17 research outputs found

    A resposta de incerteza a silogismos inválidos em crianças

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    This study analyses the uncertainty reasoning whichhappens in invalid syllogisms. It is proposed a kind of analysís whichhighlights the process through which the logical necessary uncertainty isreached, integrating the test situation and the dialogue with theexperimenter. 48 children aged seven and nine years old were tested in invalid syllogism problems. This task engaged the children in a previousagreement before an evaluation and justification explanation of thesyllogistic conclusion were required. The seven years old children used tochange their answers during the dialogue with the experimenter, finallyattaining the correct answer. With the nine years old children we found anincrease of the wrong answers, followed by uncertainty justifications. Thisfact can be due to the resistance of the uncertainty answers, evident inthe nines more than in the sevens or, also, to variations due to thedialogue with the experimenter. It is suggested that the process throughwhich the children attain the necessary uncertainty includes a mechanismfor highlighting the linguistic material which composes the syllogism,which include the initial agreement and also the dialogue with theexperimenter.Este estudo analisa o raciocínio de incerteza presente nos silogismos inválidos. Propõe-se uma análise do processo através do qual se atinge a incerteza necessária, integrando-se a situação de exame e o diálogo com o experimentador. Foram examinadas 48 crianças de sete e nove anos de idade diante de silogismos inválidos. A tarefa consistia em avaliar e justificar a conclusão sílogística, precedida em um acordo inicialmente estabelecido. Aos sete anos registraram-se mudanças de resposta que conduziram à incerteza a partir do diálogo com o experimentador. Aos nove anos ocorreu um aumento de respostas erradas com justificativasde incerteza. Este fato poderia decorrer tanto do repúdio por respostas de incerteza, que ocorreria caracteristicamente aos nove e não aos sete anos, como de variações devidas ao diálogo com o experimentador. Sugere-se que o processo através do qual as crianças abordam a incerteza necessária envolve mecanismos de recorte do material linguístico que compõe o silogismo, no qual se inserem o acordo inicial e o diálogo com o experimentador

    Pharmaceutical care as a strategy to improve the safety and effectiveness of patients? pharmacotherapy at a pharmacy school: a practical proposal

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    Several patients experience at least one drug-related problem and Pharmaceutical Care can change this reality. This work describes a model for structuring the pharmaceutical care service at a pharmacy training unit of the Brazilian Public Health System based on pharmacotherapy follow-up program of Parkinson’s disease patients’ results. From the follow-up results (phase 1), a Therapy Management Scheme was designed (phase 2). Of the 57 patients followed-up, 30 presented at least one drug-related problem and 42% were non-adherent to treatment, which supported the need of pharmacotherapy management. The Pharmacotherapy Management Scheme was proposed as a pharmaceutical care service model, which presents 6 steps: first, the pharmacist fills out the dispensing form and assesses patient´s pharmacotherapy, if there is a suspect problem, he is invited to the follow-up (steps 1 and 2) and they agree the first appointment. After that, pharmacist studies the patient’s case (study phase, steps 3 and 4). At the second meeting, the pharmacist proposes the intervention needed, and at the third, assesses the intervention results and new problems (steps 5 and 6, respectively). The process ends when all therapeutics outcomes are reached. This practical model can significantly contributed to the development and organization of pharmaceutical care services

    Medication dispensing as an opportunity for patient counseling and approach to drug-related problems

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    ABSTRACT The objective was to describe and evaluate a model of drug dispensing developed and implemented in a community pharmacy in Brazil. This was a descriptive, observational, quasi-experimental study performed in the period between 21 January 2013 and 20 April 2013. The model was evaluated and described in terms of three parameters: structure, process and outcome. The description and assessment of each parameter was performed as follows: (I) Structure: profile of patients, pharmacist's professional profile, physical facility, informational material; (II) Process: drug-related problems, pharmaceutical interventions performed, results of pharmaceutical interventions; (III) Outcome: patient knowledge of medications. Dispensing service improved patient knowledge of medications (p < 0.05), which was associated with pharmacotherapy complexity (p < 0.05). The main problems identified were related to lack of patient knowledge regarding their medication (52.9%). Pharmaceutical interventions were mostly performed directly to the patients (86.3%) by verbal (95.4%) and written (68.2%) information, and most of the problems were completely solved (62.7%). The medicine dispensing model was able to identify and solve drug-related problems and promote an improvement in patient knowledge about medication

    Pharmaceutical consultation as a tool to improve health outcomes for patients with type 2 diabetes

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    This study develops and evaluates a pharmaceutical consultation program (PCP) to improve treatment for Type 2 diabetes patients (T2DP) and reduce risk factors for diabetic complications with possible application in other chronic diseases. We recruited T2DP receiving conventional medical treatment but with fasting glycemia >140mg/dl and/or glycated hemoglobin >7%. The PCP includes strategies obtained from Dader's method, the PWDT (Pharmacist's Workup of Drug Therapy method) model of pharmaceutical care, the SOAP (Subjective data, Objective data, Assessment, and Plan of care) method, and concepts based on a nursing care model. The PCP evaluated lifestyle, pharmacotherapy and monitoring it using laboratory tests, vital signs, and anthropometry. These procedures were repeated every 4 months for 1 year. Data obtained in each consultation were used to provide patient education focusing on healthy lifestyles and medications. Fifty patients completed the PCP. There were reductions in glycemia (PNeste estudo, desenvolvemos e avaliamos um programa de consulta farmacêutica (PCF) visando melhorar o tratamento de pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 (PDT2) e reduzir os fatores de risco de complicações diabéticas com possibilidade de aplicação em outras doenças crônicas. Para alcançar este propósito, PDT2 recebendo tratamento médico convencional, apresentando glicemia de jejum > 140 mg/dl e/ou hemoglobina glicada >7% foram selecionados. O PCF inclui estratégias obtidas a partir do método de Dader, do modelo de cuidados farmacêuticos PWDT (Pharmacist's Workup of Drug Therapy method), do método SOAP (Subjective data, Objective data, Assessment, and Plan of care) e conceitos baseados em um modelo de cuidados em enfermagem. O PCF avaliou o estilo de vida, farmacoterapia e seu monitoramento através de exames laboratoriais, sinais vitais e antropometria. Estes procedimentos foram repetidos a cada 4 meses durante 1 ano. Os dados obtidos em cada consulta possibilitaram oferecer educação focada no estilo de vida e uso de medicamentos. Para os 50 pacientes que concluiram o PCF houve redução da glicemia (P < 0.0001), hemoglobina glicada (P = 0.0022), colesterolemia (P = 0.0072), triacilgliceridemia (P= 0.0204) e pressão arterial (P < 0.0001). O aumento da concordância e a correção dos problemas relacionados a medicamentos contribuíram para melhoria do tratamento. Assim, podemos concluir que o PCF foi adequado para melhorar a saúde de PDT2 ao reduzir fatores de risco de complicações diabéticas

    Scholarly publishing depends on peer reviewers

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    The peer-review crisis is posing a risk to the scholarly peer-reviewed journal system. Journals have to ask many potential peer reviewers to obtain a minimum acceptable number of peers accepting reviewing a manuscript. Several solutions have been suggested to overcome this shortage. From reimbursing for the job, to eliminating pre-publication reviews, one cannot predict which is more dangerous for the future of scholarly publishing. And, why not acknowledging their contribution to the final version of the article published? PubMed created two categories of contributors: authors [AU] and collaborators [IR]. Why not a third category for the peer-reviewer?Scopu

    WHO global research priorities for antimicrobial resistance in human health

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    The WHO research agenda for antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in human health has identified 40 research priorities to be addressed by the year 2030. These priorities focus on bacterial and fungal pathogens of crucial importance in addressing AMR, including drug-resistant pathogens causing tuberculosis. These research priorities encompass the entire people-centred journey, covering prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of antimicrobial-resistant infections, in addition to addressing the overarching knowledge gaps in AMR epidemiology, burden and drivers, policies and regulations, and awareness and education. The research priorities were identified through a multistage process, starting with a comprehensive scoping review of knowledge gaps, with expert inputs gathered through a survey and open call. The priority setting involved a rigorous modified Child Health and Nutrition Research Initiative approach, ensuring global representation and applicability of the findings. The ultimate goal of this research agenda is to encourage research and investment in the generation of evidence to better understand AMR dynamics and facilitate policy translation for reducing the burden and consequences of AMR