15 research outputs found

    Magas kockázatú benignus prosztata-hiperpláziás betegek dióda aktivált Nd:YAG lézervaporizációja. Első tapasztalatok = Diode activated ND:YAG laser vaporisation for high risk bening prostatic hyperplasia patients.Early experiences

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    célkitűzés: A speciális lézervaporizáció rövid távú eredmé- nyességének értékelése magas kockázatú prosztata-hiper - pláziás (BPH) betegekben. betegek és módszerek: 2015-ben dióda aktivált Nd:yAG lé- zerkészülék működött klinikánkon. Tíz magas kockázatú BPH-s betegben végeztünk Nd:yAG lézervaporizációt. A szövődmé- nyekről és hatékonyságról személyes kontrollok és telefonin- terjúk során szereztünk adatokat. vizsgáltuk a műtéti időt, a PsA-változást, a prosztata méretét, az I-Pss-értékeket és a szövődményeket. Eredmények: Az átlag műtéti idő hosszúnak, 95 percnek bi- zonyult, ez jelentősen több mint a transurethrálisan reszekált betegek szokásos átlag műtéti ideje. A PsA-értékben és a prosztatatérfogatban a csökkenés igazolta a beavatkozás ha- tékonyságát. A panaszok mérséklődését a növekvő I-Pss-pon- tok igazolták. Fontos, hogy szövődmény nem keletkezett a kü- lönben magas kockázatú betegekben. Következtetés: A dióda aktivált Nd:yAG lézervaporizáció ha- tékony és biztonságos műtéti lehetőség a magas műtéti koc- kázatú BPH-s betegeknél

    Vesicoileocutan sztóma, a gyógyíthatatlan húgycsőszűkületek egy lehetséges megoldása = The vesicoileocutaneostomy: a definitive solution for incurable urethral stricture

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    célkitűzés: A szerzők gyógyíthatatlan kombinált urethra - szűkület egy lehetséges operatív megoldását mutatják be. beteg és módszer: 2006 és 2015 között 4 esetben készítet- tünk vesicoileocutan sztómát. A hólyagnyak körül kialakuló hegszövet okai az endourológiai beavatkozások, kismedencei trauma, irradiáció és a radikális prostatectomia voltak. A műtét során 10-15 cm-es ileumszakasz lett izolálva, ezzel létrehoztuk az összeköttetést a hólyag és a bőrfelszín között, amelyen át ürül a vizelet. A hólyag és az uréterszájadékok megőrzésével nem jöhet létre az uréterointesztinális anasz - tomózis szűkülete, ami a Bricker-hólyag képzés gyakori szövőd- ménye. Eredmények: A betegek elégedettek voltak a vizeletes sztómájukkal, könnyen megtanulták a kezelését és így megsza- badultak a totál retenciótól való félelmüktől. Korai szövődmény nem fordult elő, a késői szövődményeket – perinealis fisztula, sztómaszűkület, parasztómális hernia – sikeresen megoldot- tuk. Következtetések: átjárhatatlan urethraszűkületes betegek- nél, ultimum refugiumként alkalmazható a vesicoileocutan sztóma képzés

    Pregnancy during COVID-19: social contact patterns and vaccine coverage of pregnant women from CoMix in 19 European countries

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    CoMix Europe Working Group: Daniela Paolotti, André Karch, Veronika Jäger, Joaquin Baruch, Tanya Melillo, Henrieta Hudeckova, Magdalena Rosinska, Marta Niedzwiedzka-Stadnik, Krista Fischer, Sigrid Vorobjov, Hanna Sõnajalg, Christian Althaus, Nicola Low, Martina Reichmuth, Kari Auranen, Markku Nurhonen, Goranka Petrović, Zvjezdana Lovric Makaric, Sónia Namorado, Constantino Caetano, Ana João Santos, Gergely Röst, Beatrix Oroszi, Márton Karsai, Mario Fafangel, Petra Klepac, Natalija Kranjec, Cristina Vilaplana, Jordi Casabona.CoMix Europe Working Group: Sónia Namorado, Constantino Caetano, and Ana João Santos (Department of Epidemiology, National Institute of Health Dr Ricardo Jorge, Portugal)Background: Evidence and advice for pregnant women evolved during the COVID-19 pandemic. We studied social contact behaviour and vaccine uptake in pregnant women between March 2020 and September 2021 in 19 European countries. Methods: In each country, repeated online survey data were collected from a panel of nationally-representative participants. We calculated the adjusted mean number of contacts reported with an individual-level generalized additive mixed model, modelled using the negative binomial distribution and a log link function. Mean proportion of people in isolation or quarantine, and vaccination coverage by pregnancy status and gender were calculated using a clustered bootstrap. Findings: We recorded 4,129 observations from 1,041 pregnant women, and 115,359 observations from 29,860 non-pregnant individuals aged 18-49. Pregnant women made slightly fewer contacts (3.6, 95%CI = 3.5-3.7) than non-pregnant women (4.0, 95%CI = 3.9-4.0), driven by fewer work contacts but marginally more contacts in non-essential social settings. Approximately 15-20% pregnant and 5% of non-pregnant individuals reported to be in isolation and quarantine for large parts of the study period. COVID-19 vaccine coverage was higher in pregnant women than in non-pregnant women between January and April 2021. Since May 2021, vaccination in non-pregnant women began to increase and surpassed that in pregnant women. Interpretation: Limited social contact to avoid pathogen exposure during the COVID-19 pandemic has been a challenge to many, especially women going through pregnancy. More recognition of maternal social support desire is needed in the ongoing pandemic. As COVID-19 vaccination continues to remain an important pillar of outbreak response, strategies to promote correct information can provide reassurance and facilitate informed pregnancy vaccine decisions in this vulnerable group.HPRU in Modelling & Health Economics,NIHR200908,European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme,EpiPose 101003688,TransMID 682540,TransMID 682540,TransMID 682540,EpiPose 101003688,Wellcome Trust,213589/Z/18/Z,National Institute for Health Research,CV220-088—COMIX,CV220-088—COMIX,CV220-088— COMIX,Global Challenges Research Fund,ES/P010873/1,Medical Research Council,MC_PC_19065,NIHR,PR-OD-1017-20002 HPRU in Modelling & Health Economics (NIHR200908: KLMW); European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme – (EpiPose 101,003,688: AG, WJE). Wellcome Trust (213,589/Z/18/Z: ESP). European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (TransMID 682,540: CF, PN, NH). This research was partly funded by the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) project RECAP managed through RCUK and ESRC (ES/P010873/1: CIJ). NIHR (PR-OD-1017–20,002: WJE) UK MRC (MC_PC_19065—Covid 19: Understanding the dynamics and drivers of the COVID-19 epidemic using real-time outbreak analytics: WJE).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Social contact patterns during the COVID-19 pandemic in 21 European countries - evidence from a two-year study

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    CoMix Europe Working Group: Daniela Paolotti, Michele Tizzani, Ciro Cattuto, Andrea Schmidt, Gerald Gredinger, Sophie Stumpfl, Joaquin Baruch, Tanya Melillo, Henrieta Hudeckova, Jana Zibolenova, Zuzana Chladna, Magdalena Rosinska, Marta Niedzwiedzka-Stadnik, Krista Fischer, Sigrid Vorobjov, Hanna Sõnajalg, Christian Althaus, Nicola Low, Martina Reichmuth, Kari Auranen, Markku Nurhonen, Goranka Petrović, Zvjezdana Lovric Makaric, Sónia Namorado, Constantino Caetano, Ana João Santos, Gergely Röst, Beatrix Oroszi, Márton Karsai, Mario Fafangel, Petra Klepac, Natalija Kranjec, Cristina Vilaplana, Jordi Casabona.Sónia Namorado, Constantino Caetano, and Ana João Santos (Department of Epidemiology, National Institute of Health Dr Ricardo Jorge, Portugal).Background: Most countries have enacted some restrictions to reduce social contacts to slow down disease transmission during the COVID-19 pandemic. For nearly two years, individuals likely also adopted new behaviours to avoid pathogen exposure based on personal circumstances. We aimed to understand the way in which different factors affect social contacts - a critical step to improving future pandemic responses. Methods: The analysis was based on repeated cross-sectional contact survey data collected in a standardized international study from 21 European countries between March 2020 and March 2022. We calculated the mean daily contacts reported using a clustered bootstrap by country and by settings (at home, at work, or in other settings). Where data were available, contact rates during the study period were compared with rates recorded prior to the pandemic. We fitted censored individual-level generalized additive mixed models to examine the effects of various factors on the number of social contacts. Results: The survey recorded 463,336 observations from 96,456 participants. In all countries where comparison data were available, contact rates over the previous two years were substantially lower than those seen prior to the pandemic (approximately from over 10 to < 5), predominantly due to fewer contacts outside the home. Government restrictions imposed immediate effect on contacts, and these effects lingered after the restrictions were lifted. Across countries, the relationships between national policy, individual perceptions, or personal circumstances determining contacts varied. Conclusions: Our study, coordinated at the regional level, provides important insights into the understanding of the factors associated with social contacts to support future infectious disease outbreak responses.The following funding sources are acknowledged as providing funding for the named authors. HPRU in Modelling & Health Economics (NIHR200908: KLMW); European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (EpiPose 101003688: AG, WJE); European Research Council under the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (TransMID 682540: CF, PB, NH) This research was partly funded by the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) project RECAP managed through RCUK and ESRC (ES/P010873/1: CIJ) NIHR (PR_OD_1017_20002: WJE) UK MRC (MC_PC_19065—Covid 19: Under standing the dynamics and drivers of the COVID-19 epidemic using real-time outbreak analytics: WJE). In Belgium, CoMix data collection in Belgium was made possible with fnancial support of Janssen Pharmaceuticals and the national public health institute of Belgium, Sciensano. In Germany, the COVIMOD project is funded by intramural funds of the Institute of Epidemiology and Social Medicine, University of Münster, and of the Institute of Medical Epidemiology, Biometry and Informatics, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, as well as by funds provided by the Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, the Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren e.V. via the HZEpiAdHoc "The Helmholtz Epidemiologic Response against the COVID-19 Pandemic" project, the Saxonian COVID-19 Research Consortium SaxoCOV (co-fnanced with tax funds on the basis of the budget passed by the Saxon state parliament), the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the Network University Medicine (NUM) via the egePan Unimed project (funding code: 01KX2021) and the Deutsche Forschungsge meinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation, project number 458526380)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Microcirculatory effects of sildenafil in experimental testicular torsion in rats

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    Purpose: Investigate the short-term effect of sildenafil on microcirculation, especially the velocity, the pattern of the flow and the recruitment of the leukocyte in postcapillaries. Methods: In male Sprague–Dawley rats, the microcirculatory consequences of 60 min experimental testicular torsion, followed by 240 min of reperfusion, were examined. Using fluorescence intravital microscopy, changes in red blood cell velocity in post-capillary venules and rolling as well as adhesion of leukocytes in the postcapillary venules were examined before the torsion and every hour during the reperfusion period. Sildenafil was given 10 min prior to reperfusion (iv 0.7 mg/kg, n = 6), while control animals received saline vehicle (n = 5). Results: The characteristic flow motion disappeared in the affected testicular during the torsion. Red blood cell velocity values were dramatically decreased (by > 50%) and both rolling and adhesion of leukocytes increased during the reperfusion phase. Sildenafil treatment resulted in significantly higher red blood cell velocity values during the entire reperfusion period, but exerted only a temporary positive effect on the plost-ischaemic leukocyte–endothelial interactions. Conclusions: Intraoperative administration of sildenafil during surgical detorsion may provide marked testicular microperfusion benefits, but failed to influence the overall leukocyte-driven microcirculatory inflammatory reactions. © 2018 Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Natur