7 research outputs found
Marriage, Residential Movement and Cultural Innovation of Women in the Hamar-Banna-Bashada Cluster
Shada Alma:“What hunt does a girl have? A girl’s hunt is when she marries. (laugh)Otherwise does she go hunting? She just stays at home with her mother.”(Two girls go hunting, Lydall and Head 1991) Duka Aike: “A girl’s hunt is when she marries. That’s when I’ll go hunting.”(The women who smile, Lydall and Head 1990) Introduction: marriage and the movement of women The idea for this paper arose from a seemingly simple fact: as in most patrilineal societies, it is the women in the Hamar-Banna-B..
Communication across cultural divides: The example of kinship
Meyer C. Communication across cultural divides: The example of kinship. In: Strecker I, Lydall J, eds. The Perils of Face. Essays on Cultural Contact, Respect and Self-Esteem in Southern Ethiopia. Mainzer Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung. Vol 10. Münster: Lit; 2006: 71-81