18 research outputs found

    An Application of the Schur Complement to Truncated Matricial Power Moment Problems

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    The main goal of this paper is to reconsider a phenomenon which was treated in earlier work of the authors' on several truncated matricial moment problems. Using a special kind of Schur complement we obtain a more transparent insight into the nature of this phenomenon. In particular, a concrete general principle to describe it is obtained. This unifies an important aspect connected with truncated matricial moment problems

    On the structure of Hausdorff moment sequences of complex matrices

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    The paper treats several aspects of the truncated matricial [α,β][\alpha,\beta]-Hausdorff type moment problems. It is shown that each [α,β][\alpha,\beta]-Hausdorff moment sequence has a particular intrinsic structure. More precisely, each element of this sequence varies within a closed bounded matricial interval. The case that the corresponding moment coincides with one of the endpoints of the interval plays a particular important role. This leads to distinguished molecular solutions of the truncated matricial [α,β][\alpha,\beta]-Hausdorff moment problem, which satisfy some extremality properties. The proofs are mainly of algebraic character. The use of the parallel sum of matrices is an essential tool in the proofs.Comment: 53 pages, LaTeX; corrected typos, added missing notation

    On the Matricial Truncated Moment Problem. II

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    We continue the study of truncated matrix-valued moment problems begun in arXiv:2310.00957. Let q∈Nq\in\mathbb{N}. Suppose that (X,X)(\mathcal{X},\mathfrak{X}) is a measurable space and E\mathcal{E} is a finite-dimensional vector space of measurable mappings of X\mathscr{X} into Hq\mathcal{H}_q, the Hermitian q×qq\times q matrices. A linear functional Λ\Lambda on E\mathcal{E} is called a moment functional if there exists a positive Hq\mathcal{H}_q-valued measure μ\mu on (X,X)(\mathcal{X},\mathfrak{X}) such that Λ(F)=∫X⟨F,dμ⟩\Lambda(F)=\int_\mathcal{X} \langle F, \mathrm{d}\mu\rangle for F∈EF\in \mathcal{E}. In this paper a number of special topics on the truncated matricial moment problem are treated. We restate a result from (Mourrain and Schm\"udgen, 2016) to obtain a matricial version of the flat extension theorem. Assuming that X\mathcal{X} is a compact space and all elements of E \mathcal{E} are continuous on X\mathcal{X} we characterize moment functionals in terms of positivity and obtain an ordered maximal mass representing measure for each moment functional. The set of masses of representing measures at a fixed point and some related sets are studied. The class of commutative matrix moment functionals is investigated. We generalize the apolar scalar product for homogeneous polynomials to the matrix case and apply this to the matricial truncated moment problem