1,156 research outputs found

    An Examination of the Influence of Band Director Teaching Style and Personality on Ratings at Concert and Marching Band Events

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    This descriptive correlational study examined the relationship between high school band directors\u27 teaching style and personality and their ratings in marching and concert band festivals using the Five-Factor Model of personality and Gumm\u27s Music Teaching Style Inventory. The sample (N=176) consisted of 46% of all high school band directors in Florida. Criterion variables included marching and concert festival ratings, state concert band ratings, Florida Marching Band Coalition marching competition scores, frequency of attendance of these last two events, and the balance between marching and concert band. Predictor variables included thirty personality facets and eight teaching styles. Four demographic variables included gender, experience, academic degree, and primary instrument. One predictor, Time Efficiency, stood out as having particularly strong correlations with all of criterion variables. Regression models produced the following findings: 23% of the variation in concert band ratings can be explained from Time Efficiency, Immoderation, Music Concept Learning Assertiveness, and Nonverbal Motivation; 22% of the variation in marching band scores can be explained by Time Efficiency, Music Concept Learning, Imagination, Modesty, Cheerfulness, and Anxiety; 20% of the variation in participation in state Florida Bandmasters Association concert band festival participation can be explained by Time Efficiency, Positive Learning Environment, Immoderation, Music Concept Learning, Group Dynamic, and Assertive Teaching, and 11% of the variation in FMBC competitive marching band event attendance can be explained by Time Efficiency, Nonverbal Motivation, Dutifulness, and Modesty. Most subjects (84.3%) were balanced, while the remaining 15.7% were marching oriented. There was no significant difference in marching ratings between groups, although balanced subjects scored significantly higher in concert band and attended significantly fewer marching competitions. A discriminant function selected four predictor variables with a significant effect: Assertiveness, Immoderation, Adventurousness, and Emotion (Wilks\u27 λ = .84, χ2 = 23.42, df = 4, p less than .001) which was able to successfully predict group membership 72.3% of the time. Recommendations include emphasizing the concert band as the core and playing concert music all year. Directors may benefit from being cognizant of their personalities and teaching styles which may enable them to modify their behavior and practices when appropriate to be more effective teachers

    A review of research on tourism industry, economic crisis and mitigation process of the loss: Analysis on pre, during and post pandemic situation

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    Throughout time, the global tourism industry and economy have been significantly affected by disasters and crises. At present, COVID-19 represents one of these disasters as it has been causing a serious economic downturn with huge implications in tourism. In this review paper, we have analysed more than 100 papers regarding the effect and consequences of a pandemic on tourism and related industries, the economic situation in countries and areas, and mitigation of the loss incurred due to pandemic situations. The article (1) is based on past research on tourism and economy, (2) examines the effects of a pandemic on listed sectors and mitigation processes, and (3) suggests future research and approaches to help progress the field. We have gathered and categorised the literature reviews into several parts. In addition, we have listed the name of authors, journal names, books, websites, and relevant data

    High redshift BL Lac objects: spectroscopy of candidates

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    We report on 16 BL Lacertae objects that were proposed to be at z > 1. We present spectroscopic observations secured at the 10.4m GTC that allowed us to assess the redshift of these sources. In particular, for five objects we disprove the previous value of the redshift reported in literature and found that they lie at z < 1. Moreover, two of them exhibit broad emission lines that are not characteristic of BL Lacertae object. On the other hand, for eight targets we improve the tentative value of z, previously based on only one feature, by detecting a number emission lines. Finally, in three cases we detect onset of Ly-{\alpha} forest at z > 2.50. Based on the new high quality spectra we found that only half of the observed objects can be classified as bona-fine BL Lacs.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Priority-Based Distributed Coordination for Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Systems with Realistic Assumptions

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    A standing challenge in current intralogistics is to reliably, effectively, yet safely coordinate large-scale, heterogeneous multi-robot fleets without posing constraints on the infrastructure or unrealistic assumptions on robots. A centralized approach, proposed by some of the authors in prior work, allows to overcome these limitations with medium-scale fleets (i.e., tens of robots). With the aim of scaling to hundreds of robots, in this article we explore a decentralized variant of the same approach. The proposed framework maintains the key features of the original approach, namely, ensuring safety despite uncertainties on robot motions, and generality with respect to robot platforms, motion planners and controllers. We include considerations on liveness and report solutions to prevent or recover from deadlocks in specific situations. We validate the approach empirically in simulation with large, heterogeneous multi-robot fleets (with up to 100 robots) operating in both benchmark and realistic environments

    Simplified reactor design for mixed culture-based electrofermentation toward butyric acid production

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    Mixed microbial culture (MMC) electrofermentation (EF) represents a promising tool to drive metabolic pathways toward the production of a specific compound. Here, the MMC-EF process has been exploited to obtain butyric acid in simplified membrane-less reactors operated by applying a difference of potential between two low-cost graphite electrodes. Ten values of voltage difference, from -0.60 V to -1.5 V, have been tested and compared with the experiment under open circuit potential (OCP). In all the tested conditions, an enhancement in the production rate of butyric acid (from a synthetic mixture of glucose, acetate, and ethanol) was observed, ranging from 1.3- to 2.7-fold relative to the OCP. Smaller enhancements in the production rate resulted in higher values of the calculated specific energy consumption. However, at all applied voltages, a low flow of current was detected in the one-chamber reactors, accounting for an average value of approximately -100 µA. These results hold a substantial potential with respect to the scalability of the electrofermentation technology, since they pinpoint the possibility to control MMC-based bioprocesses by simply inserting polarized electrodes into traditional fermenters

    MAD Adaptive Optics Imaging of High Luminosity Quasars: A Pilot Project

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    We present near-IR images of five luminous quasars at z~2 and one at z~4 obtained with an experimental adaptive optics instrument at the ESO Very Large Telescope. The observations are part of a program aimed at demonstrating the capabilities of multi-conjugated adaptive optics imaging combined with the use of natural guide stars for high spatial resolution studies on large telescopes. The observations were mostly obtained under poor seeing conditions but in two cases. In spite of these non optimal conditions, the resulting images of point sources have cores of FWHM ~0.2 arcsec. We are able to characterize the host galaxy properties for 2 sources and set stringent upper limits to the galaxy luminosity for the others. We also report on the expected capabilities for investigating the host galaxies of distant quasars with adaptive optics systems coupled with future Extremely Large Telescopes. Detailed simulations show that it will be possible to characterize compact (2-3 kpc) quasar host galaxies for QSOs at z = 2 with nucleus K-magnitude spanning from 15 to 20 (corresponding to absolute magnitude -31 to -26) and host galaxies that are 4 mag fainter than their nuclei.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, accepted for pubblication in The Astronomical Journa

    Translation and cross-cultural adaption of the motor behavior checklist (MBC) into Brazilian Portuguese

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    Introduction:There are only a few instruments available to assess behavioral problems in school-age children based on reports of physical education teachers. The Motor Behavior Checklist (MBC; Efstratopoulou, Janssen, Simons, 2012) was designed to be completed by this professional in free play-situations or during physical education classes to rate students’ motor-related behavior using 5-point Likert scales. The MBC comprises 59 items distributed into two broadband factors (externalizing and internalizing) and seven behavior problem scales: rule breaking, hyperactivity/impulsivity, lack of attention, low energy, stereotyped behaviors, lack of social interaction, and lack of self-regulation. The objective of this study was to describe the translation and cross-cultural adaptation processes of the MBC into Brazilian Portuguese. Method: The following procedures were conducted: forward translation of the original instrument, production of a synthesized version, back-translation, literal and semantic comparison, back-translator’s evaluation of divergent items, synthesized version with back-translator’s suggestions, clarity assessment of the synthesized version by professionals (physical education teachers), focus group to assess clarity indicators of the instrument, evaluation of adjustments by the author of the instrument, and production of the final version. Results: The results indicated a satisfactory level of agreement between the original and the back-translated versions, with 68% of exact equivalence between the translated items and 16% of terms requiring minor adjustments. In the draft version, 84% of the items were evaluated as clear by physical education teachers. Conclusion:Future studies should be conducted to assess the psychometric properties of the Brazilian Portuguese version of the MBC

    Marteletes desgastados afetam negativamente as caracterĂ­sticas operacionais da moagem e fĂ­sicas do milho processado em moinho do tipo martelo

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    Foi conduzido um trabalho para avaliar os efeitos dos níveis de desgaste de marteletes de moinho tipo martelo, sobre características físicas do milho e operacionais de moagem. Foram utilizados quatro diferentes lotes de milho, um moinho martelo com motor de 3.500 RPM, cinco conjuntos de marteletes com diferentes níveis de desgaste do vértice (0, 20, 43, 57 e 63%) e quatro diferentes peneiras com diâmetros de furos de 1, 3, 5 e 12 mm sob um esquema fatorial 5x4, com quatro repetições em um total de 80 unidades experimentais. O aumento no diâmetro dos furos das peneiras influenciou (P<0,05) com aumento na produção, nos decibéis, no diâmetro geométrico médio (DGM), no desvio padrão geométrico (DPG), na densidade e com redução no consumo de energia elétrica e no ângulo de repouso (AR). O maior desgaste do martelo aumentou (P<0,05) o consumo de energia elétrica, DGM, DPG, AR e com redução (P<0,05) na produtividade e densidade. A análise de Linear response plateau (LRP) indicou piora na produtividade do equipamento a partir dos 55,1% de desgaste. Neste contexto, o desgaste dos marteletes influenciou negativamente as características operacionais do equipamento e físicas do milho. Para favorecer as características físicas do milho moído e evitar perdas na produtividade do equipamento recomenda-se a moagem com martelos isentos de desgaste

    Diferentes metodologias na determinação dos valores energéticos de rações fareladas e peletizadas para frangos de corte.

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    RESUMO: Para avaliar o efeito de diferentes métodos de coleta e uso de indicadores em ensaios de metabolismo com frangos de corte, foi realizado um experimento com delineamento inteiramente casualizado em um arranjo fatorial 4x2, sendo 4 métodos (coleta total, CIA, TiO2 e Cr2O3) x 2 formas físicas de ração (farelada e peletizada), com 10 repetições. Houve interação significativa entre as metodologias e a forma física das rações. Rações peletizadas tiveram maiores valores de EMAn (kcal/kg na MS e MN). O indicador CIA proporcionou valores de EMAn semelhantes à coleta total de excretas quando estes valores foram expressos na base seca, independente da forma física da ração. Contudo, quando expressos na base natural, a CIA proporcionou menores valores de EMAn em rações peletizadas e semelhantes a coleta total em fareladas. Conclui-se que o processo de peletização aumenta a EMAn de dietas, e a CIA é o indicador mais adequado para determinar os valores de EMAn (MS) de dietas. ABSTRACT: To evaluate the effect of different methods of collecting and using of markers in broiler metabolism tests, a completely randomized experiment was carried out in a 4x2 factorial arrangement, 4 methods (total collection, AIA, TiO2, and Cr2O3) x 2 physical forms of diets (mashed and pelleted), with 10 replicates. There was a significant interaction between the methodologies and the physical form of the diets. Pelleted diets with higher AMEn values (kcal/kg in DM and AS-IS). The AIA marker provided AMEn values similar to total excreta collection when these values were expressed in the dry matter basis, regardless of the physical form of the feed. However, when expressed as is the AIA provided lower values of AMEn in pelleted diets and similar to total collection in mashed diets. Pelleting process increases AMEn of diets, and AIA is the most adequate marker to determine the AMEn (DM) values of diets
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