5,686 research outputs found

    Study of spectral moments in semileptonic decays of the b hadron with the DELPHI detector at LEP

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    The measurement of the moments of hadronic mass spectrum and of lepton energy spectrum based on a sample of semileptonic decays of the b hadron selected from Z0→bbˉZ^0 \to b \bar b events recorded with the DELPHI detector at LEP, are presented. These results are interpreted in terms of constraints on the quark masses and on the b-quark kinetic energy value.Comment: Presented at the XXXI Conference on High Energy Physics Amsterdam, July 200

    CP violation in the B and D systems at LHCb

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    This review presents some of the latest measurements on CP violation in the B and D meson systems performed by the LHCb experiment with data collected at LHC in pp collisions at 7 and 8TeV

    Recent results on CP violation B0s meson decays

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    Measurements of CP violation in B0s mesons decays provide an excellent method to test the prediction of the Standard Model and search for effect of new physics beyond it. With the first 1 fb−1 √ of data collected in pp collisions at √s = 7TeV the LHCb experiment performed the world best precision measurements of the CP-violating phase φs and on the decay width difference ΔΓs. The analysis of the B0s → φφ decay and the measurement of the B0s lifetime in decays to CP eigenstates are also presented

    L'adaptation de la comptabilité publique à l'exigence de sincérité

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    Cahier de recherche n° 2010-12 E2C'est la loi organique n°2001-692 du 1er aout 2001 relative aux lois de finances qui a introduit la notion de sincĂ©ritĂ© des comptes publics, Ă  la fois pour le budget et pour la comptabilitĂ© de l'Etat. La loi constitutionnelle du 23 juillet 2008 dans son article 47-2 dispose que « les comptes des administrations publiques sont rĂ©guliers et sincĂšres. Ils donnent une image fidĂšle du rĂ©sultat de leur gestion, de leur patrimoine et de leur situation financiĂšre ». Elle s'applique donc Ă  l'Etat mais aussi aux collectivitĂ©s locales. La comptabilitĂ© publique est un instrument de preuve de l'utilisation de l'argent public et en mĂȘme temps de contrĂŽle de l'action publique. Par analogie avec la comptabilitĂ© privĂ©e, elle rĂ©sulte d'un processus de nĂ©gociation entre diffĂ©rents agents Ă©conomiques aux intĂ©rĂȘts propres et pour certains divergents. Nous montrerons ainsi en premiĂšre partie que la sincĂ©ritĂ© est nĂ©cessaire pour rendre des « comptes » aux partenaires de l'Etat et des CollectivitĂ©s Locales et comment les normes comptables Ă©tablies Ă  partir de 2004 rĂ©pondent Ă  ce principe. C'est la LOLF de 2 001 puis la loi constitutionnelle de 2008 qui mandatent la Cour des Comptes pour certifier la sincĂ©ritĂ© de la proposition de loi de finances et les comptes de l'Etat en vue des votes du Parlement. Les rapports de certification Ă©tablis par cette instance montrent que l'application des normes comptables est dĂ©licate en raison de la spĂ©cificitĂ© des actifs de l'Etat, le principe de sincĂ©ritĂ© se trouvant entravĂ©. Aussi le caractĂšre prĂ©visionnel du budget de l'Etat ou de toute autre administration publique ne rend-t-il pas le principe de sincĂ©ritĂ© irrĂ©alisable dans la rĂ©alisation de ce document ? Nous aborderons en deuxiĂšme partie l'opposition intrinsĂšque entre budget et notion de sincĂ©ritĂ© et la difficultĂ© de prĂ©senter des comptes sincĂšres de l'Eta

    The evolution of the number density of compact galaxies

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    We compare the number density of compact (small size) massive galaxies at low and high redshift using our Padova Millennium Galaxy and Group Catalogue (PM2GC) at z=0.03-0.11 and the CANDELS results from Barro et al. (2013) at z=1-2. The number density of local compact galaxies with luminosity weighted (LW) ages compatible with being already passive at high redshift is compared with the density of compact passive galaxies observed at high-z. Our results place an upper limit of a factor ~2 to the evolution of the number density and are inconsistent with a significant size evolution for most of the compact galaxies observed at high-z. The evolution may be instead significant (up to a factor 5) for the most extreme, ultracompact galaxies. Considering all compact galaxies, regardless of LW age and star formation activity, a minority of local compact galaxies (<=1/3) might have formed at z<1. Finally, we show that the secular decrease of the galaxy stellar mass due to simple stellar evolution may in some cases be a non-negligible factor in the context of the evolution of the mass-size relation, and we caution that passive evolution in mass should be taken into account when comparing samples at different redshifts.Comment: ApJ in pres

    L'adaptation de la comptabilité publique à l'exigence de sincérité

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    C'est la loi organique n°2001-692 du 1er aout 2001 relative aux lois de finances qui a introduit la notion de sincĂ©ritĂ© des comptes publics, Ă  la fois pour le budget et pour la comptabilitĂ© de l'Etat. La loi constitutionnelle du 23 juillet 2008 dans son article 47-2 dispose que « les comptes des administrations publiques sont rĂ©guliers et sincĂšres. Ils donnent une image fidĂšle du rĂ©sultat de leur gestion, de leur patrimoine et de leur situation financiĂšre ». Elle s'applique donc Ă  l'Etat mais aussi aux collectivitĂ©s locales. La comptabilitĂ© publique est un instrument de preuve de l'utilisation de l'argent public et en mĂȘme temps de contrĂŽle de l'action publique. Par analogie avec la comptabilitĂ© privĂ©e, elle rĂ©sulte d'un processus de nĂ©gociation entre diffĂ©rents agents Ă©conomiques aux intĂ©rĂȘts propres et pour certains divergents. Nous montrerons ainsi en premiĂšre partie que la sincĂ©ritĂ© est nĂ©cessaire pour rendre des « comptes » aux partenaires de l'Etat et des CollectivitĂ©s Locales et comment les normes comptables Ă©tablies Ă  partir de 2004 rĂ©pondent Ă  ce principe. C'est la LOLF de 2 001 puis la loi constitutionnelle de 2008 qui mandatent la Cour des Comptes pour certifier la sincĂ©ritĂ© de la proposition de loi de finances et les comptes de l'Etat en vue des votes du Parlement. Les rapports de certification Ă©tablis par cette instance montrent que l'application des normes comptables est dĂ©licate en raison de la spĂ©cificitĂ© des actifs de l'Etat, le principe de sincĂ©ritĂ© se trouvant entravĂ©. Aussi le caractĂšre prĂ©visionnel du budget de l'Etat ou de toute autre administration publique ne rend-t-il pas le principe de sincĂ©ritĂ© irrĂ©alisable dans la rĂ©alisation de ce document ? Nous aborderons en deuxiĂšme partie l'opposition intrinsĂšque entre budget et notion de sincĂ©ritĂ© et la difficultĂ© de prĂ©senter des comptes sincĂšres de l'EtatcomptabilitĂ© publique ; exigence de sincĂ©ritĂ©

    Flavour Tagging Algorithms and Performances in LHCb

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    In this note we describe the general characteristics of the LHCb flavour tagging algorithms and summarize the tagging performances on the Monte Carlo samples generated for the Data Challenge 2004 in different decay channels. We also discuss some systematics effects and possible methods to extract the mistag fraction in real data

    Constraining CP violation in neutral meson mixing with theory input

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    There has been a lot of recent interest in the experimental hints of CP violation in B_{d,s}^0 mixing, which would be a clear signal of beyond the standard model physics (with higher significance). We derive a new relation for the mixing parameters, which allows clearer interpretation of the data in models in which new physics enters in M_12 and/or \Gamma_12. Our results imply that the central value of the D\O\ measurement of the semileptonic CP asymmetry in B_{d,s}^0 decay is not only in conflict with the standard model, but in a stronger tension with data on \Delta\Gamma_s than previously appreciated. This result can be used to improve the constraint on \Delta\Gamma or A_SL, whichever is less precisely measured.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, informed of prior derivation of eq. (21), title modifie

    Seismic Vulnerability of the Italian Roadway Bridge Stock

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    This study focuses on the seismic vulnerability evaluation of the Italian roadway bridge stock, within the framework of a Civil Protection sponsored project. A comprehensive database of existing bridges (17,000 bridges with different level of knowledge) was implemented. At the core of the study stands a procedure for automatically carrying out state-of-the-art analytical evaluation of fragility curves for two performance levels – damage and collapse – on an individual bridge basis. A webGIS was developed to handle data and results. The main outputs are maps of bridge seismic risk (from the fragilities and the hazard maps) at the national level and real-time scenario damage-probability maps (from the fragilities and the scenario shake maps). In the latter case the webGIS also performs network analysis to identify routes to be followed by rescue teams. Consistency of the fragility derivation over the entire bridge stock is regarded as a major advantage of the adopted approach
