10 research outputs found


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    В статье рассматривается проблема формирования понятий проектной деятельности в высшей школе. Показывается, что сложившаяся практика включения студентов педагогических вузов в проектную деятельность слабо использует ее возможности для развития практического мышления будущих учителей.Цель исследования: разработка теоретически обоснованной модели учебного процесса, обеспечивающей развитие практического мышления будущих учителей через включение их в проектную деятельность.Методология. Рассматриваются условия, необходимые для развития практического мышления будущих учителей с позиций культурно исторической научной школы Л.С. Выготского, А.Н. Леонтьева, П.Я. Гальперина, В.В. Давыдова. Предлагается принципиальная схема обучения студентов методам постановки и решения практических проблем профессиональной деятельности в форме проектной деятельности. В ходе учебных занятий решаются как учебные, так и практические педагогические задачи, направленные на освоение метапредметных и профессиональных понятий.Результаты. В статье представлена модель образовательного процесса, направленного на развитие практического мышления студентов.The article deals with project activity of concepts formation at high school. The experience of student’s involving into project work doesn’t use its opportunity for mind development of future teachers.Purpouse. The target is to produce a theoretically substantiated model provided practical mind development through the project activity.Methodology. The conditions for practical mind development are analyzed based on the activity approach of the scientific school by L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontyev, P.J. Galperin, V.V. Davydov. The scheme is presented for teaching students how to define and to solve a problem in the project activity. During the process you deal with both learning and practical tasks directed to meta-subject and professional concepts development.Results. The article presents a model of the educational process aimed at developing students’ practical activities

    Features of Development of Regional Economy and Macroeconomic Trends in the XXI Century

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    Microeconomic approach is based on the fact that in the process of historical development in the world formed a certain system of countries which, thanks to its economic power and cultural potential, advances in scientific and technological progress, common understanding of international politics, especially international obligations on human rights and the functioning of democratic power structures and influences events in the world. So, by the end of the XX century, the world has formed a special region, including the UK, Italy, Russia, USA, Germany, France, Japan. Joint actions of these countries allow you to perform three functions: first, to contribute to their own development through active integration; second, to actively maintain relations of good neighborliness and peace; third, to provide various forms of material, financial and military assistance to countries that need it. The geopolitical approach is typical for some of the territorial unity of neighboring countries. In Europe, Asia, Latin America formed alliances of countries, which established the common market. There is a new economic integration of European countries by retaining only a symbolic border of the countries in the Union. Created a unified economic field with the common market, currency, rules of management. Keywords: macroeconomics, region, regional economy, development, trends JEL Classifications: E01, O11, O20, R11, R1

    The use of green constructions as a means of reducing the noise pollution

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    The main problems of a modern world are increased energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, urban runoff, and the urban heat island effect.They caused by buildings. Another urgent issue – noise pollution. These problems negatively affects human physical and psychological health. The soliton of the problems is a green construction. The article provide the analysis of the modern green wall technologies, a detailed look at the different vertical greening systems, their benefits and disadvantages, and how each of these systems reduce noise. The result revealed that there is no universal gardening system, it should be selected individually. In terms of noise reduction, hydroponic systems with green wall panels are the most noise-reducing systems. We evaluate the indicators of the effectiveness of green wall systems and select the rational solutions for integrated greening systems of buildings, compare existing technological solutions with innovative solution, patented by the authors. The result is presented by the development of technology with modular green systems, which will expand the practice of technological design, experimental construction and renovation of buildings, to improve the quality of the urban environment through rational construction and technological solutions and appropriate work methods

    Methodology for choosing the best design solution in construction

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    The article investigates amethodology for qualimetric evaluation of the design solutions and their quality. Qualimetric analysis makes it possible to improve the accuracy of quality evaluation and rationally choose the best design solution. A procedure for qualimetric evaluationas well as an algorithm for calculating weight coefficients and quality indicators have been developed. In the experimental part, a qualimetric analysis of three options for the project of an apartment building has been performed. A “quality tree” of the investigated object has been developed, weighting coefficients have been determined for each project quality indicator. The absolute, relative, and complex indicators of the quality of the assessed objects have been calculated, the best out of three options for the construction implementation has been determined. As a result, the methodology has been designed, tested, and formulated for further usage

    Development of methodology for evaluation of innovative IT-projects

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    Innovative business development based on a digital transformation is the urgent task for companies. It is able to ensure the implementation of innovation strategy and digital transformation of business. Due to the high development speed and the IT-market updating, the problem is lack of methods of rational choice of the IT-project. In practice, companies often implement IT-projects without reasonable selection and ranking, which leads to a high proportion of failed innovative IT-projects. As a result, the company does not receive a commercially successful product or service that stands out to the consumer among competitors. The evaluation of innovative IT-projects is based on the financial indicators analysis of the expected results from the implementation. The evaluation of the strategic coherence of the project is ignored. The research approaches the methodical of ranking innovative IT-projects in companies. The method consists in a comprehensive analysis of the impact of the proposed project results in various aspects of the company (strategic, environmental, organizational and technological). The study highlights the features of innovative projects in the field of information technology, a comparative analysis of methodological approaches to the evaluation of innovative projects, modified the model of acceptance of IT-innovations

    Sheared peridotite xenolith from the V. Grib kimberlite pipe, Arkhangelsk Diamond Province, Russia: Texture, composition, and origin

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    The petrography and mineral composition of a mantle-derived garnet peridotite xenolith from the V. Grib kimberlite pipe (Arkhangelsk Diamond Province, Russia) was studied. Based on petrographic characteristics, the peridotite xenolith reflects a sheared peridotite. The sheared peridotite experienced a complex evolution with formation of three main mineral assemblages: (1) a relict harzburgite assemblage consist of olivine and orthopyroxene porphyroclasts and cores of garnet grains (Gar1) with sinusoidal rare earth elements (REE) chondrite C1 normalized patterns; (2) a neoblastic olivine and orthopyroxene assemblage; (3) the last assemblage associated with the formation of clinopyroxene and garnet marginal zones (Gar2). Major and trace element compositions of olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and garnet indicate that both the neoblast and clinopyroxene-Gar2 mineral assemblages were in equilibrium with a high Fe-Ti carbonate-silicate metasomatic agent. The nature of the metasomatic agent was estimated based on high field strength elements (HFSE) composition of olivine neoblasts, the garnet-clinopyroxene equilibrium condition and calculated by REE-composition of Gar2 and clinopyroxene. All these evidences indicate that the agent was a high temperature carbonate-silicate melt that is geochemically linked to the formation of the protokimberlite melt

    European pollen-based REVEALS land-cover reconstructions for the Holocene: methodology, mapping and potentials

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    Quantitative reconstructions of past land cover are necessary to determine the processes involved in climate–human–land-cover interactions. We present the first temporally continuous and most spatially extensive pollen-based land-cover reconstruction for Europe over the Holocene (last 11 700 cal yr BP). We describe how vegetation cover has been quantified from pollen records at a 1∘ × 1∘ spatial scale using the “Regional Estimates of VEgetation Abundance from Large Sites” (REVEALS) model. REVEALS calculates estimates of past regional vegetation cover in proportions or percentages. REVEALS has been applied to 1128 pollen records across Europe and part of the eastern Mediterranean–Black Sea–Caspian corridor (30–75∘ N, 25∘ W–50∘ E) to reconstruct the percentage cover of 31 plant taxa assigned to 12 plant functional types (PFTs) and 3 land-cover types (LCTs). A new synthesis of relative pollen productivities (RPPs) for European plant taxa was performed for this reconstruction. It includes multiple RPP values (≥2 values) for 39 taxa and single values for 15 taxa (total of 54 taxa). To illustrate this, we present distribution maps for five taxa (Calluna vulgaris, Cerealia type (t)., Picea abies, deciduous Quercus t. and evergreen Quercus t.) and three land-cover types (open land, OL; evergreen trees, ETs; and summer-green trees, STs) for eight selected time windows. The reliability of the REVEALS reconstructions and issues related to the interpretation of the results in terms of landscape openness and human-induced vegetation change are discussed. This is followed by a review of the current use of this reconstruction and its future potential utility and development. REVEALS data quality are primarily determined by pollen count data (pollen count and sample, pollen identification, and chronology) and site type and number (lake or bog, large or small, one site vs. multiple sites) used for REVEALS analysis (for each grid cell). A large number of sites with high-quality pollen count data will produce more reliable land-cover estimates with lower standard errors compared to a low number of sites with lower-quality pollen count data. The REVEALS data presented here can be downloaded from https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.937075 (Fyfe et al., 2022)