166 research outputs found

    Numerical simulations of coronal particle trapping

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    In this paper the trapping of high energy particles in solar coronal loops is addressed. Using simulations, the time evolution of electrons and protons trapped in a magnetic bottle is calculated under various scattering conditions and the results compared with loss-cone analysis. Thereafter the case of time-dependent injection into a magnetic loop is addressed, and the results compared with previous analytic work on X and γ-ray delay times

    Generation of solar Hα impact polarization by fragmented evaporative upflows

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    In this paper a novel mechanism is proposed for the generation of Hα impact polarization observed during some solar flares. Rather than being generated by the primary particle beams transporting energy from the chromosphere to the corona, we suggest that following heating, the solar chromosphere evaporates in a fragmented manner, and that impact excitations in the regions of interaction of hot evaporating and cool non-evaporating material locally generates impact-polarized Hα emission. This thermal upflow model is more consistent with the large areas and times over which polarization is observed than are beam models. A simple model for the process is given, and the resulting polarization is calculated and compared with observations, under two assumptions about the number density of neutral particles in the interaction regions

    Physical Properties of White-Light Sources in the 2011 Feb 15 Solar Flare

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    White light flares (WLFs) are observational rarities, making them understudied events. However, optical emission is a significant contribution to flare energy budgets and the emission mechanisms responsible could have important implications for flare models. Using Hinode SOT optical continuum data taken in broadband red, green and blue filters, we investigate white-light emission from the X2.2 flare SOL2011-02-15T01:56:00. We develop a technique to robustly identify enhanced flare pixels and, using a knowledge of the RGB filter transmissions, determined the source color temperature and effective temperature. We investigated two idealized models of WL emission - an optically thick photospheric source, and an optically thin chromospheric slab. Under the optically thick assumption, the color temperature and effective temperature of flare sources in sunspot umbra and penumbra were determined as a function of time and position. Values in the range of 5000-6000K were found, corresponding to a blackbody temperature increase of a few hundred kelvin. The power emitted in the optical was estimated at ∼1026\sim 10^{26}ergs s−1^{-1}. In some of the white-light sources the color and blackbody temperatures are the same within uncertainties, consistent with a blackbody emitter. In other regions this is not the case, suggesting that some other continuum emission process is contributing. An optically thin slab model producing hydrogen recombination radiation is also discussed as a potential source of WL emission; it requires temperatures in the range 5,500 - 25,000K, and total energies of ∼1027\sim 10^{27}ergs s−1^{-1}.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, 15 pages, 15 figure

    The Impulsive Phase in Solar Flares: Recent Multi-wavelength Results and their Implications for Microwave Modeling and Observations

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    This short paper reviews several recent key observations of the processes occurring in the lower atmosphere (chromosphere and photosphere) during flares. These are: evidence for compact and fragmentary structure in the flare chromosphere, the conditions in optical flare footpoints, step-like variations in the magnetic field during the flare impulsive phase, and hot, dense 'chromospheric' footpoints. The implications of these observations for microwaves are also discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, presented at 'Solar Physics with Radio Observations' Symposium, November 2012, Nagoya, Japa

    Cycle 23 Variation in Solar Flare Productivity

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    The NOAA listings of solar flares in cycles 21-24, including the GOES soft X-ray magnitudes, enable a simple determination of the number of flares each flaring active region produces over its lifetime. We have studied this measure of flare productivity over the interval 1975-2012. The annual averages of flare productivity remained approximately constant during cycles 21 and 22, at about two reported M or X flares per region, but then increased significantly in the declining phase of cycle 23 (the years 2004-2005). We have confirmed this by using the independent RHESSI flare catalog to check the NOAA events listings where possible. We note that this measure of solar activity does not correlate with the solar cycle. The anomalous peak in flare productivity immediately preceded the long solar minimum between cycles 23 and 24

    Determining Energy Balance in the Flaring Chromosphere from Oxygen V Line Ratios

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    The impulsive phase of solar flares is a time of rapid energy deposition and heating in the lower solar atmosphere, leading to changes in the temperature and density structure of the region. We use an O V density diagnostic formed of the 192 to 248 line ratio, provided by Hinode EIS, to determine the density of flare footpoint plasma, at O V formation temperatures of 250,000 K, giving a constraint on the properties of the heated transition region. Hinode EIS rasters from 2 small flare events in December 2007 were used. Raster images were co-aligned to identify and establish the footpoint pixels, multiple-component Gaussian line fitting of the spectra was carried out to isolate the diagnostic pair, and the density was calculated for several footpoint areas. The assumptions of equilibrium ionization and optically thin radiation for the O V lines were found to be acceptable. Properties of the electron distribution, for one event, were deduced from earlier RHESSI hard X-ray observations and used to calculate the plasma heating rate, delivered by an electron beam adopting collisional thick-target assumptions, for 2 model atmospheres. Electron number densities of at least log n = 12.3 cm-3 were measured during the flare impulsive phase, far higher than previously expected. For one footpoint, the radiative loss rate for this plasma was found to exceed that which can be delivered by an electron beam implied by the RHESSI data. However, when assuming a completely ionised target atmosphere the heating rate exceeded the losses. A chromospheric thickness of 70-700 km was found to be required to balance a conductive input to the O V-emitting region with radiative losses. The analysis shows that for heating by collisional electrons, it is difficult, or impossible to raise the temperature of the chromosphere to explain the observed densities without assuming a completely ionised atmosphere.Comment: Accepted to A&A 14th September 201
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