19 research outputs found

    Traducción de canciones. Un estudio de caso: The Winner Takes It All (inglés-castellano)

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    Treball Final de Grau. Grau en Traducció i Interpretació. Codi: TI0983. Curs acadèmic 2016-2017El presente trabajo consiste en un estudio descriptivo y comparativo entre la versión original en inglés de la canción The Winner Takes It All, presente en la película Mamma Mia!, y su versión en castellano, tomada del musical Mamma Mia! El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer las diferencias y similitudes que hay entre la versión original en inglés de la película y la versión castellana del musical Mamma Mia!, y averiguar cómo se ha realizado la traducción. Por eso, en primer lugar planteamos un marco teórico sobre la traducción audiovisual y la traducción de canciones. Este primer apartado nos sirve de ayuda para después realizar nuestro análisis. Tras el marco teórico, en un segundo apartado analizamos las dos versiones de la canción The Winner Takes It All (inglés-castellano). En este análisis, por una parte se examina los cuatro ritmos poéticos que deberían estar presentes a la hora de traducir una canción (ritmo de cantidad, ritmo de tono, ritmo de intensidad, ritmo de timbre) y, por otra parte, se observa qué elecciones de traducción y técnicas de traducción ha decidido utilizar el traductor para la versión al castellano

    Development of a weight factor method for sustainability decisions in building renovation. Case study using Renobuild

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    Energy efficiency investments have become strategically important for the European Union. In particular, energy efficient renovation and investment in the existing building stock have become major challenges. Renovation of a building should involve a holistic and integrated design process, which considers all aspects of sustainability. The aim of this work is to suggest a mathematical model that weighs economic, social and ecological aspects into a measure that supports housing owners/decision makers to find the optimal renovation alternative from their perspective, taking factors such as budget, energy consumption, etc. into consideration. Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) concerns structuring and solving multiple-criteria decision problems. MCDM has become popular in energy planning as it enables the decision maker to pay attention to all the criteria available and make the appropriate decision as per the priority of the criteria. In this study, the concept is introduced based on economic, social and ecological aspects assessed during a renovation project. A pedagogical example illustrates the suggested numerical system for comparing different renovation alternatives. The suggested method will facilitate decision-making processes in renovation projects and will allow decision makers to choose the best renovation alternatives that are in line with their business ideas and principles.publishedVersio

    Strategy transformations of the Swedish sawmilling sector 1990-2005

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    Prescriptive strategy theories have previously led to conclusions that sawmill firms lack strategy. However, by using Ansoff’s(1979) explorative capability approach, we contribute the finding that the Swedish sawmilling sector underwent threeunobserved strategy transformations between 1990 and 2005. These transformations, their triggers and outcomes were:Market channel strategy transformation. The shock of poor financial results in the “unexpected” downturn of the early 1990striggered a break with traditional agents, who had been the sector’s sole market channel. Instead, firms established their ownmarket channels, and built direct relationships with customers. Product value adding strategy transformation. Informationabout customers’ needs triggered a transformation in the sector’s offerings - from wet commodities to specified goods, whichwere of higher value to customers. This involved firms enhancing their production capabilities in the mid 1990s. Service valueadding strategy transformation. Triggered by perceived new SCM opportunities, firms enhanced their distribution logisticscapabilities around 2000 so that they could offer customers specific logistics and distribution services.These three strategy transformations occurred in all sampled firms. Each firm had strategy nuances, regarding its choice ofcustomers and its offerings. The findings also reveal that establishing customer relationships was a key development: product andservice value adding strategy transformations were often facilitated by cooperating with customers. Moreover, customerinteractions provided a basis for managers to increasingly see the unique value of their firm’s particular resources and capabilities;and, focus their business activities on customers who specifically value those attributes. This new interpretation of sawmill firmstrategy illustrates the need for applied researchers to assess contemporary theoretical debates, and select analytical frameworksthat can give new insights into actual practices

    HR analytics-as-practice: a systematic literature review

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    HR analytics (HRA) is a new activity within the field of HR that companies recently have shown a strongly growing interest in. The practical interest has generated a stream of research with the aim to increase formal knowledge about the phenomenon. Following this development several early literature reviews have been conducted. They mostly focus on enabling and preventing factors for HRA without clearly relating to theoretical perspectives and standpoints. This paper therefore aims to achieve more in-depth formal knowledge by placing the early flow of HRA research in relation to the practice theory reflecting the general “practice turn” in social sciences. Inspired by the HRM-as-practice framework this paper systematically reviews existing research based on the four pre-defined categories: HRA practices, HRA praxis, HRA practitioners and intersections between them. This paper makes two theoretical contributions. First, it conceptualizes HRA-as-practice, describing what practices are involved in HRA, by whom and how they are enacted. And second, it suggests that HRA technology, HRA outcomes and HRA hinders and facilitators might act at the intersections between the three elements

    Beslutsstöd för upphandling av gröna byggprojekt

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    Projektet ”Beslutsstöd för upphandling av gröna byggprojekt” ingår som ett delprojekt i det strategiska forskningsprogrammet Bioinnovations ”Framtidens biobaserade byggande och boende (FBBB). Delprojektet tar sin utgångspunkt i de marknadsmässiga svårigheter som trä i byggande haft i att uppfattas som ett likvärdigt alternativ till övriga stommaterial. Ett antal kommuner i landet har därför utarbetat  träbyggnadsstrategier för att synliggöra trä som lämpligt stommaterial och ett material som har höga miljömässiga prestanda. Syftet med projektet har varit att belysa hur kommunala strategiska handlingsmönster kan påverka utvecklingen till att trä i byggande kommer in som ett likvärdigt byggnadsmaterial. Målet med denna rapport är att utifrån av ett antal strategier, och byggprojekt visa hur framtida upphandlingar kan se ut. Tio stycken träbyggnadsprojekt i tre kommuner med träbyggnadsstrategi har valts ut och beskrivits, via insamlad sekundärdata och intervjuer med berörda personer. Urvalet av byggprojekt grundades på att få en bredd av byggnadstyper och upphandlingsformer snarare än skillnader i kommuners handlingar och överväganden i de enskilda projekten. Sammanställningen av de tio byggprojektens genomförande visar att förekomsten av kommunala träbyggnadsstrategier har haft en positiv påverkan på introduktion och utveckling av träbyggandet. Detta tillsammans med dynamiken i den regionala/ lokala byggmarknaden. Genom att det finns en målsatt strategi skapar det en tydlighet från kommunalt håll om kommunens ambition och vilja att bygga med trä, vilket är en viktig grund för förändringen som visar sig i sammanställningen. Entreprenörerna har därmed fått incitament att lära sig träbyggande eftersom det skapar en konkurrensfördel. Den kommunala beställaren har en viktig roll i att tolka och förmedla den av politiker antagna träbyggnadsstrategin och skapa en intern förståelse och kompetens om träbyggande. Slutligen visar de  enskilda projektprocesserna på vikten av ett systematiskt lärande och intern spridning av kunskap för lyckade resultat. Slutsats: Kommunerna bör beskriv och definiera långsiktiga mål med byggandet i kommunen där trä ska ingå som ett konkurrenskraftigt alternativ i beskrivningen av möjliga lösningar. BioinnovationFramtidens Biobaserade Byggande och Boend

    HR analytics-as-practice: a systematic literature review

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    HR analytics (HRA) is a new activity within the field of HR that companies recently have shown a strongly growing interest in. The practical interest has generated a stream of research with the aim to increase formal knowledge about the phenomenon. Following this development several early literature reviews have been conducted. They mostly focus on enabling and preventing factors for HRA without clearly relating to theoretical perspectives and standpoints. This paper therefore aims to achieve more in-depth formal knowledge by placing the early flow of HRA research in relation to the practice theory reflecting the general “practice turn” in social sciences. Inspired by the HRM-as-practice framework this paper systematically reviews existing research based on the four pre-defined categories: HRA practices, HRA praxis, HRA practitioners and intersections between them. This paper makes two theoretical contributions. First, it conceptualizes HRA-as-practice, describing what practices are involved in HRA, by whom and how they are enacted. And second, it suggests that HRA technology, HRA outcomes and HRA hinders and facilitators might act at the intersections between the three elements