60,742 research outputs found

    Long-term in situ observations on typhoon-triggered turbidity currents in the deep sea

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    This work is supported by the National Science Foundation of China (grants 91528304, 41576005, and 41530964). We thank J. Li, X. Lyu, P. Li, K. Duan, J. Ronan, Y. Wang, P. Ma, and Y. Li for cruise assistance; G. de Lange and J. Hinojosa for editing an early version of manuscript; and E. Pope and two anonymous reviewers for their reviews.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Singularities of determinantal pure pairs

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    Let XX be a generic determinantal affine variety over a perfect field of characteristic p0p \geq 0 and PXP \subset X be a standard prime divisor generator of Cl(X)Z\mathrm{Cl}(X) \cong \mathbb{Z}. We prove that the pair (X,P)(X,P) is purely FF-regular if p>0p>0 and so that (X,P)(X,P) is purely log terminal (PLT) if p=0p=0 and (X,P)(X,P) is log Q\mathbb{Q}-Gorenstein. In general, using recent results of Z. Zhuang and S. Lyu, we show that (X,P)(X,P) is of PLT-type, i.e. there is a Q\mathbb{Q}-divisor Δ\Delta with coefficients in [0,1)[0,1) such that (X,P+Δ)(X,P+\Delta) is PLT.Comment: 23 pages, minor corrections, final version, accepted for publication at the Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italian

    On Properties of Random Binary Contingency Tables with Non-Uniform Margin

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    We study the random binary contingency tables with non-uniform margin. More precisely, for parameters n,δ,B,Cn,\delta,B,C, we consider X=(Xij),Xij{0,1}X=(X_{ij}), X_{ij}\in \lbrace 0,1\rbrace the random binary contingency tables whose first [nδ][n^\delta] rows and columns have margin [BCn][BCn] and the rest columns and rows have margin [Cn][Cn]. We study various asymptotic properties of XX as nn\to \infty. Our treatment follows closely the recent paper of Dittmer-Lyu-Pak and this answers a question posted by Barvinok.Comment: 15 pages. Minor chang

    The Intrinsic Far-infrared Continua of Type-1 Quasars

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    The range of currently proposed active galactic nucleus (AGN) far-infrared templates results in uncertainties in retrieving host galaxy information from infrared observations and also undermines constraints on the outer part of the AGN torus. We discuss how to test and reconcile these templates. Physically, the fraction of the intrinsic AGN IR-processed luminosity compared with that from the central engine should be consistent with the dust-covering factor. In addition, besides reproducing the composite spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of quasars, a correct AGN IR template combined with an accurate library of star-forming galaxy templates should be able to reproduce the IR properties of the host galaxies, such as the luminosity-dependent SED shapes and aromatic feature strengths. We develop tests based on these expected behaviors and find that the shape of the AGN intrinsic far-IR emission drops off rapidly starting at 20 μ\sim20~\mum and can be matched by an Elvis et al. (1994)-like template with minor modification. Despite the variations in the near- to mid-IR bands, AGNs in quasars and Seyfert galaxies have remarkably similar intrinsic far-IR SEDs at λ20\lambda \sim 20-100 μ100~\mu m, suggesting similar emission character of the outermost region of the circumnuclear torus. The variations of the intrinsic AGN IR SEDs among the type-1 quasar population can be explained by the changing relative strengths of four major dust components with similar characteristic temperatures, and there is evidence for compact AGN-heated dusty structures at sub-kpc scales in the far-IR.Comment: Minor corrections to match the published version, 14 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables. The quasar intrinsic IR templates can be found at http://u.arizona.edu/~jianwei/data/AGN_temp.ascii or in the published pape

    Polar Dust, Nuclear Obscuration and IR SED Diversity in Type-1 AGNs

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    Despite the hypothesized similar face-on viewing angles, the infrared emission of type-1 AGNs has diverse spectral energy distribution (SED) shapes that deviate substantially from the well-characterized quasar templates. Motivated by the commonly-seen UV-optical obscuration and the discovery of parsec-scale mid-IR polar dust emission in some nearby AGNs, we develop semi-empirical SED libraries for reddened type-1 AGNs built on the quasar intrinsic templates, assuming low-level extinction caused by an extended distribution of large dust grains. We demonstrate that this model can reproduce the nuclear UV-to-IR SED and the strong mid-IR polar dust emission of NGC 3783, the type-1 AGN with the most relevant and robust observational constraints. In addition, we compile 64 low-zz Seyfert-1 nuclei with negligible mid-IR star formation contamination and satisfactorily fit the individual IR SEDs as well as the composite UV to mid-IR composite SEDs. Given the success of these fits, we characterize the possible infrared SED of AGN polar dust emission and utilize a simple but effective strategy to infer its prevalence among type-1 AGNs. The SEDs of high-zz peculiar AGNs, including the extremely red quasars, mid-IR warm-excess AGNs, and hot dust-obscured galaxies, can be also reproduced by our model. These results indicate that the IR SEDs of most AGNs, regardless of redshift or luminosity, arise from similar circumnuclear torus properties but differ mainly due to the optical depths of extended obscuring dust components.Comment: 37 pages, 22 figures, 5 tables; accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal; the AGN templates can be retrieved from https://github.com/karlan/AGN_template