selected galaxies at 0.1<z<3.2

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    A scaling relation has recently been suggested to combine the galaxy mass-metallicity (MZ) relation with metallicities of damped Lyman-alpha systems (DLAs) in quasar spectra. Based on this relation the stellar masses of the absorbing galaxies can be predicted. We test this prediction by measuring the stellar masses of 12 galaxies in confirmed DLA absorber - galaxy pairs in the redshift range 0.1<z<3.2. We find an excellent agreement between the predicted and measured stellar masses over three orders of magnitude, and we determine the average offset ⟨C[M/H]⟩\langle C_{[M/H]} \rangle = 0.44+/-0.10 between absorption and emission metallicities. We further test if C[M/H]C_{[M/H]} could depend on the impact parameter and find a correlation at the 5.5sigma level. The impact parameter dependence of the metallicity corresponds to an average metallicity difference of -0.022+/-0.004 dex/kpc. By including this metallicity vs. impact parameter correlation in the prescription instead of C[M/H]C_{[M/H]}, the scatter reduces to 0.39 dex in log M*. We provide a prescription how to calculate the stellar mass (M*,DLA) of the galaxy when both the DLA metallicity and DLA galaxy impact parameter is known. We demonstrate that DLA galaxies follow the MZ relation for luminosity-selected galaxies at z=0.7 and z=2.2 when we include a correction for the correlation between impact parameter and metallicity.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures. Major revision. Accepted for publication in MNRA
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