112 research outputs found


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    In mining for extraction of metals residues are often produced. A frequently produced residue is tailings, which potentially contains high amount of metals, soluble salts and acids. Therefore, it is often necessary to deposit, the tailings in stable impoundments, namely tailings dams, if not all tailings produced is used as backfill in mines. In the construction of the tailings dam in Garpenberg, the method of construction is the upstream method. With this method tailings is utilized as construction material for the tailings dam’s walls and as foundation material. In order to prevent formation of high pore pressure in the dam walls containing tailings it is recommended that the amount of fines (particles < 63 μm) is maximum 30 % of mass of tailings. Samplings were performed in the surface and in trial pits to investigate amount of fines, metals and compounds in the tailings. A majority of tailings samples were sieved after prewashing of fines and also a small number of samples were wet sieved. The results indicate that dry sieving shows greater proportion of coarser particles compared to wet sieving for the same sample. Coarser particles sediment closer to the discharge points and finer particles sediment further out in the dam. No distinctive increase of fines was seen 0-60 m from discharge points due to an inhomogeneous sedimentation of particles. Although, in most of the samples taken 120 m out it was found that the amount of fines exceeded the 30 % limit. The conclusions that can be drawn are that in area of 90-120 m from the discharge points fines can exceed the 30 % limit and sedimentation of particles larger than 63 μm primarily occurs between 0-100 m. The investigation of metals and compounds resulted in various amount of them with an indication that larger amount of metals were found in samples taken closer to the discharge points. A relationship between relative particle size and position along a beach was used to roughly predict where a specified relative particle size is found. However, no relationship could be found which is possibly explained by irregular flow of slurrys and limited sampling. Beaches in the tailings dam were surveyed with GPS and the results show typical beaches that form due to segregating slurrys by the utilization of spigots. The inclinations of the beaches were approximately 1 % or less. No distinctive dimensionless beach profile was found due to spread in the results. Results have shown that the majority of the profiles are concave. With the use of a dimensionless beach profile potentially better assumption of beach inclinations can be performed

    Ultra-fast dynamics in atoms and molecules during photoionization: from attoseconds to femtoseconds

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    Treating the correlated behaviour of multiple particles is challenging for both theory and experiment. This thesis reports on a variety of experimental investigations aiming to advance the understanding of fundamental processes in atoms and molecules: double ionization, isomerization and dissociation. The emphasis lies on ultra-fast processes, where multiple electrons interact or nuclei move so rapidly that coupling between electronic and nuclear dynamics can not be neglected. Pulses of light from a synchrotron or laser were used to excite or directly ionize molecules or atoms in the gas phase. The momenta (norms or vectors) of the resulting charged fragments were measured in coincidence using different types of time-of-flight spectrometers. Two papers report on the optimization of momentum imaging spectrometers, one for ions and one adaptable electron–ion hybrid. Direct double ionization was studied in the time domain for the first time, using a pump–probe method with attosecond pulses and electron interferometry (RABBIT). Theoretical development in combination with a coincident measurement of the two electrons revealed a 500 as group delay of the photoelectron pair from xenon, with respect to propagation in a plain Coulomb potential. Electron correlation was also investigated in single ionization, via the angular distribution of a photoelectron. It was shown that the delay of an electron emitted from C60 can be altered by 100 as depending on whether the photon energy lies below or above the resonance frequency of a collective electron oscillation (plasmon). Soft x-rays were used to core-excite molecules to specific orbitals. The subsequent autoionization and dissociation steps were traced by analysing the momentum vectors of multiple ionic fragments. For carbon dioxide, ultra-fast bending initiated by the Renner–Teller effect could bring the two oxygen nuclei together as O2+ before dissociation. For few-femtosecond proton migration in water, the kinetic energy release was found to be correlated with the bond angle. Laser-based pump–probe experiments were made on the femtosecond time scale for singly ionized acetylene. Isomerization and dissociation dynamics with time scales of 50–500 fs were observed and analysed

    Using the unemployed as temporary employment counsellors: Evaluation of an initiative to combat longterm unemployment

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    This study investigates empirically the effects of a pilot project in which unemployed persons were used as temporary employment counsellors. Economic theory clearly points in the di-rection of a positive relation between search intensity and exit from unemployment. The fundamental concept of the project was the use of unemployed, who underwent customised training, to assist other unemployed in their job search. The project was carried out during a period in which the caseload was very high at public employment offices, which resulted in a drastic reduction in individual placement services available to the unemployed. It was based on a collaboration agreement between trade union confederations and the Swedish Labour Market Administration. Based on individual records drawn from administrative data, this paper examines the impact of the project on the probability of being removed from the live register of the Employment Service (various reasons for being removed are analysed separately) or being placed in a labour market policy programme. For job seekers placed in such programmes, the evaluation also examines effects on the probability of gaining employment within a given time period subsequent to programme participation. The impact on the period of time from the start of the project until a job seeker is removed from the register or placed in a labour market policy programme is also examined. The estimated effects indicate that the project had a positive impact on job search effectiveness and, thereby, in its efforts to reduce long periods out of work. -- Die vorliegende Studie ist eine empirische Untersuchung der Auswirkungen eines Pilotpro-jektes, bei dem Arbeitslose vorübergehend als Arbeitsberater eingesetzt wurden. Wirtschaftstheorien sehen einen positiven Zusammenhang zwischen der Intensität der Su-che nach einem Arbeitsplatz und dem Austritt aus der Arbeitslosigkeit. Das grundlegende Konzept des Projektes lag im Einsatz von Arbeitslosen, die nach einer kundenorientierten Schulung anderen Arbeitslosen bei ihrer Arbeitssuche assistierten. Zeitlich angesiedelt wur-de das Projekt in einer Phase sehr hoher Arbeitsbelastung in den öffentlichen Arbeitsagenturen, die zu einer drastischen Reduzierung der Kapazitäten für die Einzelbera-tung von Arbeitslosen führte. Grundlage bildete ein Abkommen zwischen Gewerkschaftsverbänden und der schwedischen Arbeitsverwaltung. Basierend auf Geschäftsdaten der Arbeitsverwaltung untersucht dieses Papier die Wirkung des Projektes auf die Wahrscheinlichkeit aus der Arbeitslosenstatistik der Beschäftigungs-agenturen auszuscheiden (einzelne Gründe für das Ausscheiden werden separat untersucht) oder in ein Beschäftigungsprogramm aufgenommen zu werden. Für arbeitssuchende Pro-grammteilnehmer untersucht die Studie auch die Wahrscheinlichkeit des Eintritts in Beschäftigung im Anschluss an die Programmteilnahme. Ebenso wird der zeitliche Zusam-menhang zwischen dem Projektbeginn bis zum Ausscheiden eines Arbeitssuchenden aus der Arbeitslosenstatistik oder dessen Eintritt in ein Arbeitsmarktprogramm untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich das Projekt positiv auf die Bemühungen bei der Suche nach einer Beschäftigung auswirkt und dadurch Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit reduziert wird.

    The role of charge and proton transfer in fragmentation of hydrogen-bonded nanosystems: the breakup of ammonia clusters upon single photon multi-ionization

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    The charge and proton dynamics in hydrogen-bonded networks are investigated using ammonia as a model system. The fragmentation dynamics of medium-sized clusters (1-2 nm) upon single photon multi-ionization is studied, by analyzing the momenta of small ionic fragments. The observed fragmentation pattern of the doubly- and triply- charged clusters reveals a spatial anisotropy of emission between fragments (back-to-back). Protonated fragments exhibit a distinct kinematic correlation, indicating a delay between ionization and fragmentation (fission). The different kinematics observed for channels containing protonated and unprotonated species provides possible insights into the prime mechanisms of charge and proton transfer, as well as proton hopping, in such a nanoscale system.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Det handlar om människorna!

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    Arbetsgivarvarumärket (eng: employer branding) har de senaste åren kommit att bli en viktig strategisk företagsledningsfråga för många organisationer och jag har därför valt att fördjupa mig inom detta område. Definitionen för arbetsgivarvarumärket enligt Backhaus och Tikoo (2004) är ”A targeted, long-term strategy to manage the awareness and perception of employees, potential employees, and related stakeholders with regards to a particular firm”. Denna uppsats kommer att fokusera på extern kommunikation gentemot nuvarande och potentiella medarbetare, i förhållande till dess arbetsgivarvarumärke. Jag har identifierat några viktiga komponenter för att bygga upp ett starkt arbetsgivarvarumärke och betydelsen av att använda många olika kommunikationskanaler så att externa intressenter enklare ska förstå vad organisationen erbjuder. Jag har kommit fram till slutsatsen att karriärmöjligheter och möjligheten till personlig utveckling är den viktigaste delen i att bygga ett starkt arbetsgivarvarumärke, följt av en identitet med tydliga värderingar och vision. Jag har även identifierat att ett starkt arbetsgivarvarumärke ökar lojaliteten och engagemanget hos nuvarande anställda och potentiella anställda, vilket i sin tur leder till ökad effektivitet. Resultaten kommer från en kvalitativ fallstudie på IKEA Components samt IKEA Retail Sverige.Employer branding has in recent years become an important strategic business issue for many organizations and therefore interesting to examine. The definition of employer branding according to Backhaus och Tikoo (2004) are "A targeted, long - term strategy to manage the awareness and perception of employees, potential employees, and related stakeholders with regards to a particular firm". This thesis will mainly focus on external communication to current and prospective employees, in relation to building a strong employer brand. I have identified a few key components to build a strong employer brand, and also the importance of using many different communication channels to external stakeholders to make it easier to understand what the culture of the organization offers. Among the importance of a strong employer brand is that people in search for work are presented with more information and options than ever before, through different channels and it is therefor necessary to stand out to current and potential employees as many employers often are competing for the same talent. My conclusions are that career opportunities and the possibility to personal development is the most important part in building a strong employer brand, followed by having a distinct identity with strong values and a clear vision. I have also identified that a strong employer brand is increasing the loyalty and commitment of current and future employees. The results come from a qualitative case study at IKEA Components and IKEA Retail Sweden

    Modern trends in the global economy

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    Gas turbine operating cycles at high temperatures often consist of load reversals mixed with hold times; the latter occurring either as cruise for aero engines or at continuous power output for land based turbines, but also at low frequency loading conditions, e.g. slow “ramp up” of engine thrust. The hold time conditions cause the crack to grow by intergranular fracture due to material damage near the crack tip, thus rapidly increasing the crack growth rate. Since the damaged zone will affect the crack propagation rate due to cyclic loadings as well, the complete load history of a component therefore has to be considered. The crack propagation model presented in this paper is based on the damaged zone concept, and considers the history effect in the form of damaged zone build up during hold times, and subsequent destruction as the crack propagates onwards by rapidly applied load reversals. By incorporating crack closure for handling different R-values, an aero engine component spectrum is evaluated for a surface crack at 550 C. The result shows a good correlation to model simulation, despite the complexity of the load spectrum

    A Study of the Sales Process of ERP Systems: Wasteful Management or Managing the Wasteful?

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    A description and analysis of the sales process of ERP systems is presented; also the consequences for the parties involved are discussed. The chosen methodological basis is an inductive research design consisting of a case study based on interviews. The analysis of the empirical data is done with a proposed analytical framework. Based on the agency theory, the analysis is tightly knitted together with opportunism. There are three controlling factors: relationships (relationship marketing), contracts (principal-agent theory), and competition. Three results are proposed: First, two factors forms opportunism-safeguarding and fringe selling. Second, two possibilities of minimizing opportunism exist, the contract and the relationship, the former largely being overlooked, and the latter not being what it is thought to be. Third, there is a need for a feedback loop to correctly address opportunism

    Utseende spelar väl ingen roll? Kan kognitiv dissonans reducera fördomsfullhet kring attraktivitet

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    The purpose of this study was to examine if implicit and explicit prejudices against attractive and unattractive people can be reduced. This was meant to occur when the participants were forced to agree with a set of motivational statements about the importance of not prejudicing against attractive and unattractive faces. The participants then rated attractive and unattractive faces in an affective misattribution procedure. The hypothesis was that the participants will to avoid that cognitive dissonance arises would cause them to judge attractive and unattractive faces more equally. The study contained 60 participants, a majority of these were students. No significant results were found proving that cognitive dissonance reduces prejudices against attractive and unattractive faces. A possible explanation could be that a will to avoid cognitive dissonance could have arisen from an automatic response, much like a gut feeling, caused by the faces. This automatic response could have affected the participants will to avoid cognitive dissonance caused by the motivational statements in order for to be cognitively consistent with their gut feeling.Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om implicita och explicita fördomar mot attraktiva och oattraktiva ansikte kan reduceras. Det undersöktes genom att deltagarna tvingades hålla med om ett antal motivationspåståenden om vikten av att ej vara fördomsfull mot attraktiva samt oattraktiva. Deltagarna fick sedan göra en affektiv misattributionsprocedur där de fick skatta attraktiva samt oattraktiva ansikten. Hypotesen var att deltagarnas vilja att undvika att kognitiv dissonans uppstår skulle leda till att deltagarna bedömde attraktiva och oattraktiva ansikten mer likvärdigt, alltså mindre fördomsfullt. Studien bestod av 60 deltagare, en majoritet av dessa var studenter. Inga signifikanta resultat för att kognitiv dissonans minskar fördomar mot attraktiva och oattraktiva uppmättes. En möjlig förklaring skulle kunna vara att en vilja att undvika kognitiv dissonans uppstått från en automatisk respons, likt en magkänsla, skulle ha kunnat uppstå från ansiktena. Denna automatiska respons kan ha minskat deltagarnas vilja att undvika kognitiv dissonans orsakad av motivationspåståendena för att deltagarna istället skulle kunna vara kognitivt konsistenta med denna magkänsla

    Mjukfogars inverkan på fast förankrade keramikgolv : en experimentell och numrerisk studie.

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    This Master’s Thesis investigates whether expansion joints should be placed between fields of ceramic tiles, which are recommended by distributors today. This thesis concludes that expansion joints do not relieve in-plane stresses in ceramic tile coverings attached with the thin-set method. As shear stresses in the adhesive layer in the vicinity of expansion joints can reach critical levels, using expansion joints can on the contrary be a disadvantage. If excessive shrinkage of the concrete floors can not be avoided, floating floors should be considered instead of floors attached with the thin-set method

    Omreglering av den svenska spelmarknaden - en marknadsföringsmässig game changer?

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    Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att bidra med ökad förståelse för hur en omreglering av den svenska spelmarknaden kan komma att påverka valet av marknadsföringskanaler och spelbranschens marknadsföringsklimat. Metod: Författarna utgår från kvalitativ metod och arbetar med att söka svar med hjälp av ett induktivt arbetssätt. Författarna arbetar med att förstå verkligheten i spelbranschen och sätter det avslutningsvis i kontext med befintlig teori. Teori: I studien används teorier inom makromiljö, sponsring, CRM, promotion som marknadsföringsverktyg, överexponering och kanalsynergier för att skapa en helhetsbild av den teoretiska marknadsföringsmiljön som existerar idag. Empiri: Det empiriska materialet består av fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer och en strukturerad mailintervju med representanter från Branschorganisationen för Onlinespel BOS, Spelbranschens riksorganisation SPER, Svenska Spel, ComeOn! och Betsson. Även sekundärdata i form av rapporter och statistik om spelbranschen har samlats in för analys. Resultat: Spelmarknaden är komplex och val av marknadsföringskanaler har påverkats av yttre faktorer som juridiska begränsningar men även osäkerhet om hur marknaden skulle kunna förändras efter en omreglering i framtiden. Införandet av ett licenssystem öppnar upp marknaden och kan möjliggöra synergieffekter vid nyttjande av fler kanaler.Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to increase the understanding of how a reregulation of the Swedish gambling market may affect how marketing channels are selected as well as the overall marketing climate. Methodology: The authors are using qualitative method to seek and a find answers within marketing in the context of the gambling marketing and SOU 2017:30. By using inductive methodology the authors try to understand the reality of the gambling industry. Theoretical perspectives: The study is based on theoretical perspectives within the field of environment, sponsorship, CRM, sales promotion, overexposure and channel synergies to create a complete picture of the theoretical marketing environment. Empirical foundation: The empirical material is based on four semi structured interviews by phone and one structured interview by e-mail. The selection are representatives of the gambling industry which are; BOS, SPER, Svenska Spel, ComeOn! and Betsson. Secondary data such as reports and statistics regarding the gambling industry have been collected and analysed. Conclusions: The gambling marketing is complex and the selection of marketing channels is affected by external factors such as current legal constraints as well as uncertainty about the future legal framework after a reregulation. The imposition of a licence based gambling industry opens up the market possibilities and enables synergies by using multiple marketing channels