17 research outputs found

    Systematics and plastid genome evolution of the cryptically photosynthetic parasitic plant genus Cuscuta (Convolvulaceae)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The genus <it>Cuscuta </it>L. (Convolvulaceae), commonly known as dodders, are epiphytic vines that invade the stems of their host with haustorial feeding structures at the points of contact. Although they lack expanded leaves, some species are noticeably chlorophyllous, especially as seedlings and in maturing fruits. Some species are reported as crop pests of worldwide distribution, whereas others are extremely rare and have local distributions and apparent niche specificity. A strong phylogenetic framework for this large genus is essential to understand the interesting ecological, morphological and molecular phenomena that occur within these parasites in an evolutionary context.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we present a well-supported phylogeny of <it>Cuscuta </it>using sequences of the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer and plastid <it>rps2</it>, <it>rbcL </it>and <it>matK </it>from representatives across most of the taxonomic diversity of the genus. We use the phylogeny to interpret morphological and plastid genome evolution within the genus. At least three currently recognized taxonomic sections are not monophyletic and subgenus <it>Cuscuta </it>is unequivocally paraphyletic. Plastid genes are extremely variable with regards to evolutionary constraint, with <it>rbcL </it>exhibiting even higher levels of purifying selection in <it>Cuscuta </it>than photosynthetic relatives. Nuclear genome size is highly variable within <it>Cuscuta</it>, particularly within subgenus <it>Grammica</it>, and in some cases may indicate the existence of cryptic species in this large clade of morphologically similar species.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Some morphological characters traditionally used to define major taxonomic splits within <it>Cuscuta </it>are homoplastic and are of limited use in defining true evolutionary groups. Chloroplast genome evolution seems to have evolved in a punctuated fashion, with episodes of loss involving suites of genes or tRNAs followed by stabilization of gene content in major clades. Nearly all species of <it>Cuscuta </it>retain some photosynthetic ability, most likely for nutrient apportionment to their seeds, while complete loss of photosynthesis and possible loss of the entire chloroplast genome is limited to a single small clade of outcrossing species found primarily in western South America.</p

    Field Dodder Life Cycle and Interaction with Host Plants

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    Cuscuta as a generalist type of holoparasitic plant interacts with various hostplants in different manners, and all Cuscuta species depend (absolutely) on hostplants to complete their life cycle. Field dodder is a parasitic plant that attaches tostems and leaves of broadleaf plants, including weeds, field crops, vegetables, andornamentals, across most agricultural regions of the world. Most hosts of Cuscutaplants are passive, only a few hosts are known to show clear resistance (e.g.,Ipomoea sp.). Unlike other weeds occurring in anthropogenic habitats that havebeen well-studied in their taxonomic, biological, and ecological aspects, as wellas their anatomical and physiological properties to some extent, the parasiticflowering species of the genus Cuscuta have been examined very scarcely despitethe great damage that they are able to cause. More extensive research is required in order to develop new means for parasitic weed control. A basic research shouldidentify new targets for control within the life cycle of the parasites and amongtheir metabolic activities