48 research outputs found

    Further Steps towards Driver Modeling According to the Bayesian Programming Approach

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    The Human Centered Design (HCD) of Partial Autonomous Driver Assistance Systems (PADAS) requires Digital Human Models (DHMs) of human control strategies for simulating traffic scenarios. We describe first results to model lateral and longitudinal control behavior of drivers with simple dynamic Bayesian sensory-motor models according to the Bayesian Programming (BP) approach: Bayesian Autonomous Driver (BAD) models. BAD models are learnt from multivariate time series of driving episodes generated by single or groups of users. The variables of the time series describe phenomena and processes of perception, cognition, and action control of drivers. BAD models reconstruct the joint probability distribution (JPD) of those variables by a composition of conditional probability distributions (CPDs). The real-time control of virtual vehicles is achieved by inferring the appropriate actions under the evidence of sensory percepts with the help of the reconstructed JPD. Document type: Part of book or chapter of boo

    C.: Learning the Relevant Percepts for Modular Hierarchical Bayesian Driver Models using the Bayesian Information Criterion

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    Abstract. Modeling drivers ’ behavior is essential for the rapid prototyping of error-compensating assistance systems. Various authors proposed controltheoretic and production-system models. Based on psychological studies various percepts and measures (angles, distances, time-to-x-measures) have been proposed for such models. These proposals are partly contradictory and depend on special experimental settings. A general computational vision theory of driving behavior is still pending. We propose the selection of drivers’ percepts according to their statistical relevance. In this paper we present a new machine-learning method based on a variant of the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) using a parent-child-monitor to obtain minimal sets of percepts which are relevant for drivers ’ actions in arbitrary scenarios or maneuvers