230 research outputs found

    Öljykasvien sekaviljely luomutuotannossa

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    Sekaviljely eli kahden tai useamman viljelykasvin yhtĂ€aikainen viljely samalla peltolohkolla on keino monipuolistaa viljelyĂ€. SillĂ€ voidaan tehostaa kasvutekijöiden hyödyntĂ€mistĂ€ sekĂ€ vĂ€hentÀÀ lannoitus- ja kasvinsuojelutarvetta. Öljykasveja viljellÀÀn valtaosin puhdaskasvustoina. Niiden sekaviljelyĂ€ voi toteuttaa esimerkiksi palkovilja-öljykasviseoksena tai kylvĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ syysrypsin jo kevÀÀllĂ€ kevĂ€tviljan tai palkoviljan aluskasviksi

    Viljelytoimenpiteiden kannattavuuden arviointi Lohkotietopankkitietojen perusteella

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    Lohkotietopankki on ProAgria Keskusten Liiton yllÀpitÀmÀ tietokanta, jonne on kerÀtty lohkokohtaistatietoa kÀytÀnnön viljelmiltÀ vuodesta 2002 alkaen. Lohkotietopankkitiedot kattavat lohkokohtaisetviljelytiedot tehdyistÀ viljelytoimenpiteistÀ aina saavutettuun satoon ja laatuun sekÀ taloudellisiintunnuslukuihin saakka viljelykasveittain. Aineisto mahdollistaa niin tilakohtaisten, alueellisten kuinvaltakunnallisten vertailutietojen analysoinnin viljelyn kehittÀmiseksi sekÀ kannattavuuden jakilpailukyvyn parantamiseksi.Lohkotietopankista analysoitiin tietoa rehuohraviljelmiltÀ vuosilta 2003-2005viljelyvyöhykkeeltÀ 1. Tarkastelussa olivat rehuohran keskimÀÀrÀinen sato lajikkeittain sekÀkasvinsuojelun vaikutus satotasoon. LisÀksi tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin sadon vaikutusta N-, P- ja KtaseisiinsekÀ taloudelliseen kannattavuuteen. Tarkastelussa olivat keskimÀÀrÀisen sadon saaneet tilat(3200 kg/ha) sekÀ yli 4500 kg/ha saaneet tilat.Kasvinsuojelun vaikutus saatavaan satoon vaihteli lajikkeittain merkitsevÀsti. Esimerkiksilajikkeella 'Annabell' sato oli yli 1530 kg/ha parempi tauti- ja laontorjunnan saaneilla lohkoilla kuinkÀsittelemÀttömillÀ lohkoilla, kun taas lajikkeella 'Saana' sato oli 690 kg/ha parempi tautitorjunnansaaneilla lohkoilla, mutta 70 kg/ha alempi laontorjunnan saaneilla lohkoilla verrattunakÀsittelemÀttömiin lohkoihin.Satotason vaikutus N-, P-, ja K-taseisiin oli selkeÀ. Sadon noustessa yli 4500 kg/ha taseluvutlaskivat huomattavasti. KeskimÀÀrÀisellÀ satotasolla N -tase oli keskimÀÀrin 40 kg/ha, P-tase 3 kg/haja K-tase 7 kg/ha. Sadon ollessa yli 4500 kg/ha N-tase oli 8 kg/ha, P-tase -4 kg/ha ja K - tase -6 kg/ha.Korkean sadon saaneet tilat olivat kÀyttÀneet typpeÀ lannoituksessa noin 7 kg enemmÀn kuinkeskimÀÀrÀisen sadon saaneet tilat. Fosfori ja kaliumlannoituksessa ei ollut merkitsevÀÀ eroa.Satotaso vaikutti tilojen taloudelliseen tulokseen. Muuttuvat kustannukset olivat yli 4500 kg:nhehtaarisadoilla noin 40 euroa korkeammat kuin keskimÀÀrÀisen sadon tiloilla. Erot muuttuvissakustannuksissa johtuivat erityisesti korkeammista kasvinsuojelu- ja siemenkustannuksista. Kuitenkintarkasteltaessa katetuotto A:ta ilman tukia, taloudellinen tulos oli 3200 kg/ha saaneilla tiloilla noin 140euroa pienempi.Lohkotietopankkiaineiston perusteella voidaan havaita, ettÀ hyvÀn satotason ja taloudellisentuloksen saaminen edellyttÀÀ lajikeominaisuuksien tuntemista, tarpeenmukaista kasvinsuojelua sekÀoikein ajoitettuja viljelytoimia. Pellon kasvukunto, sÀÀolot sekÀ viljelijöiden osaaminen vaikuttavatlisÀksi kasvinviljelystÀ saatavaan satoon, ravinnekuormitukseen sekÀ taloudelliseen tulokseen

    Asiakasohjaus sairaalasta kotiutuessa - tarpeet ja palveluratkaisut

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    Flaxseed Ingestion Alters Ratio of Enterolactone Enantiomers in Human Serum

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    Enterolactone (EL) is an enterolignan found in human subjects. In this pilot study, the enantiomeric ratios of serum EL were determined in serum from healthy adults during consumption of habitual diet, and after an 8-day supplementation with flaxseed (25 g/day). (−)EL dominated in all serum samples collected during habitual diet consumption. However, the ratio of (−)EL and (+)EL enantiomers differed markedly between individuals. Flaxseed ingestion increased significantly the proportion of (+)EL in all subjects. Moreover, a small but significant increase in serum (−)EL concentration was measured. After flaxseed ingestion, (−)EL concentrations correlated with those of (+)EL suggesting that the stereochemistry of the parent plant lignan in flaxseed is not a major determinant of EL formation in human subjects. Comparison of EL concentrations obtained with the validated chromatographic methods (HPLC-MS/MS, HPLC-CEAD, and GC-MS) and the time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay (TR-FIA) revealed that the immunoassay method underestimates human serum EL concentrations after the flaxseed ingestion

    Treating gambling disorder with as needed administration of intranasal naloxone : a pilot study to evaluate acceptability, feasibility and outcomes

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    Correction:Background and aim There is growing interest in the use of medication-assisted treatments for gambling disorder (GD). Opioid receptor antagonists are hypothesised to blunt the craving associated with gambling. This study was designed to assess the feasibility of using an intranasal naloxone spray to treat GD. Design An 8-week, open-label, uncontrolled pilot study. Setting A single study site in the capital region of Finland. Subjects Twenty problem gamblers (nine men) were randomised into two groups. Group A (n=10) took one dose into one nostril (2mg naloxone), as needed, with a maximum of 4 doses/day (max. 8mg/day). Group B (n=10) took one dose into each nostril (4mg naloxone) as needed, with a maximum of 4 doses/day (max. 16mg/day). Intervention Naloxone hydrochloride nasal spray. Measures Acceptability and feasibility of the intervention were assessed. Use of study medication, adverse events, gambling frequency and gambling expenditure were recorded in a mobile diary. Problem gambling: South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS), depressive symptoms: Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and alcohol use: Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test were recorded. Results Study completion rate was 90%. Acceptability and feasibility scores were high. Group B used intranasal naloxone more frequently than group A, and consequently used more naloxone. No serious adverse events were reported. The postintervention SOGS scores were lower (median=4 (IQR=3.75) versus preintervention scores (median=12 (IQR=4.75)). Depressive symptoms were reduced during the trial (preintervention BDI median=9, IQR=9vs postintervention BDI median=6, IQR=6). Conclusions The acceptability and feasibility of using intranasal naloxone were high, and no serious adverse events were reported. Preliminary results suggest mixed results in terms of gambling behaviour (ie, reduced frequency but not expenditure) and decreased depressive symptoms. Trial registration number EudraCT2016-001828-56Peer reviewe

    Median Nerve Shear Wave Elastography is Associated With the Neurophysiological Severity of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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    Objectives: This study examines the associations between the median nerve (MN) shear wave elastography (SWE), the MN cross-sectional area (CSA), patient's symptoms, and the neurophysiological severity of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). The most appropriate site to perform SWE was also tested. Methods: This prospective study comprised 86 wrists of 47 consecutive patients who volunteered for MN ultrasound after an electrodiagnostic study. The neurophysiological severity of CTS was assessed according to the results of a nerve conduction study (NCS). The MN CSA was measured at the carpal tunnel inlet (wCSA) and the forearm (fCSA). SWE was performed on the MN in a longitudinal orientation at the wrist crease (wSWE), at the forearm (fSWE), and within the carpal tunnel (tSWE). Results: The wCSA and wSWE correlated positively with the neurophysiological severity of CTS (r =.619, P <.001; r =.582, P <.001, respectively). The optimal cut-off values to discriminate the groups with normal NCS and with findings indicating CTS were 10.5 mm2 for the wCSA and 4.12 m/s for the wSWE. With these cut-off values, wCSA had a sensitivity of 80% and specificity of 87% and wSWE a sensitivity of 88% and specificity of 76%. Neither tSWE nor fSWE correlated with the neurophysiological severity of CTS or differed between NCS negative and positive groups (P =.429, P =.736, respectively). Conclusion: Shear wave velocity in the MN at the carpal tunnel inlet increases in CTS and correlates to the neurophysiological CTS severity equivalently to CSA measured at the same site.Peer reviewe

    Developments and opportunities in fungal strain engineering for the production of novel enzymes and enzyme cocktails for plant biomass degradation

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    Fungal strain engineering is commonly used in many areas of biotechnology, including the production of plant biomass degrading enzymes. Its aim varies from the production of specific enzymes to overall increased enzyme production levels and modification of the composition of the enzyme set that is produced by the fungus. Strain engineering involves a diverse range of methodologies, including classical mutagenesis, genetic engineering and genome editing. In this review, the main approaches for strain engineering of filamentous fungi in the field of plant biomass degradation will be discussed, including recent and not yet implemented methods, such as CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing and adaptive evolution.Peer reviewe
