459 research outputs found

    How the Overturning of Roe v. Wade Disproportionately Affects the Immigrant Asian American Population in the United States

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    On June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court overturned the historic case Roe v. Wade, ending the right to abortion across the United States. The overturning of Roe v. Wade and the responsive state statutes that criminalize abortion are yet further barriers to health access for Asian Americans, especially those who experience domestic violence, and are a violation of the universal Right to Health

    A New Lease on Life: The Occupational Impact of Adaptive Skiing

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    This research study focuses on understanding the occupational impact of adaptive skiing on well-being and identity to promote lifelong occupational engagement, representation, and inclusion within current ski culture. A mixed-method research study utilized a 25-question online survey and an optional one-time virtual interview. 50 adaptive skiers and/or snowboarders participating in a winter adaptive program between 18-65 years old completed this study. This study found positive evidence supporting outcomes related to physical, emotional, spiritual, and social well-being and positive identity formation from adaptive skiing.https://soar.usa.edu/otdcapstonesspring2024/1021/thumbnail.jp

    Occupational Barriers in Attendance of Diabetes Prevention Programs in Adults of Low Socioeconomic Status

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    The purpose of this project was to meet the needs of adults of low socioeconomic status that are at risk for developing diabetes due to multiple occupational barriers through evidence-based interventions developed by Occupational Therapists. Reflecting on current literature on the social determinants of health can help clients achieve a better quality of life. It addressed the specific barriers in an individual’s lifestyle and community resources faced daily in occupations such as managing finances, shopping, sleeping, cooking, and eating healthier, along with utilizing physical activity to prevent diabetes. OT is underutilized in this area even though the expertise is needed to decrease the prevalence of diabetes. By the end of this mixed methods research project, OT can be recognized as a stakeholder in the Center for Disease and Prevention Control’s diabetes prevention program to advocate for these clients to receive all the diabetes prevention assistance afforded to everyone. Type II diabetes is rising rapidly around the world. This project highlights barriers in clients in the Northern Virginia region. Looking at diabetes prevention at the local level rather than the national level allows for a more accurate picture of the barriers these individuals face. Later this data could be used for further studies in other areas across the United States and even internationally.https://soar.usa.edu/otdcapstonessummer2023/1034/thumbnail.jp

    The Occupational Impacts that Sexual Assault has on Female College Students

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    This mixed methods study outlines some of the occupational impacts that sexual assault has on female college students. Data was collected by both a survey and personal testimonies from readily available experiences. This paper introduces the problem and some things that can be done from an occupational therapy perspective.https://soar.usa.edu/otdcapstonessummer2023/1026/thumbnail.jp

    Occupation Based Program Enhancement: Promoting Social and Leisure Participation Post-Stroke

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    This presentation describes the importance of social and leisure participation for individuals who have had a stroke and explores the role of occupational therapy in promoting this area of occupation for the population.https://soar.usa.edu/otdcapstonesspring2023/1036/thumbnail.jp

    OTs Role in the Interdisciplinary Team with Partial Hand Amputations and Prosthetics

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    A mixed methods study that explores the barriers within the healthcare system to receiving a referral to a prosthetist after partial hand amputation.https://soar.usa.edu/otdcapstonessummer2023/1035/thumbnail.jp

    Plan for Retirement versus the Occupational Impact Throughout Retirement: The Significance of Identity and Role Transitions

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    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to conduct a mixed methods research study on retired individuals and identifying their occupational identity throughout their retired experience. METHODS: Using survey methods, a demographic questionnaire was sent out to individuals who signed up to participate in the study. To participate, individuals had to be in the age range of 50-80 years with a minimum of 2 years post retirement. A total of 15 participants initially signed up with a 93% survey response rate (n=14) and 86% (n=13) response rate for completion of the study with an interview. RESULTS: Most participants reported dealing with adaptations as best as they could to continue through their retirement. The research results supported themes found in the literature. CONCLUSIONS: This mixed methods study suggests that there continues to be a missing gap in literature about a potential resource to assist in facilitating the transitions into and throughout retirement.https://soar.usa.edu/otdcapstonessummer2023/1037/thumbnail.jp

    An Exploration of Pediatric Occupational Therapist\u27s Perspectives on Functional and Assistive Mobility

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    Background: Occupational therapists (OTs) are highly skilled in assessing context, environment, and sensory-motor needs which are critical in addressing functional mobility and implementing assistive mobility devices. There is limited research on pediatric OT’s role in functional mobility. This study aims to explore pediatric OT\u27s roles and perceptions of functional mobility and the implementation and use of assistive mobility devices. Methods: Data was collected via an online survey with an option to participate in a follow-up interview. Descriptive statistics and thematic analysis were used to summarize trends and differences in the data. Results: Twenty licensed OTs working in a variety of pediatric settings participated in the survey. Four participated in the interview. Participants indicated that they perceived functional mobility as part of their role with less emphasis on their role when assistive mobility devices are introduced. Three key themes emerged from qualitative data: functional mobility as a means to an end, disconnect between perception and practice, and blurred lines in scope of practice. Discussion: Occupational therapists have an important role in addressing functional mobility, including the implementation and use of assistive mobility devices. However, there is a lack of clarity regarding scope of practice when addressing functional mobility as well as addressing implementation and use of assistive mobility devices.https://soar.usa.edu/otdcapstonesspring2024/1037/thumbnail.jp

    Occupation-Focused Aquatic Therapy for Stroke Survivors

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    This capstone project explores the impact of aquatics-based occupational therapy on stroke survivors\u27 quality of life. A needs assessment was performed at an outpatient aquatic physical therapy clinic, and an aquatic program was developed based on stroke survivors\u27 unmet physical, social, mental, and occupational needs.https://soar.usa.edu/otdcapstonesspring2024/1039/thumbnail.jp
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